That Tennessee offense!

Going back to 2007 (Rocky Top's last 10-won season), the Vols are/have...

- 93-88
- 8 losing seasons
-- 7 seasons of 5 Ws or less
- 3 seasons at 7-6
- 2 seasons of 9 wins

Kudos to Huepel and staff in Y2 of building upon success where it hasn't been for a while...
I’ve been stumping for Heupel since 2018...

That’s why anytime people mention Leach I always say his disciples are significantly better than him.

They took his & Hal Mumme’s elite revolutionary passing concepts & combined with the Spread rushing attack.

And now in modern day Football it’s the most difficult Offense to defend against & literally levels the playing field, even when you’re up against defensive talent that far outweighs you & is better overall athletically.

I know I’m a broken record, but this is where my frustration has come from with this program for such a long **** time & why I (used to lol) have such impassioned debates with people on here who for whatever reason were against us becoming a more high powered Offensive centric team & thought that we needed to transform into “tUfF & FiZiCuLL!” Lol.

A team like Tenn couldn’t have beat Bama any other way; when you’re overmatched against a team that has a significant talent advantage over you, your best bet is to make it a shoot out & the only way you can hang in a shoot out is if you’re equipped to do it, which means you have to throw the Football a lot... I know, I know that sacrilegious, but in today’s game, you can’t win big games like this without a potent offense & unless you have a roster like UGA’s or an OL & Defense like Michigan’s, you’re not gonna pound the rock to victory against really good teams like Bama.

Yes it’s about “Jimmy’s & Joe’s!”, but whether people realize it or not X’s & O’s are just as/if not more important. Having a good Offense is the most key cog in today’s era to be a winning program, that doesn’t mean you’ll win a Natty just because of your Offense (I’m not saying that), but if you want to be a 10+ win team & a perennial contender you’re gonna have a really rough go of it if you don’t have an Offense.

I agree with this. When Miami was good back in the 80s and early 90s, I kind of felt Miami was a trend setter with the pro style offense at a time when most of the country was 3 yards and cloud of dust. With that shift was a reason we were able to get so many quality recruits in the years to come. But as other offenses started catching up and being more creative, we stuck with our pro style and almost was requirement to be considered a coach here. We still haven’t recovered. I think things would be significantly different if we not only adopted spread concepts, but also brought in assistants who could potentially come with the next reiteration of the offense that will score points in bunches.
And maybe defensive assistants who can transform what defenses do and focus on.

Combine that with Mario’s relationships building skills and he’ll have recruits knocking down the door.
Going back to 2007 (Rocky Top's last 10-won season), the Vols are/have...

- 93-88
- 8 losing seasons
-- 7 seasons of 5 Ws or less
- 3 seasons at 7-6
- 2 seasons of 9 wins

Kudos to Huepel and staff in Y2 of building upon success where it hasn't been for a while...

Do coaches (Mario) ever look elsewhere and wonder “**** i should have done it like that.”