The Work 1-15

Let's see if he's still singing the same tune after his bammer visit. If so, then maybe I'll entertain the thought of us as a legit threat.

Invalid shows up at the sight of good news and does his best to neutralize it? What a surprise.

Crawl back to your hole.

Valid, let me ask you something. Are there any posts in the forseeable future form you that will have a potentially positive vibe? Any at all? I'm just wondering man.

What is wrong with what I posted? Is that not a rational and level headed take?

When I hear news of official visits confirmed for TC (and PS2) then I will allow myself some reason for optimism. Otherwise, I remain neutral. If it’s confirmed there are no OV’s then I will write them off. That’s how I see it.

Right now I’m neutral. Still don’t know anything.
Just so we’re clear, are you saying we shouldn’t get excited about a Surtain visit until it happens and no one knows anything about Campbell?
When I hear news of official visits confirmed for TC (and PS2) then I will allow myself some reason for optimism. Otherwise, I remain neutral. If it’s confirmed there are no OV’s then I will write them off. That’s how I see it.

Right now I’m neutral. Still don’t know anything.
Just so we’re clear, are you saying we shouldn’t get excited about a Surtain visit until it happens and no one knows anything about Campbell?

Bold strategy.

I’ll wait for Rattler or Pete to confirm
Didn’t the Wilsons eventually get an offer?

And yes, fūck Golden for the initial huge screwup, one of many, but what about since then? It seems other people have tried to make it up to the Wilsons. But they will have none of it. Don’t they understand that it was Golden and not the actual University? Why still all the hate?
Recruiting is sales. You hire a rookie salesman you get rookie results. Is Rumph to blame? No it’s the man who hired him, and he needs to go. It’s not based entirely on Campbell but part of his body of work since he’s been here. Part ways with him now, maybe he’ll learn and find his way back to an elite program if he has undeveloped salesman talent.

So it's Richt's fault, but Rumph should be fired?!? Da ****??? It all starts with the HMIC...if you feel so strongly about this, then what you are saying is that Richt should be fired....either way, it's just flat out ridiculous to hold such a stance.

These coaches just won us the Coastal for the first time ever and got us to 10 wins since the early 2000s...

If you sign a midget to play center on a basketball team, you going to blame the midget or yourself when they don't perform? Not a mind bending concept. I'm saying Richt made a mistake, not that h should be fired. You batted .000 analyzing my post.

"These coaches just won us the Coastal for the first time ever and got us to 10 wins since the early 2000s..."

So there's no room for improvement, to push to keep getting better and do the things to take the program to the next level? I hope you're not in business.
Pete.......When can we expect The Work Part Deaux? Some folks need to be talked off the ledge and some need excorcisms after yesterdays Work. Deliver us some sweet music to our ears and eyes.
Not to be the wet blanket on [MENTION=5124]Coach Macho[/MENTION]'s news, but didn't his guy tell him we were going to get Marco Wilson last year?

The best news for Um fans out of AH is that Chad Wilson stepped down after the championship game.

Love to really understand why this guy dumps on his alma mater. 20 years later the athletic department paid for him to finish and get his degree in business. Is it a Shannon connection? Just curious.

I think he wanted quincy to go here. He trains a lot of the kids, and quincy was obviously better than about 3 of the guys offered ( ryan mayes got an offer over quincy Wilson) in a camp that I believe quincy got the best db award or something. They didn't offer or recruit. Chad's a guy that's on the boards and social media and stuff and I think our fans got too him..and trolled him something serious. Its went left ever since then. At this point I think he is a full gator because of his two boys going there.

is the thread still available where he came on here talking about quincys recruitment? That was a day.
Not to be the wet blanket on [MENTION=5124]Coach Macho[/MENTION]'s news, but didn't his guy tell him we were going to get Marco Wilson last year?

The best news for Um fans out of AH is that Chad Wilson stepped down after the championship game.

Love to really understand why this guy dumps on his alma mater. 20 years later the athletic department paid for him to finish and get his degree in business. Is it a Shannon connection? Just curious.

I think he wanted quincy to go here. He trains a lot of the kids, and quincy was obviously better than about 3 of the guys offered ( ryan mayes got an offer over quincy Wilson) in a camp that I believe quincy got the best db award or something. They didn't offer or recruit. Chad's a guy that's on the boards and social media and stuff and I think our fans got too him..and trolled him something serious. Its went left ever since then. At this point I think he is a full gator because of his two boys going there.

Okay, thanks. Never understood the not all in for Quincy. The kid had size and length. You knew the kid was coached by his dad from his first day at youth ball through his high school career. Didn't know we offered Mayes over him. Talk about a mis-evaluation.
Pete.......When can we expect The Work Part Deaux? Some folks need to be talked off the ledge and some need excorcisms after yesterdays Work. Deliver us some sweet music to our ears and eyes.
[MENTION=3894]Peter Ariz[/MENTION]
Let's see if he's still singing the same tune after his bammer visit. If so, then maybe I'll entertain the thought of us as a legit threat.

Invalid shows up at the sight of good news and does his best to neutralize it? What a surprise.

Crawl back to your hole.

Valid, let me ask you something. Are there any posts in the forseeable future form you that will have a potentially positive vibe? Any at all? I'm just wondering man.
You guys are too smart to continue engaging the skid mark on the underwear of CIS. The guy couldn’t get any attention as a normal poster, so he went obvious schtick.
You would think that, but they keep responding to this troll.
Pete.......When can we expect The Work Part Deaux? Some folks need to be talked off the ledge and some need excorcisms after yesterdays Work. Deliver us some sweet music to our ears and eyes.

lol people literally skipped right by all the good news in the work and went to the one bit of not good news.
I'd be amped to land PS2 but I'm gonna go out on a limb an say its Senior life long dream for his son to play at LSU.
But then again you would think a guy that didnt get an offer from a school wouldnt gift that same school with his 5 star son. But thats just me
When I hear news of official visits confirmed for TC (and PS2) then I will allow myself some reason for optimism. Otherwise, I remain neutral. If it’s confirmed there are no OV’s then I will write them off. That’s how I see it.

