The BEST RB on the team...

Wait A Second Season 1 GIF by Final Space
After this season once this kid puts on some more weight gets stronger and more explosive, teams will be kicking the ball out of bonds, he’ll be a nightmare for backers to cover as well





Ran a 10.25 & 10.45 in the 100m at States back in April-May of this year, as well as a 20.40.

That kind of Speed is what the Old Miami of the Glory years was built on!

Get this kid some reps against Temple & GTech; throwing him a Wheel route or HB Tunnel Screen is instant Offense & an explosive play waiting to happen.

He can be a real weapon down the line as a change of pace back in this Offense.


I think it's Don and I don't think it's not that close with anyone else. Not sure why he doesn't play more? @Cribby @DMoney

Wondering if it's a regime change thing? Or just worried he's gonna get hurt?

I think it's Don and I don't think it's not that close with anyone else. Not sure why he doesn't play more? @Cribby @DMoney

Wondering if it's a regime change thing? Or just worried he's gonna get hurt?
On offense we dont really sub alot.. At WR if you not in that first group you getting scraps.. snap counts show that.. Right now at RB you had Parrish, Ajay, and Fletcher and they all look good running behind oline.. Fletcher got nicked up so it open door for Don but reps are gonna be hard to come by..
Has it occurred to anyone that in years past, this type of discussion would have been about why they keep playing some player with obviously limited skills and the answer would have been either seniority or how great he looked in practice.

Yet here we are discussion which one of our stable of outstanding running backs is the best.

It's a great time to be a Cane.