TVD Staying at UM Mega-Thread (F off Nick and the local Miami media dreck)

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what I don’t get is, I know Shannon Dawson isnt a household name but what he’s shown as an OC should definitely appeal to TVD more than a pretty green OC in Tommy Rees who runs a system closer to Gattis than Lashlee

If TVD is purely leaving for money, well fuq him

Money and every kid who plays that position for Bama gets drafted, usually in the first round, and we go decades without having anyone drafted at that position, period.

Anyone saying playing QB for Bama vs Miami at this point in time wouldn’t significantly raise your profile is hilariously wrong. Just is what it is. Step out of Miami fan message board dude shoes right now and look big picture.
Dam fellas, I caint buleeve this kid iz gone bail on us win we fixin to turn dis thang arownd! Da U needs ta git Brock Vandagrift frum UGA iffin he jumps in da portolet. Sumbuddy git Ruiz on da horn an fill a bag fer em.
So it’s fine that a coach can jump ship whenever they want for a better opportunity, but players should be penalized for doing the same?
That's only partially true. A coach (in most instances)has financial repercussions like buy outs etc. Yes it does have different degrees to this, but for a kid right now there's zero repercussions unless some credits don't travel with you.
That's only partially true. A coach (in most instances)has financial repercussions like buy outs etc. Yes it does have different degrees to this, but for a kid right now there's zero repercussions unless some credits don't travel with you.
Does a coach face those buy out repercussions though, or do the schools? In almost all cases, don’t the new schools eat those?
Now that its out to a much more widespread audience it def make TVD look bad to players on the team in some cases, although kids today have 10 second memories and would probably be giving it likes on social media.

But it also puts Bama in a bad situation regardless of the jokes regarding Bama being untouchable. Interested to see if Saban mentions it without mentioning names. "We feel we have 3-4 guys in that qb room that can lead us to an NC"
NCAA needs to bring back the sit out a year after transferring rule. One of their biggest mistakes was removing that and it was pretty much for no reason.

That would end 90% of this ridiculousness and you could then give unlimited transfers, full access to team activities, full NIL opportunity etc, just cant play in games until the following year.
The reasoning was like pretty much everything else that has changed recently - other students (including ones in non-revenue sports) can transfer without any penalties so if they are saying football and basketball players are student athletes, why do they get restricted?

I get the differences, but from a legal standpoint it is a difficult case to be made (like NIL).
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