the thread with no title

I don't care if Omar Kelly is right or wrong, but I do have to say that he was perhaps the worst beat writer for UM ever, with Shandel running a close second. Controversy is his shtick, and he'll use that, plus his distaste of the U, to gain notoriety.

I like how he rips Golden for playing Washington at left tackle in an argument about NFL money. Hey Omar, has anybody ever showed you the difference in money between a LT and a guard in the NFL? Cause You're not allowed to comment until you actually Know anything about NFL economics.

And how can this guy defend kids who left without receiving their draft evaluations? **** this writer. Turns a blind eye to so many things.
Omar I've tried to defend you in the past, and you have done some dumb **** in the past! Ex. your brown boy/black boy blogs, race baiting to try and manipulate an open QB competition, even posting a grassy trolls post as facts on your blog.

But this has no defense, your essentially saying your smarter than everyone else, and no one should question a kids decision to leave college early. Alonzo Highsmith, who is a pro scout has said that the majority of those kids should have stayed another year, as well as every draft guru.
LOL what a fat *** idiot

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guy is a complete joke. it is pathetic that we can't have any support from the local "journalists"
lulz at his Leonard Hankerson comments. smfh. Hank prob wouldn't have been drafted if he didn't stay another year. what a ***cin idiot
He's obviously trying to be controversial. Plus anyone with half a brain knows the dude is straight trash.
I don't care if Omar Kelly is right or wrong, but I do have to say that he was perhaps the worst beat writer for UM ever, with Shandel running a close second. Controversy is his shtick, and he'll use that, plus his distaste of the U, to gain notoriety.

Susan Miller Degnan

In reference to Omar, he's not the brightest guy in the room. Over the past few years he's gone out on a ledge in his Dolphins' blog to state:

-Cameron Wake, I don't see it. Not an NFL player.

-Sean Smith will be a better CB than Vontae Davis.

-Channing Crowder makes or breaks the defense.

-Brandon Marshall is sincere.


He's not very credible but he does work on the most popular beat in the area so hence his following. I wouldn't put too much into anything he has to say.
Wow. I used to like this dude because of his 'realness'. However the more he talks, the more he sounds like a bitter, former employee. I think he was "re-assigned" to cover the Dolphins, right? Let him express his anger on the 'Phins not getting Manning in here, than to rekindle his thoughts on UM.

As for the underclassmen leaving, I do not have a problem with that. I have a problem with guys that underachieve on the field; close up shop for the rest of the season to avoid injury; bust their butt at the NFL combine; and then get drafted in the 3rd or 4th round. They're actually losing money by doing this. If it's a financial thing of leaving early, then leave it all on the field so that you can better your chance of getting drafted in a higher round, thus improving your financial situation.
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under normal circumstances, I would have been ****ed about some of these underclassmen leaving but with the coaching change and what we're looking like for next year (very young) IDGAF about these guys leaving. let em go and get the next guy some playing time so that they can be ready for a run in 2013. 2012 is a transition/building year anyway
lulz at his Leonard Hankerson comments. smfh. Hank prob wouldn't have been drafted if he didn't stay another year. what a ***cin idiot

That's the one that got me. One of the most ridiculous implications ever. Hankerson had little to no chance of being drafted if he bolted the year before. Unreal.
if A. Highsmith said that the kids should have stayed another year then ill take his word for it over this clown. highsmith is a scout for the pros and said that almost all these guys made a mistake by leaving and he was very vocal in saying they needed another year from what he had seen of them.

that article had to be written by nights
Hank comment makes no sense.

Vernon comment makes no sense. Golden misused him? How?

Streeter comment makes no sense. Randy was the guy who had him on the deep bench.

Lamar Miller comment makes no sense. He didn't get enough playing time? He was our starting RB who had a bum shoulder most of the year

These guys draft positions will speak volumes.

I got Lamar late 1st
Streeter 2nd
BWash 3rd or 4th
Vernon 3rd
Forston 6 or 7th if at all.

WAshington, Vernon and Forston definitely should have stayed.