The BEST RB on the team...

I absolutely did!
I suppose I'd ask for you to clarify what you'd mean by top end. If you mean did he not have the speed to pull away and in a big way I disagree. But if you mean could he bust the 80 90 100 yd runs then you have a point. But that was due to his conditioning not his speed he couldn't maintain his speed for those long huge runs. There's a reason we had him in every kind of role imaginable including kickoffs etc. Coop was very fast.
Has it occurred to anyone that in years past, this type of discussion would have been about why they keep playing some player with obviously limited skills and the answer would have been either seniority or how great he looked in practice.

Yet here we are discussion which one of our stable of outstanding running backs is the best.

It's a great time to be a Cane.
Or when that player would actually play and you’d realize we just had dudes that couldn’t play.
5 RB’s, 3 WR’s and a NFL level QB is what we have. Against real competition, how many plays do you think we will run per game? We ran 54 against TAMU, which is low but we still scored 41 offensive points (should have been 45). So in an average game we are running 70 plays? If 25-30 of those are passing plays, we only have 30-40 running plays left. Assuming Parrish gets around 10 (very low number for the starter), then that leaves 20-30 running plays for 4 RB’s.
There are simply not enough plays per game for what many are clamoring for. Most of you who want all these guys to get X number of touches per game aren’t saying who should lose touches. Parrish has done nothing to warrant not getting 10 carries per game, IMO. Same with Allen and Don for their 5-7 carries per game. Fletcher as well when healthy. So where are CJ’s touches coming?
How do we get more catches for RayRay, Smith, Tyler and WR Washington when the top 3 are this good?

These are all great problems to have and injuries will cure much of this along the way, but for now, if you want to argue that player X deserves more touches, you should also state who is losing their touches. At least @Brooklyndee is stating Parrish should lose some of his.
I’m content with how Dawson is using the RBs and their reps so far. I’m just appreciative to have this many talented backs and we’ll need every single one of them during this season at different times and for different circumstances. Everything is working organically. They all seem to be happy.

Ajay Allen is a problem to tho, if and when he gets pass the front 7 he is guaranteed gone. There’s no running him down. Allen gets carries after Parrish has already gashed opposing defenses and they have decided to load the box and stop the run at all cost to the passing game. This is the only reason Allen hasn’t gone completely off. U can see that he has pure intent on every run he gets.

Parrish is solid and deserves his reps.

It’s hard not to want Chaney to have more reps considering he is the total package, but I think he should be brought along in moderation just how the staff is doing. I think Chaney likes and appreciates it as well.

Johnson may be the best of the bunch and that’s very exciting. We’ll see him incorporated more.
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You having a gun to your head would result in getting CJ broken. Literally. It's one thing to run the ball against those lil boys we played tonight. They were **** near to a man the size of a jv squad. There's a reason Tyler ran the ball a couple times also. You're willing to take a hit from people like that opposed to a bunch of grown *** men.
That’s a very dramatic statement. CJ isn’t that much smaller than AJ. At all. He can handle 7 touches a game.
I'm going to give a somewhat contrarian- but futuristic- take on the RB situation:

I don't think anyone's bolting to the portal.

Why? Take a look at the fungibility of RBs at the next level. RBs who were "that dude" for 2-3 years come up for a new K and they get the vet's minimum. One year, two year max.

You have to be historically extraordinary to do better.

There is value in simultaneously being showcased enough for a variety of scouting film, while also preserving the tread on one's tires. The position is also prone to both traumatic and stress/overuse injury (e.g., Chaney and Citizen) and aggravation.

Dawson's offense gives a multiplicity of looks and usage. If you get an RB 40-50 touches over a season, I'd argue he's in a better draft position due to enough film, while keeping the mileage down.
I'm going to give a somewhat contrarian- but futuristic- take on the RB situation:

I don't think anyone's bolting to the portal.

Why? Take a look at the fungibility of RBs at the next level. RBs who were "that dude" for 2-3 years come up for a new K and they get the vet's minimum. One year, two year max.

You have to be historically extraordinary to do better.

There is value in simultaneously being showcased enough for a variety of scouting film, while also preserving the tread on one's tires. The position is also prone to both traumatic and stress/overuse injury (e.g., Chaney and Citizen) and aggravation.

Dawson's offense gives a multiplicity of looks and usage. If you get an RB 40-50 touches over a season, I'd argue he's in a better draft position due to enough film, while keeping the mileage down.

I like where your head is at. Parrish RB1/CJ RB1a it is!
I like where your head is at. Parrish RB1/CJ RB1a it is!
Gone are the days of the vaunted "bell cow." We now have "air horn vaquitos."

Using Bethune-Cookman as a measuring stick to revisit the RB BMI debate & argue for 8 pages about who is the best RB on the team is.....

This is about as On-Brand for CIS as it gets

You dug your heels in deep. Brace yourself for ongoing updates my friend.
It's not a matter of how complete he is. It's a matter of the limitations he has with his run style. He's the most consistent running back we have right now with no question. But we don't need consistent. We need potential home run every time he touches the ball. Did you see the size of some of the holes tonight?!? Yet he's only running for 8,9,10 etc yards. He should've housed two of those with ease. With the line we've put together we need to take advantage of any big play opportunities we get & unfortunately being able to consistently pick up a first down doesn't equate to that.

yea, the pressure on the defense and PA is different with a major threat at RB.

Agreed, dudes are running hard but lots of yards have been left on the field; vision hasn't been great, and guys either aren't fast enough to take advantage of blocking or they get tackled too easily.

The offense can certainly be more explosive, and i'm hoping Citizen can regain pre-injury form.
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With this stretch of games and Fletcher maybe held out another week (total guess based on an assumed concussion) Johnson in a series or 2 would not be a surprise. I got 3 texts when he scored and all were some version of wow that is different.