UknowWhat I Found On The Crootin Trail

Sure...probably have a little bit of everyone on CIS...I imagine most parents and former players either remain anonymous or only read the board. Besides...summer is the safest time to be on the board. LOL.

Is it common for family members to drop by the forums like this? I mean any other time I'd call BS, but obviously this guy is legit.

Thanks for posting, and congrats. It's a awesome opportunity to play for a great football program and a great school. I'm looking forward to seeing your son play.

Dopest dope I ever smoked

Swasey putting in work, this guys really knows how to connect with the kids. Smart move keeping him around by this staff.
After going on a few recruiting trips (Auburn, Georgia, Florida, USC and Miami) here are some things I've noticed that favors UM and others that not so favorable for The U.

Con: Locker Room appearance - All the other schools locker room were neat and orderly... whats the big deal? My wife takes that as an indicator of lack of attention to detail and order.... Moms are a big influence in the recruiting process

Con: Dormitory/Living Conditions... The U lacks all the other schools we have visited. Again another mommy concerns. The other schools living facilities were much nicer.

Pro: The City of Miami as a backdrop

Pro: Schools reputation - History on Winning and the Swag... (Needs a Touch Up)

IMO - The Pros out weigh the Cons...

Awesome. Just awesome. Congrats and Thank you!
Swasey putting in work, this guys really knows how to connect with the kids. Smart move keeping him around by this staff.

Uhhh.. I'll save my thoughts for another day when there's a thread on him.

Great stuff in this thread though, always intrigued to hear what parents think of Miami and etc.
Do you recall which dorm it was you looked at? For some reason, most tours show kids the towers. No idea if it's the same for athlete visits. My dorm room at Eaton was nicer than anything else I've seen to this day.
Sooooo who's your kid?
Shaq Quarterman...

We need to meet up you me and Jrock so we can intorduce Shaq to Shavar Manuel... I'm trying to get him down here...#1 LB and #1 DE in 2016 class could be bibilical. Hes a big time UM fan we need to get em pops. We need to put them boys on together on facebook, twitter or something. I will private message you

That's a great idea... the advantage of early commitments is, it could attract other recruits... We are here in Jax area with Michael Pinkney... we need to meet up with him also...

What's going on right here is ******* beautiful.

So proud to have you and your son to be a part of this program. Welcome to the family! I live out in Jax Beach and have already gotten with a host of my friends and Cane fans who will be attending your son's football games supporting him and representing the U up here in North Florida. He could be the next all time great linebacker to come out of the U. Looking forward to seeing him develop and grow in his career. I know you are a proud parent to be part of such a legendary program at one the most outstanding academic universities in the country. Welcome Dad and welcome Shaq!!!!!!!!
God bless you UknowWhat. Your input is greatly appreciated and we're very excited to see your son ball out in a few years!!
Refreshing perspective, congrats on your incredible family. It's an honor to have your son at the U, I live directly across the street from the university.
Sure...probably have a little bit of everyone on CIS...I imagine most parents and former players either remain anonymous or only read the board. Besides...summer is the safest time to be on the board. LOL.

Is it common for family members to drop by the forums like this? I mean any other time I'd call BS, but obviously this guy is legit.

Thanks for posting, and congrats. It's a awesome opportunity to play for a great football program and a great school. I'm looking forward to seeing your son play.

We have had a lot of players and recruits post on CIS. The best is when a recruit starts posting in a thread about themselves.
Congratulations to you and your son. I just graduated from the U and concede that the on campus dorms are not the best, but you guys should check out the UV dorms. They are extremely nice and right across the street from the Hecht!. I'm not sure how it works for athletes, but students are allowed to move there starting Junior year. My degree from UM has opened many doors for me thus far, and I assure you that your son is making a wise academic decision, aside from all of the athletic successes of our future teams.
Sure...probably have a little bit of everyone on CIS...I imagine most parents and former players either remain anonymous or only read the board. Besides...summer is the safest time to be on the board. LOL.

Is it common for family members to drop by the forums like this? I mean any other time I'd call BS, but obviously this guy is legit.

Thanks for posting, and congrats. It's a awesome opportunity to play for a great football program and a great school. I'm looking forward to seeing your son play.

We have had a lot of players and recruits post on CIS. The best is when a recruit starts posting in a thread about themselves.

I have always wondered about this............

Unfortunately I know you won't name names either.............

Congrats to you and your son he is one of the best commits we got. In defense of UM and the dorms the big state schools have the money to put athletes up in their own housing separate from other students. Miami doesn't have that kind of budget to work with.

Thanks, and yeah the big schools with a 150 brazillion alumni can afford that sort of thing... Miami does a great job of competing with the likes, with a fraction of the budget...

That brings up a question--how many trillions is a brazillion?
Congrats to you & your son Shaq! Can you explain how a typical recruiting visit goes? Just curious, what coach seemed to connect best with your family?
They Love up on the kid... tell how he could be impact to the them around the facilities....I'm retired military so I know the up on you to get you in... then once you in... it like know get your *** to work... But thats cool because you are getting in free education then you should work your but off to earn it... The best impression made on my wife was Mark Richt... never talked about football after extending a offer to Shaq... He talked about the preparation of life after football... explain that players dedicate their lives to football and when football is over ... they have difficulties to adjusting to a normal life... even if a player makes it to the pros... the average life span of a pro player is about 4 years... so he encouraged to be prepared for life rather it came sooner on later. Coach Andreu Swasey gave off the same impression.... He help solidify Shaq's decision

Coach Richt is a product of the U, by the way, if you didn't know it. He was Jim Kelly's backup.
1st Thank you for your service! I'm so excited listening to you as I can tell you are a great parent and have given your son a great foundation to make educated choices. We are lucky Miami is one of them. It's funny the little things that moms see, but yet they are so important. You have confirmed my reasoning to be a canes fan.