Stephen Ross to Fund Stadium Renovations

It probably was mentioned somewhere on here but Barry Jackson reported that Beckham's group will know in about a month if the larger venue model needed to accommodate us is feasible. Wanna bet Ross' plan hasn't progressed beyond where it is today by then or if anything will have become even more convoluted? This is the same guy that was going to build a water park across the street Miami Gardens.

Pray to God this falls someone said earlier this is putting lipstick on a pig.

We need something in Dade county closer to campus. That ******* stadium is an abomination.
Pray to God this falls someone said earlier this is putting lipstick on a pig.

We need something in Dade county closer to campus. That ****ing stadium is an abomination.

Ross is not doing this for UM...he's doing it for his team. He has no choice. He's not building a new stadium so this is his only choice.
This is an easy out for the troll. Please fail. Build a stadium for our canes and be done with it. Stop looking for handouts.
Pray to God this falls someone said earlier this is putting lipstick on a pig.

We need something in Dade county closer to campus. That ****ing stadium is an abomination.

We still need our stadium.

This is an easy out for the troll. Please fail. Build a stadium for our canes and be done with it. Stop looking for handouts.

And how much have you contributed to UM's athletic department?

Has the AD ever put out together a fundraiser for a new stadium? Any effort at all? It goes both ways. The AD, Shalala and the rest of Miami officials just don't get it. Sun Life is a failed project that hurts the programs perception. In addition, it lacks any home field adantage to help our boys win.
This is the best possible thing that could happen since having our own stadium is out of the question. I'll take it.
who's better at keeping the money and NOT reinvesting in their team, Donna or Ross?

They both need to pull thier collective head out thier ***

I got to go with Donna because it isn't even HER money and she still keeps it!

What kind of nonsense is this? You seem to think that the money the university gets in it's regular fundraising campaigns is part of the same pot that goes for athletics. It's not.
This is the best possible thing that could happen since having our own stadium is out of the question. I'll take it.
This is what I'm thinkin too. The set up for the Gator game with the extended seats was probably a decent idea of how it will turn out. Only other thing I'd like to see there, would be some kind of weather proofing/shading for the stands. That and lowering parking prices.
It probably was mentioned somewhere on here but Barry Jackson reported that Beckham's group will know in about a month if the larger venue model needed to accommodate us is feasible. Wanna bet Ross' plan hasn't progressed beyond where it is today by then or if anything will have become even more convoluted? This is the same guy that was going to build a water park across the street Miami Gardens.

IMHO the MLS site will be next to Marlin Park since the city wants someone to pay the rent on all those parking garages. Now Royal Caribbean is fighting to keep the MLS stadium off of Dodge Island and the Port of Miami.

Royal Caribbean Cruises - who also want to develop the site - have objected to the plans due to traffic concerns and fears their parking lot, daycare centre and staff gym would have to relocate to accommodate the project.

David Beckham is facing opposition over his plans for a stadium for his new soccer team.
This is an easy out for the troll. Please fail. Build a stadium for our canes and be done with it. Stop looking for handouts.

I agree with that statement 100%. The only issue is there is no place UM can afford to build it. Maybe UM's South Campus that opened in 1986 on a 136-acre site. Its six buildings provide 63,800 square feet for research and development projects.

Building a new Stadium isn't Donna's decision she has zero power to fund a stadium. It it the Board of Trustee that are 40 elected trustees that Donna reports to and she can't touch that Endowment with out the approval of the Board of Trustees. Fact is even the Board of Trustees can't touch the Endowment. The Endowment is locked down as an investment that a percentage of that yearly revenue of that investment goes to pay for new things. Most of that Endowment is earmarked for academic & medial projects and the board of Trustees are the biggest donors to UM's Endowment.
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Not so fast, my friends.

He would fund the $350 Million renovation, but only if he doesn't have to pay $4 Million in property taxes to the county every year.

Ross is donating SLS's Stadium and property to Dade County after he spends up to $400M to upgrade it. Ross has said they will donate $1M a year to the city of Miami Gardens to pay for the tax loss they use for eduction after they give away the stadium to Dade county. That $400M creates jobs and produces a lot more tax revenue than what Ross would pay. This is the same deal the Heat, Marlins and Panthers have where the county owns the stadiums and they don't pay tax on the stadium since they don't own it.

Unless SLS is upgraded both Dade and Broward will never see another NFL Superbowl that is a billion dollars in revenue. The Orange Bowl Classic with NCAA playoffs will be replaced by one of the other new super stadiums like the Cowboy's "Jerry's World" in Dallas at some point also hurting Broward and Dade County revenue.
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he turns over the stadium to the county which creates the tax break if you will. reason i am for it is as much as i want the soccer thing to work i don't see them building a 45k seat stadium just for UM. we know 45 is well in excess of the MLS average attendance.

to those that don't think the seating will change much the plan suggests otherwise. its almost a complete overhaul of the lower deck.

from the Herald in January:
Newly unveiled renderings showed the team plans an upgrade to almost every aspect of its 26-year-old building — from seating and sight lines to scoreboards and a roof to keep you dry.

“This will put this facility in as-new condition,” Dolphins CEO Mike Dee said. “It’s not a Band-Aid. This will comprehensively make this facility competitive for the next 25 years.”

Added project architect Kent McLaughlin: “It’s ready to leap to the future.”

Here’s how:

• Seats would be replaced and widened, with the lower level growing by some 3,700 people and moved 18 feet closer to the action.

• Video screens, lighting and the sound system would all get upgrades, as would elevators and escalators.

• And most dramatically, the stadium would have an open-air roof to shield fans from the elements.

Read more here:
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"the stadium would have an open-air roof to shield fans from the elements."

This I like. This would seem to help with acoustics .