TVD Staying at UM Mega-Thread (F off Nick and the local Miami media dreck)

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Is he gonna hold out for more right before fall practice or will he at least throw a pass in game before he looks for another reup?
When he officially announces can you let us know who we were gonna go after if he did transfer I'm really curious lol
We should still go after them and promise them the spot as TVD won’t be here by end of 23-24 season. I think that is obvious and we need to figure how to parlay this stunt into him making his bed to lie in with a solid backup.
My question is… this dude is the highest paid player on the team, and his agent is able to get an offer from Bama that easily to entice him to leave after a 5-7 season… how much is Bama paying guys? This is the issue with all this, I love the players making money, but with no transparency this just feels gross. If they’re going to allow this through the schools then the contracts need to be disclosed.
2 things...

1) I am willing to bet that most kids are willing to give Alabama (and other schools with a recent track record of putting players in the league) a discount as they may look at it as an investment and/or the opportunity to compete for a National Championship (hopefully Miami is improved, but we aren't competing for the MNC this year)

2) Does the company where you work publish your salary (I realize for some like those in the public sector it does, but for most people it doesn't)? It's up to both the players and the schools to figure out they are worth and what other schools are willing to pay.

Certainly there is something to be said for pay transparency, but why should they have to disclose when normal employers do not in most cases?
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