Right now I’m neutral. Still don’t know anything.
Just so we’re clear, are you saying we shouldn’t get excited about a Surtain visit until it happens and no one knows anything about Campbell?

I’m saying until I know for sure either one of them is definitely coming on an OV, like they say it or announce it, then that’s when I will let the needle go towards the hope side. Right now it’s right in the middle. For either of them. Neutral. I’m neither hopeful, nor pessimistic. My only barometer right now would be an OV.

I will say this. While I’ve been pegged on the “never coming” side of the equation for Surtain for quite a bit of time, based on him and his father’s public utterances, ties to LSU, Corey Raymond, etc...I can no longer discount the volume of visits and exposure Surtain has had to the university and our coaches, including last night.

It’s possible Surtain has had more personal exposure to our coaches/practices/visits than TC, or at least a similar amount. In any event, he’s had so many, in my mind it’s reached a critical mass...I’ve moved from “never coming” to “we might actually have a shot”

As far as TC, yes, I don’t know anything about where TC is leaning, don’t even know if he’s taking an official. Don’t think anybody else does either. Unless somebody posted something that I didn’t see.

Just what I think.
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Let's see if he's still singing the same tune after his bammer visit. If so, then maybe I'll entertain the thought of us as a legit threat.

Invalid shows up at the sight of good news and does his best to neutralize it? What a surprise.

Crawl back to your hole.

Valid, let me ask you something. Are there any posts in the forseeable future form you that will have a potentially positive vibe? Any at all? I'm just wondering man.
You guys are too smart to continue engaging the skid mark on the underwear of CIS. The guy couldn’t get any attention as a normal poster, so he went obvious schtick.

I'm rolling with the reverse ju ju. They've felt confident a bunch of times only to be left with their dorks in their hands. So, I'm playing opposite on this one. We get all 4 AH guys.

Bring it home Chise!

I'm gonna will this into existence, my long-time pal.

I see everyone giving up, but I haven't seen Tyson or Surtain shut down their recruiting. They're both still planning visits from what I've heard.
Tyson, from the beginning, has swayed from hot school to hot school only to later cool on them after he gets home. And Surtain just keeps hanging around. LSU is down and out with a drunken dolt for a HC. Junior is tight with his momma.

UM's gonna do what we should do and get those 4 guys from down the street.

#InChiseWeTrust . UGA might fizzle out by NSD and Miami will have had the last visit. IF we get the visit we win if we don't we don't. That easy. Remember the Golden Chise Rule, if they visiting they open to being crooted.

I'll tell you this, young Mr. Herrera: If we get the visit, Tyson is ours. I guarantee that Joe Namath style.

UGA already blew their load. To make an old school **** reference, they went full out Kyle Stone just pounding away for hours and hours. Now, it's over for them. Sure, they can make some calls and borrow a helicopter to make some late show. But Tyson has proven he'll forget about you after the initial bliss wears off. He did it to Ohio Taint and Clemson, and he'll do it to UGA too.

Rick is still a living room legend. He will slide those corny loafers off and sit down on the Campbell couch surrounded by mom, dad, Silvera and Chatfield, and he will summon that old Rick charm. The years might have softened his face and robbed him of those boyish good looks, but he's still got that calming "I'm going to take care of your son" demeanor.

I disagree whole heartedly.....

Richt still has boyish good looks
When I hear news of official visits confirmed for TC (and PS2) then I will allow myself some reason for optimism. Otherwise, I remain neutral. If it’s confirmed there are no OV’s then I will write them off. That’s how I see it.

Right now I’m neutral. Still don’t know anything.
Just so we’re clear, are you saying we shouldn’t get excited about a Surtain visit until it happens and no one knows anything about Campbell?

I’m saying until I know for sure either one of them is definitely coming on an OV, like they say it or announce it, then that’s when I will let the needle go towards the hope side. Right now it’s right in the middle. For either of them. Neutral. I’m neither hopeful, nor pessimistic. My only barometer right now would be an OV.

I will say this. While I’ve been pegged on the “never coming” side of the equation for Surtain for quite a bit of tone, based on him and his father’s public utterances, ties to LSU, Corey Raymond, etc...I can no longer discount the volume of visits and exposure Surtain has had to the university and our coaches, including last night.

It’s possiblr Surtain has had more personal exposure to our coaches/practices/visits than TC, or at least a similar amount. In any event, he’s had so many, in my mind it’s reached a critical mass...I’ve moved from “never coming” to “we might actually have a shot”

As far as TC, yes, I don’t know anything about where TC is leaning, don’t even know if he’s taking an official. Don’t think anybody else does either. Unless somebody posted something that I didn’t see.

Just what I think.

Still not clear. Should we wait till they announce visits to get excited? What if they announce visits but don’t come out and call us the favorite in any interviews?
Let's see if he's still singing the same tune after his bammer visit. If so, then maybe I'll entertain the thought of us as a legit threat.

Invalid shows up at the sight of good news and does his best to neutralize it? What a surprise.

Crawl back to your hole.

Valid, let me ask you something. Are there any posts in the forseeable future form you that will have a potentially positive vibe? Any at all? I'm just wondering man.
You guys are too smart to continue engaging the skid mark on the underwear of CIS. The guy couldn’t get any attention as a normal poster, so he went obvious schtick.

i'm surprised that kevin still gets internet access.