This sucks, but I guess we'll never have on-campus stadium

A Baylor type stadium would well exceed 300 million in south Florida.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was closer to half a billion. South Florida construction costs, byrchizz. Educate your dumb selves

Yet we can't find the two or $3 million left to finish the IPF.

Let that sink in, it'll be a year since we announce the IPF, and we don't have A couple of million left to have it fully funded. But yet we're going to find half a billion for stadium?

FOH with that shīt. I guarantee it's going to be dolphin Stadium for the rest of your natural lived. Take that to the bank and deal with it.

I'm a construction Managment grad student at FIU. Real estate and urbanism from UM. You don't know what the **** you're talking about.

Materials in south Florida are cheap. We live on top of limestone which is crushed to make concrete. Just stop

You realize that building something is much more than mere materials, right? We're talking about land values, we're talking about the actual labor itself, plus the costs that won't show up on the budget sheet. That's why it would cost significantly more than somewhere like Waco. I doubt the City of Miami would ever give the University land to build a stadium without trying to get maximum value.
I'll say it one last time for the people who CANT READ. no one except the OP suggested for a stadium in coral gables.

All we're saying is that the Dolphins don't owe us any loyalty. They own the stadium and the land. After the lease they can tell us to kick rocks. Ross probably won't be alive in 15 and you guys won't know who the new Managment/owner will handle the situation.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail. That all we want, for the university to have a plan.

The problem is that if it isn't on campus, or within walking distance of same, there's no point in building it. That's what most of us are saying. What's the point of building at Tropical Park? Even if the stadium by some act of God was near campus, costs would most likely make it a financial impossibility.
I do agree with most of the argument of how difficult it would be to get a new stadium.. It took the Marlins like 15 years and threats to leave Miami after winning the world series and fooling the city to fund most of the stadium just to get Marlins Park and it taking Beckham about 5 years to even break ground and I'm sure he has the funds to get one done. That why I say just move into Marlins Park. Best situation.. Cheaper option, State of the Art Stadium, Closer to Campus, Less of a drive for fans, Old OB site.. It the best and most realistic option for everyone involved once the lease is up.. I have not heard one legitimate argument about that option other then "It a baseball stadium." .. or "We will have the baseball dirt on the field when we play until baseball season is over" neither are important issues..
I do agree with most of the argument of how difficult it would be to get a new stadium.. It took the Marlins like 15 years and threats to leave Miami after winning the world series and fooling the city to fund most of the stadium just to get Marlins Park and it taking Beckham about 5 years to even break ground and I'm sure he has the funds to get one done. That why I say just move into Marlins Park. Best situation.. Cheaper option, State of the Art Stadium, Closer to Campus, Less of a drive for fans, Old OB site.. It the best and most realistic option for everyone involved once the lease is up.. I have not heard one legitimate argument about that option other then "It a baseball stadium." .. or "We will have the baseball dirt on the field when we play until baseball season is over" neither are important issues..

Dude, yet another clueless post.

The football games that have been played there, only 2 bowls, to my knowledge, were played after baseball season is over. You have to completely reconfigure the field.

Also, football is a disaster there. The sight lines are a joke.

No way in ****. Plus the Marlins wouldn't allow it and the Marlins aren't leaving.

These stadium posts are so stupid they make my eyes bleed
Thread was slipping down again.

Let it die. There will be 5+ more Stadium threads that pop up in the next year, with us all repeating the same thing over and over.

Hard Rocks is our stadium now.

...But I'll still hope we get our own someday.
The real question here is UM current dorm for athletes getting an upgrade. Have to think the Pastor has asked Frenk if it's in the plans. Would be great.
We don't need an on-campus stadium anymore.

Hard Rock is Orange Bowl-level loud. The amenities are unmatched and they appeal to kids. The tailgating is great. I was the biggest critic of Sun Life Stadium but they've solved the problems.
We don't need an on-campus stadium anymore.

Hard Rock is Orange Bowl-level loud. The amenities are unmatched and they appeal to kids. The tailgating is great. I was the biggest critic of Sun Life Stadium but they've solved the problems.

I was the biggest critic of Sun Life and I don't want to leave. Hard Rock is a completely different environment and experience. No other school has a stadium like that.
Dude, new dorms or no new dorms there will never be an on campus stadium. We play in a state of an art stadium with great space for tailgating and near major highways. We don't need an on campus stadium.

none of that matter if fans don't even go to the games.. what the point of having a top of the line stadium if no one goes to it.. we were better off with the dump that was the OB because at least people came out.. they don't even try at HRS.. Every time I read about a new stadium.. people ALWAYS say "what about the people traveling north of the stadium.. what about them?" and I always say.. UM home games is as far north as it has ever been and the attendance is x10 worse.. We the stadium was more south.. we had a respectable attendance even when we were on the decline in '06 and '07 when the OB still exist. Coral Gable will N-E-V-E-R approve an on campus stadium.. so forget that... plus there isn't space..
This guy gets it. UF fans were goofing on us for having an empty stadium on Henderson's Periscope feed. Anyone who thinks HRS is a selling point to recruits is delusional. Opposing coaches use the "stadium nowhere near campus" line to negative recruit against us.

Yeah how's that working out for them considering we have the number 1 recruiting class in the nation so far for 2018. LOL
It's not just about attendance though (although clearly a full stadium is better than an empty one). Kids are being sold the "gameday atmosphere" by our competitors. That's a difficult sell for UM as a tenant in a pro team stadium so far away from campus. Not saying I think that is a great criteria to base your decision on, but apparently it does matter to some kids. You're kidding yourself if you really think HRS is a selling point.

Something is getting them to line up like kids at a candy store.

2018 Football Team Rankings

UM with the number 1 class so far. LOL
On campus stadiums are nice in that it's part of keeping up with the competition. Aside from that, it just goes to show how silly this country is. Nowhere in the world do you see these kinds of money being put into athletics. Imagine if just half of the stadium and athletic budgets were put into the educations system, roads, structures that serve more purpose than however many days they're used, are multi-purpose, etc. Yes, I've enjoyed many of these stadiums across the country and still do, but man....that's a lot of money going to something with little tangible benefit besides making very few rich. I don't think tax dollars should ever be used for these things as those taxes could be put to better use.