This sucks, but I guess we'll never have on-campus stadium

Also.... the Marlins Park idea is AWFUL. Are you f'n kidding me? It's not meant for football. Oh... we'll also have a god**** baseball diamond in the middle of the field.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

I honestly don't understand why immature cumsocks like you feel it's ok to come around calling people idiots for discussing a topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. If you don't like the discussion, gtfo and don't read the thread.

1) Here are a few pics of a ton of kids waiting to get on the bus. The frat d bags end up throwing parties on game day and half of them don't even show up. The small amount that do go just go to get drunk in the parking lot you're right. But the majority of the students that actually attend the games take the bus. And we all hated it but it's what we had to do since no one wanted to drive after drinking.

image.jpg image.jpg

2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

3) you say we don't need a stadium. Right now we don't, but what if the Dolphins organization refuses to renew the lease once it's over? Do we beg FIU to to let us use their stadium while we figure it out? All we're saying is that we don't want to get caught with our pants down and no plan. I'll continue to support the canes at hard rock but hope when the time comes, the school has a plan.

4) last but not least, tropical park is right next to the highway with exits on bird and Miller, plus the turnpike is only a few miles away. They seem to be able to handle traffic just fine for crappy Santas enchanted Forrest.

A stadium of our own one day will be a dream come true. No more playing in a rented facility where the owners honor our rival's championships.
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Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

You seem like the biggest idiot here. I've already said an on campus stadium will never happen. I've also essentially said the only way we get our own stadium is if the Dolphins don't want to extend our lease at HR. It would be in our best interest to have a plan in place in case that were to happen. Maybe you should read what the **** I wrote instead of being a **** who thinks others don't know about the University of Miami as much as you do.

Secondly, Just about every student takes the bus, whether it be a school bus or Greek bus. Students that drive to the game are the clear minority. So I really don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you're just counting the total number of vehicles students arrive in, because thats the only way you can come to the conclusion more students are driving than are taking the buses. Not many wanna pay for the parking when they can get a free ride. The only people that would do that are those setting up a tailgate, and other than the fraternities (who provide buses) not many students set up tailgates. Also not many want to have to drive back after a game and drinking. And I can tell you that ride back is ******* tiring. I've passed out on that bus ride probably over a dozen times, driving back would absolutely blow. However, there likely would be a **** load more tailgates if students didn't have to travel 45 minutes or the threat of suspension if you're caught with alcohol on a bus.

And about basketball attendance, yes we've been good, but We're not even ranked right now. When we were ranked 2nd , and the year after the student attendance at those games was excellent, so idk what you are talking about. The buzz around campus was all about the basketball team. I went to most of the games those two years. After that, the team fell off, and with it so does the attendance, unless its a big game. Also students are more likely to attend a game on a saturday afternoon than they are a thursday or friday night when they got other **** to do or a pregame to attend. And student attendance at football games is capped at around 10k give or take since thats how many seats the student section. But just because the total students is 1/7th capacity, or 1/5th what I'd consider a good crowd, doesn't mean the students dont have a great affect on the overall atmosphere of the game. I'd rather have 40k in attendance and a completely full student section than 55k attendance with an empty student section.
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2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

You don't understand the dynamics of college campuses if you think 90% of anyone's student body will show up to football games, even in an on-campus stadium and even if the seats are available. At UM it's even worse. There are waaaaay more than 1,000 students who don't watch sports, don't root for the Hurricanes, work on Saturdays, hate football, go home on the weekends, etc. Maybe start with 4,000 and work from there.
IMO Hard Rock stadium is the best stadium in the ACC if we can get consistent attendance. FSU game was absolutely rocking

Stadium wise I agree. But, we need to start filling it like Clemson and FSU do. Right now we only fill it when Clemson, FSU and ND come to town.

I would settle for a stadium anywhere in Miami with 40-50 K seating capacity. Need good bars and restaurants around the stadium. Miami is not a college town, so need extra's to get people to the games for the game day experience, both in and outside of the stadium.
When I attended UCF, we didn't have an on campus stadium. We played games in the Citrus Bowl which was easily a half hour to forty five minute drive from campus. No free bus service. You either drove or you knew someone who drove. It's not ideal but it's hardly torturous. Let's stop pretending college kids having to drive is some terrible experience.
He'll probably be dead in 25 years. There's a pretty good chance that the Dolphins will be in the market for a new stadium by then so nobody knows what might happen. I think UM should enjoy the fact that they got a $300 million renovation for free since their lease started before the re-work.

Oh so when he dies Related ceases to exist? I am pretty sure they have a going concern. Also there is 15 years left on the lease.

I will repeat my post.

Watch what happens as we get close to the end with no plan.

