To those who said Manny was awful at recruiting

Was ready to give up on Manny after the FIU game but he has really impressed me with what he's done since the end of the season.

What he's pulled off since the final gam of the season has been nothing short of miraculous.
We said the same thing the last off season but don't fall for the banana in the tail pipe trick again. It's wins and loses that count. I'm going to wait until the season before I state he's done anything "miraculous".
He had to do this first to get those results next year. This is step one and he did a great job. He of course has to do it on the field.
What? Are you giving him a mulligan for last year? Step one was last off season. The he had the season, followed by the early signing class. This is more like step four or five. How many do-overs are you prepared to give him?
Manny is going to be fine. NONE of the top coaches get it right year one. This team needs more changes but what we've seen so far is a huge step in the right direction.
That's not the point. Some of his mistakes were predictable. He should have seen first hand how the patronage system worked being around the Richt-show. That's the change he refuses to acknowledge and may very well be his downfall. He already had to fill in mid-season to bail out Baker.
That's not the point. Some of his mistakes were predictable. He should have seen first hand how the patronage system worked being around the Richt-show. That's the change he refuses to acknowledge and may very well be his downfall. He already had to fill in mid-season to bail out Baker.

It's always predictable from the couch.
This is like deja vu. Did we make good moves? Yes. We thought we did this time last year too.

This dude had the worst finish to a season I have ever personally seen. It’s exposed the clown show at the Hecht in full with its direness. We’ve known Diaz is a talker and a salesman. This is not in dispute. Let’s wait for it to actually translate on the field before we start sucking the dudes ****.
We are coming off a historically awful season with losses to FIU, Duke, Georgia Tech and a shutout to Louisiana f*cking Tech.

Not even 30 days later and Manny:

- Has our signing class on the cusp of finishing in the Top 15
- Convinced one of the top young OC’s in America to leave a pretty cushy gig at SMU for our trainwreck of a QB room
- Landed the most dynamic QB in the portal (and perhaps America), who will likely begin the season top 5-7 in Heisman odds
- Got the AAC Defensive Player of the Year to transfer

Hiring coaches is not recruiting. Transfers are not recruits. Top 20 Signing class is not great, Al Goldens 2nd class was top 10.
Manny is going to be fine. NONE of the top coaches get it right year one. This team needs more changes but what we've seen so far is a huge step in the right direction.
So I am just suppposed to forget that he‘s been a head coach for half the team since 2016?
it’s not how quick the fans forget. It’s how quick fan moral can change when the They perceive that changes are being made for thegood.

horrible OC last year, Change made
horrible OL coach , Change made
bad QB play, bringing in #1 QB transfer
no kicking game, bringing in transfer kicker
D not elite, bringing in top D transfer and adding some impressive talent from recruiting
Old, slow offense, bringing in a uptempo spread

Give Manny some credit,
just as we see the problems, he sees the problems and is making great decisions to fix them.
wether the changes work or not, he’s making smart decisions
I will never be able to forgive or forget FIU. He Is not the one to lead us.
Manny BOTs only need a millimeter of fake hope to fall down to their knees

Show me the results
Always the delusions of grandeur.

I really hope that we can win at least 10 this coming year, and really, we probably should. But to start out with the "I TOLD YA SO! MANNY'Z T3H GAWD!!!" type of stuff is a little premature...considering we went 6-7 last year and probably could have lost to Central Michigan to boot.

Take a wait and see approach. We've got a new OC with a system that brings us firmly into the 21st century on offense, and a great QB. Do I think that's great? Absolutely. Am I going to crown Manny the next great Miami coach over it? Absolutely not.

Will be an interesting year this year.