That's an extremely low bar though. Emory completed just 2 passes of15+ yards (16 & 25 yds) and averaged 4.6 ypa in the Clemson game. The FSU game was similarly not great, save for a couple of miraculous catch-and-runs by George.
Just a general response to anyone here entertaining the notion of Emory as our starting QB next year: Buy some Pepto-Bismol and watch us on offense in those two games. That's what he's shown here. Ball State doesn't matter. They were nearly as bad as FAMU and they had had the crap beaten out of them for 3+ quarters.
Could he have gotten better since then? Yes, and for his sake I hope he has.
I know the insiders are singing in unison that if we miss on Mateer the coaches are confident in rolling with Emory, but I refuse to believe this is true. If we don't get Mateer, our starting QB next year will still come from the portal. Happy to make a bet with someone, and if I'm wrong I'll do something very embarrassing. (Edit: Money fine too up to $1k. You win if we don't get Mateer and our starting QB against ND is Emory/Judd/Nickel. I win if we don't get Mateer and our starting QB against ND comes from the portal. Null when we get Mateer in a week or two)