UF Trolled too... Donnell Harris Part 2

WTF are you talking about? Almost all of these "divas" have fathers and grow up in nice homes. Just look at their IG pictures inside their houses.
Football is becoming very diva like because instead of getting kids from the hood like in the old days, we are getting these soft *** middle class kids. Look at OBJ, the biggest diva in the NFL, has both parents.
Yeah this couldn't be further from the truth.
Lol ***** ufag. Glad he did this. Regardless of whether he did this or not my view of him was never gonna change so who cares. Glad it happened to ufag. Although on one hand you wonder what did they do to him to make him mad?

They probably did nothing more than get his bag from TAMU bigger. LOL. Or maybe he was mad they wouldn’t match it.
For a guy his age, I'm surprised he haven't packed on more weight before arriving on campus.
What is the point of doing this? Kids that pull this crap lack a lot of maturity. I’d smack my kid if he pulled some bull**** like that.

Big problem with the kids these days is their Parents are soft and don't teach their kid respect and honor because they themselves have none. Sad............
What is the point of doing this? Kids that pull this crap lack a lot of maturity. I’d smack my kid if he pulled some bull**** like that.
Exactly. What ever happened to having some class and dignity? I hate the Gators, but they offered him a scholarship and an opportunity for a better future. Why "troll" them or any other school? Do they think it makes them cool or edgy? It just makes them ********.
Big problem with the kids these days is their Parents are soft and don't teach their kid respect and honor because they themselves have none. Sad............
Not even just their parents, but any adult involved in their lives. All the adults in that video were clappin and ****, laughin their asses off. That **** is childish as ****, even if it is ****ting on the gaytors
WTF are you talking about? Almost all of these "divas" have fathers and grow up in nice homes. Just look at their IG pictures inside their houses.
Football is becoming very diva like because instead of getting kids from the hood like in the old days, we are getting these soft *** middle class kids. Look at OBJ, the biggest diva in the NFL, has both parents.

I'm confused here, are you saying having both parents is a bad thing when it comes to football lol
Don’t understand why kids want to do this lol wow you totally fooled everyone for 3 seconds
What is the point of doing this? Kids that pull this crap lack a lot of maturity. I’d smack my kid if he pulled some bull**** like that.
Lack of maturity by the kids and lack of direction from the parents. The sad part is that for the vast majority of these kids, they won’t make the NFL so this stunt will be the high point of their lives if they don’t get serious about their education.