What do you think will happen? They'll either have to sign a new lease or build their own stadium. It's quite profitable to the Dolphins to rent their stadium out on Saturdays. Seems like they'd be more than happy to renew the lease.

Before the lease, we had leverage. We still had the OB option. Now we have nothing. We have no other option because there is no plan.

You can't wait until the lease expires to have a plan either. You need to have it well in advance.

As for them, I am sure that they want us to rent the stadium because it is an additional revenue source. With that said, they have the leverage. We have no plan.

I'll agree that there isn't really any leverage on UM's part. I would assume they put something into plan before the lease expires. Either negotiate an extension in the coming years or explore other options. I think it would be pretty foolhardy for the administration just to wait until the lease is up to do anything.

Our school has made some of the worst deals in negotiating their sports deals.

1. How many unnecessary buyouts with coaches?
2. How many unnecessary extensions with coaches?

Allegedly there is no buyout in the lease, should we want to leave before it expires. I doubt they put in a plan to extend it.


If the school negotiates a lease extension it would be a shame. We really don't give a chit about getting our stadium.
2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

You don't understand the dynamics of college campuses if you think 90% of anyone's student body will show up to football games, even in an on-campus stadium and even if the seats are available. At UM it's even worse. There are waaaaay more than 1,000 students who don't watch sports, don't root for the Hurricanes, work on Saturdays, hate football, go home on the weekends, etc. Maybe start with 4,000 and work from there.

10k students show up to the FSU and UF games. Before the HR renovation we had 75k attendance for the big game. But now the max is around 65k, Which makes it easier to sell out. But also it makes it so that the students have a greater impact. I don't expect 10k students to attend every game. But If the school makes it a higher priority to get students to games than I don't think its crazy to get 8k for the P5 opponents. That would be 50% student attendance.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

I honestly don't understand why immature cumsocks like you feel it's ok to come around calling people idiots for discussing a topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. If you don't like the discussion, gtfo and don't read the thread.

1) Here are a few pics of a ton of kids waiting to get on the bus. The frat d bags end up throwing parties on game day and half of them don't even show up. The small amount that do go just go to get drunk in the parking lot you're right. But the majority of the students that actually attend the games take the bus. And we all hated it but it's what we had to do since no one wanted to drive after drinking.

View attachment 42463 View attachment 42464

2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

3) you say we don't need a stadium. Right now we don't, but what if the Dolphins organization refuses to renew the lease once it's over? Do we beg FIU to to let us use their stadium while we figure it out? All we're saying is that we don't want to get caught with our pants down and no plan. I'll continue to support the canes at hard rock but hope when the time comes, the school has a plan.

4) last but not least, tropical park is right next to the highway with exits on bird and Miller, plus the turnpike is only a few miles away. They seem to be able to handle traffic just fine for crappy Santas enchanted Forrest.

A stadium of our own one day will be a dream come true. No more playing in a rented facility where the owners honor our rival's championships.

This topic doesn't need to be addressed. There are simply not enough people in and near campus to build a stadium. It makes no sense.
So now the argument is back to a 45K stadium. Many people said if Beckham was building a stadium that size we should give up on the program. The point asked if any major program had a 45K stadium. I get it. You don't like watching TV seeing empty seats. Then with a 45K stadium people still suggest renting Hard Rock for big games like FSU. Seems like we'd spend a lot of money for nothing, if you ask me.
Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

I honestly don't understand why immature cumsocks like you feel it's ok to come around calling people idiots for discussing a topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. If you don't like the discussion, gtfo and don't read the thread.

1) Here are a few pics of a ton of kids waiting to get on the bus. The frat d bags end up throwing parties on game day and half of them don't even show up. The small amount that do go just go to get drunk in the parking lot you're right. But the majority of the students that actually attend the games take the bus. And we all hated it but it's what we had to do since no one wanted to drive after drinking.

View attachment 42463 View attachment 42464

2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

3) you say we don't need a stadium. Right now we don't, but what if the Dolphins organization refuses to renew the lease once it's over? Do we beg FIU to to let us use their stadium while we figure it out? All we're saying is that we don't want to get caught with our pants down and no plan. I'll continue to support the canes at hard rock but hope when the time comes, the school has a plan.

4) last but not least, tropical park is right next to the highway with exits on bird and Miller, plus the turnpike is only a few miles away. They seem to be able to handle traffic just fine for crappy Santas enchanted Forrest.

A stadium of our own one day will be a dream come true. No more playing in a rented facility where the owners honor our rival's championships.

This topic doesn't need to be addressed. There are simply not enough people in and near campus to build a stadium. It makes no sense.

