UGA doing UGA things

Yessss!! If Tennessee Tua doesn’t F things up, they should win especially with Beck going against their defense

I like the Tennessee Tua...

I sometimes hit 90 on the Freeway & feel like that's too fast.

Who the fxk does 106 anywhere & not think you're one wrong slight wheel turn from losing control of the vehicle & crashing or flipping that mf'er??
Obviously, the UGA footballers.
Got one going 15+ over the speed limit in Virginia - I'm coming up for my first parole hearing in 2032.
Back in the 80’s I got a ticket in Va, while driving my MGB back to Ga. 7 miles over. I was keeping it at the speed limit, but the SP officer said no, and wrote me up, and said maybe my speedometer was off. Got back to ATL and had it checked, note it was spot on. Never did pay that mfing ticket, wonder if they’re still looking for me.