Stacy Coley HL

I try and tell ppl. Kaaya is so underrated and under appreciated. