UF Trolled too... Donnell Harris Part 2

Look at the stiff old guys ... "back in my day"dumbasses.

Back in your day your dad did not cry about recruits going elsewhere.

I found it funny.
Lol ***** ufag. Glad he did this. Regardless of whether he did this or not my view of him was never gonna change so who cares. Glad it happened to ufag. Although on one hand you wonder what did they do to him to make him mad?
I'd say there is a strong correlation between this kind of behavior in the recruiting process and being kind of bummy as collegiate. Gotta be some scientific research on this subject.
They all flame out. They're immature, mentally weak, and entitled. The second things get tough, they self destruct. These guys don’t know how to overcome adversity.
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A lot of these kids are raised by single mothers so this where the diva look at me **** comes from!

WTF are you talking about? Almost all of these "divas" have fathers and grow up in nice homes. Just look at their IG pictures inside their houses.
Football is becoming very diva like because instead of getting kids from the hood like in the old days, we are getting these soft *** middle class kids. Look at OBJ, the biggest diva in the NFL, has both parents.
I am all for these kids enjoying their recruiting and playing the hat game, but going out of your way to troll like that is lame. Its always funny seeing these guys flop. They care more about the attention than playing the game.