TVD Staying at UM Mega-Thread (F off Nick and the local Miami media dreck)

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Practices have been limited for 15 years. Bro why do you type so fast, and make up stuff up. We have relationships with the kids, its genuine Miami cant tamper with that..

Bro last week we were at FLORIDA, Georgia, and tomorrow LSU. Keep thinking business starts and ends with the Canes it doesnt. Nobody has freely supported and recruited for the Canes like us. We have told these stories on our platform. Pic a name we sit down with them all. You just dont know what your looking at, because its real not fabricated lol. Thanks for following haven't posted in here in years back to minding my business
You are a real person?


On top of it, how does he know the guy he’s accusing of attacking him because he’s black - @JayCane20 - isn’t black as well??? I have no idea but it’s pretty presumptuous.
Speaking specifically to 'isnt black as well', JayCane did layout how he knows them in a previous post, so I assume they who he is as well (I admit that isn't a for sure thing).
Some of you are defending TVD but completely missing the point.

He wants his money, sure ok. But not only did this happen in December and we gave him a pay bump, but he was tasked and trusted with recruiting kids to Miami. Now he’s just going to jump ship…lol ok defend that. If you still have sympathy, you’re just not a Cane. It’s really simple.
If you’re a news outlet and you find the face of the program is considering leaving. You don’t withhold that information.

Unc Drake Maye same **** happened. It didn’t ruin a locker room. Y’all over think stuff always. Man wants to get paid. Everyone in that locker room is thinking the same thing.
When it came out about Maye, he promptly shot it down and said he was happy where he was. That put it to rest. The same with Van Der Griff recently. TVD meanwhile is listening and appears to be entertaining the idea.

From the outside, the perceptions are completely different.
The Vandergriff situation is way different because he isnt starting. Maye is similar but that happened back in Dec and he shut it down shortly after. This is happening after the spring, and the timing is awful. This should have been kept quiet and if someone else leaked it, **** them. This did nothing to help Miami as a program, it made us look bad.
There are two outcomes.

1. Miami pony’s up and comes to an agreement with Tyler.
2. Parties go their separate ways and both seek opportunities elsewhere.

This news doesn’t make anyone look any kind of way. Saturday in September when the ball kicks off no one will give a ****. It’ll be about wins and losses.

News cycle is this so far. Bama is interested in Miami’s starting QB and potentially offering him better NiL deal. How tf does that make us look bad? Lol Bama the home of Nick Saban is interested Tyler 😂

There’s Miami world it looks bad. There’s the real world National news. Miami losses starting QB to Bama. Tough blow for Miami but it’s Bama. Lol
When it came out about Maye, he promptly shot it down and said he was happy where he was. That put it to rest. The same with Van Der Griff recently. TVD meanwhile is listening and appears to be entertaining the idea.

From the outside, the perceptions are completely different.
It’s been less than 24 hours lol this could be resolved today for all we know and it’s the exact same situation.
What is promptly?
"let's be real about this. Mario probably ruined TVD's career last year...because why would he come back and play for a coach who in all likelihood ended his chances of being a pro quarterback?..."
That is 100% not real...but go on...
Yea, I kind of agree here...footballville is a reporter, he puts food on his table with news and clicks. This story/rumor whatever you want to call it obviously has traction. Isn't it their job to report on this stuff? Not trying to defend them and it sucks because it is evident this news getting out is bad for UM...just not sure I get that so much of the outburst in this thread is directed to them.
When you charge for info it puts you in an awkward position , sometimes it becomes more about yourself / business than about the program you apparently care about. Sec schools media doesn’t do this **** because they know they’d be f’d if it happened, you’d lose access. I’ve seen it where I live.

If it puts Miami in a bad light or causes negativity on the program why report it or leak it ? This is just more fuel for the narrative. This negotiation has been going on for a good minute and nobody said anything.

Once again, this beings nothing but negativity to the program and TVD. Our media has always done this going all the way back to Lebatard putting a gun to his alma maters head and pulling the trigger.
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This seems like unsubstantiated rumors. Either way, beyond 2021 he hasn’t shown anything to warrant more NIL. Wish him the best either way.
Did you just skip the 60+ pages where it was confirmed by people on this board who have proven over and over to have connections as well as the Miami Herald feeling comfortable enough to run a story on it including citing that friends of TVD confirmed it?
Yea it def was but hopefully the new Collective is better. It's off to a smoother of now
Good. I’m not one of these people who takes pleasure in anyone else’s misfortune, and for that young man and his family I feel bad.
All of these collectives will be a mess for a few years until things settle down in NIL world. UF was public but I’m confident similar things have happened elsewhere as @Brooklyndee noted but just haven’t received the attention.
Clearly you’re blinded by the orange and green shades.

This has been a complete cluster **** by all parties involved starting in December 2022 when Miami started its search for the OC.

Clearly, I’m not. I’m thinking logically and keeping an open mind while you’ve staked out a position that is a total guess and stating it as fact.

I have no orange and green glasses, I’m just open minded and waiting for more info before I trash ANYBODY or my alma mater.

You’re a small minded little person with a one track mind as your posts show.
You are a real person?


I'm having fun.

And this MIGHT not be the best thread for you right now. A lot of anger, I'm just trying to make sure you don't take any shrapnel.

I hear you. This IS a delicate situation because DO you grow a pair if you're Mario and tell him to kick rocks? The plus side is you earn more respect from your staff and players that no one player is bigger than the team type of mindset. Also might lead into some leeway with the 2023 season if Miami isn't able to get a [perceived] upgrade or lateral movement at QB in the portal. The fall back can be "well, you saw what happened to their projected starter in the spring, how can you blame them for struggling".

I guess the downside could be if you are left with the room you have now if TVD leaves and you aren't able to match/upgrade in the portal...expectations for 2023 will be low and the pressure to land a top flight QB for the 2024 season will sky rocket. Not really a negative if you can convince a top flight QB the job is basically theirs next year
What does this even mean?

Anyway, you have a right to your opinion, and your agenda, and in case it is not obvious to the readers, it’s to trash Miami, and make Miami look as the villain and the worst possible actor in this drama.

You just do you.

But realize some of us are not stupid and we can see what you’re doing.
Dude go through my post history, I’ve been on this site as a lurker since 2013. I ride and die for the Canes. I have been one of the most positive posters on this site.

this reeks of a leak from either Miami or lifewallet to show that they want to spread NIL around and TVD wants to be selfish and take it all. We had similar leaks last year with Wong.

Especially with the challenges Lifewallet has going on right now. Doesn’t it make more sense for them to leak that they want to pay all the players vs just one?

Maybe I’m jaded from the Boston media and the redsox. But I’ve seen this **** way toooo many times. Look up the **** the Red Sox leaked about mookie Betts, Terry francona, John Farrell when they going out the door.
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