It doesn't make sense to have a plan in case Stephen Ross decides he doesn't want us playing in his stadium anymore?
Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

I honestly don't understand why immature cumsocks like you feel it's ok to come around calling people idiots for discussing a topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. If you don't like the discussion, gtfo and don't read the thread.

1) Here are a few pics of a ton of kids waiting to get on the bus. The frat d bags end up throwing parties on game day and half of them don't even show up. The small amount that do go just go to get drunk in the parking lot you're right. But the majority of the students that actually attend the games take the bus. And we all hated it but it's what we had to do since no one wanted to drive after drinking.

View attachment 42463 View attachment 42464

2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

3) you say we don't need a stadium. Right now we don't, but what if the Dolphins organization refuses to renew the lease once it's over? Do we beg FIU to to let us use their stadium while we figure it out? All we're saying is that we don't want to get caught with our pants down and no plan. I'll continue to support the canes at hard rock but hope when the time comes, the school has a plan.

4) last but not least, tropical park is right next to the highway with exits on bird and Miller, plus the turnpike is only a few miles away. They seem to be able to handle traffic just fine for crappy Santas enchanted Forrest.

A stadium of our own one day will be a dream come true. No more playing in a rented facility where the owners honor our rival's championships.

This topic doesn't need to be addressed. There are simply not enough people in and near campus to build a stadium. It makes no sense.

It doesn't make sense to have a plan in case Stephen Ross decides he doesn't want us playing in his stadium anymore?

Not really. That lease runs forever. But If the stadium were to collapse tomorrow, and they needed a new home, coral gables would be the last place to look. There are more season ticket for holders around north broward/PBC than CG. The logical place to play would be as close to south Florida's population center as possible.

Keep in mind too that Ross makes money on the um lease. Makes. O sense for him to not renew.
And I'm not saying they're shouldn't be contingency plans for 15 years from now.

But why lie about attendance and atmosphere.

I've been to pretty much every home game since the 90's and the attendance and in-stadium atmosphere this past year has never been better. That's a fact.

Try going to games. Because anybody that says the UNC game was a ghost town, obviously wasn't there.

Baldface lying like that makes you a shīt poster.

I've had season tickets for 38 years now and this year was one of the best attendance years I can remember. The venue is what it is. It's a state of the art NFL stadium. Be happy and support your team and stop living in dream land thinking UM will ever get a stadium on campus. If we lose a recruit because he's not happy about the Atmosphere then he was never a Cane in the first place.
Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

I honestly don't understand why immature cumsocks like you feel it's ok to come around calling people idiots for discussing a topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. If you don't like the discussion, gtfo and don't read the thread.

1) Here are a few pics of a ton of kids waiting to get on the bus. The frat d bags end up throwing parties on game day and half of them don't even show up. The small amount that do go just go to get drunk in the parking lot you're right. But the majority of the students that actually attend the games take the bus. And we all hated it but it's what we had to do since no one wanted to drive after drinking.

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2) we have 11,000 undergrad students right, I realize not all will show to the game, but since we're not counting grad school students, let's say a total of 10,000 show up at a game. That's 22.5% of a 45k seat stadium, which most of us agree, would be an ideal number of seats if we had our own stadium. Plus, as the years have gone by, the enrollment at UM has been increasing, slowly but increasing.

3) you say we don't need a stadium. Right now we don't, but what if the Dolphins organization refuses to renew the lease once it's over? Do we beg FIU to to let us use their stadium while we figure it out? All we're saying is that we don't want to get caught with our pants down and no plan. I'll continue to support the canes at hard rock but hope when the time comes, the school has a plan.

4) last but not least, tropical park is right next to the highway with exits on bird and Miller, plus the turnpike is only a few miles away. They seem to be able to handle traffic just fine for crappy Santas enchanted Forrest.

A stadium of our own one day will be a dream come true. No more playing in a rented facility where the owners honor our rival's championships.

This topic doesn't need to be addressed. There are simply not enough people in and near campus to build a stadium. It makes no sense.

It doesn't make sense to have a plan in case Stephen Ross decides he doesn't want us playing in his stadium anymore?

Not really. That lease runs forever. But If the stadium were to collapse tomorrow, and they needed a new home, coral gables would be the last place to look. There are more season ticket for holders around north broward/PBC than CG. The logical place to play would be as close to south Florida's population center as possible.

Keep in mind too that Ross makes money on the um lease. Makes. O sense for him to not renew.

Didn't realize 15 years was forever.
No the logical place to play is as close to campus as know like literally every other college team in the nation. Miami and UCLA are the only big schools that play 17 miles away from campus. And thats twice the distance of the next big school - USF
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Yup. And on campus population of less than 4,000 will make no dent in the low turnout. If anything the crap traffic of Coral Gables will turn off fans from showing up!

Just because 4k might live directly on campus doesn't mean the rest live 40 minutes away. Most everybody lives within a 10min drive. And every student is allowed to take the bus. And student attendance is critical to any good atmosphere at a college game. If the students dont show for a basketball game, it wont be very good. Its the same with a football game. When the student section fills up, it will be great. When its not, its tough to have a good atmosphere.

But its an inarguable fact that the majority of students dont attend the games because of the ****ty bus ride. Every game it takes an hour and a half to get to/from the stadium. And when we have noon games, it makes it even less likely considering the bus ride, because it means you have to wake up at like 9am. If the stadium was on campus or at least a short drive away there would be a big increase in tailgating and attendance. The tailgating is a major problem with the school buses too. Its impossible to tailgate if you take the school buses because they only leave like 2hrs before kickoff. Just about everyone that tailgates goes on a Fraternity bus or drives themselves.

Also it makes it like 100times more likely students dont show when the team sucks. Under Golden I stopped going to games because I didn't want to make a hour and a half drive just to get ****ed off and watch us get killed.

Say it with me, MOST KIDS AREN'T TAKING THE **** BUS. Either you ride with your crew, or if you are involved with Greek Life, you take one of those school buses. Just remember the following, it's hard to get those kids to consistently show up and be active at basketball games, and that is on campus, with a product that has been **** good over the last five years. Also remember the following: There aren't even enough undergrad students to make a big dent in attendance, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP. If the team is winning, those kids will show, frankly most go just to get drunk anyway. Miami has an undergrad population that is touching 11,000. You don't make decisions that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, for that small of a number. For the typical fan, and our largest local alum base(Which happens to be in Broward), Hard Rock is a good place to be. It's near freeways, you don't have to worry about parking, and for our big money people, they get premium options that the school makes money off of.

Miami doesn't need their own stadium, it's a pipe dream created by idiots that have little understanding of campus. Unless a miracle happens and half of South Miami is leveled, there will never be an opportunity for Miami to build a stadium adjacent to or within walking distance of campus. This isn't a school located in the hood, the homes surrounding campus are worth millions of dollars. Building at Tropical Park is stupid, because of traffic concerns, and the fact that it still has travel involved.

You seem like the biggest idiot here. I've already said an on campus stadium will never happen. I've also essentially said the only way we get our own stadium is if the Dolphins don't want to extend our lease at HR. It would be in our best interest to have a plan in place in case that were to happen. Maybe you should read what the **** I wrote instead of being a **** who thinks others don't know about the University of Miami as much as you do.

Secondly, Just about every student takes the bus, whether it be a school bus or Greek bus. Students that drive to the game are the clear minority. So I really don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you're just counting the total number of vehicles students arrive in, because thats the only way you can come to the conclusion more students are driving than are taking the buses. Not many wanna pay for the parking when they can get a free ride. The only people that would do that are those setting up a tailgate, and other than the fraternities (who provide buses) not many students set up tailgates. Also not many want to have to drive back after a game and drinking. And I can tell you that ride back is ****ing tiring. I've passed out on that bus ride probably over a dozen times, driving back would absolutely blow. However, there likely would be a **** load more tailgates if students didn't have to travel 45 minutes or the threat of suspension if you're caught with alcohol on a bus.

And about basketball attendance, yes we've been good, but We're not even ranked right now. When we were ranked 2nd , and the year after the student attendance at those games was excellent, so idk what you are talking about. The buzz around campus was all about the basketball team. I went to most of the games those two years. After that, the team fell off, and with it so does the attendance, unless its a big game. Also students are more likely to attend a game on a saturday afternoon than they are a thursday or friday night when they got other **** to do or a pregame to attend. And student attendance at football games is capped at around 10k give or take since thats how many seats the student section. But just because the total students is 1/7th capacity, or 1/5th what I'd consider a good crowd, doesn't mean the students dont have a great affect on the overall atmosphere of the game. I'd rather have 40k in attendance and a completely full student section than 55k attendance with an empty student section.

Congrats, you found a picture of SOME kids taking the bus. Remember the following: There are almost 11,000 undergrads, on a typical day, you may have 3-4 thousand show up to a home game outside of the big name ones. You may have half take the bus, and that's a generous estimate, judging from how the number of buses rented by the school has decreased over the years since the move(I would know, I've been fortunate enough to be in the room when those decisions were made). By the way, a ton of students end up driving, just because of the fact that the bus situation and the rules involved affect what you can do. Tons of kids get together and put in on a permit(It's 65 **** bucks), and then ride in the same car. Again, what would this school gain by spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build this stadium, knowing full well that even if every student showed up(Which most likely will never, ever happen), they wouldn't be able to make much of a dent in attendance?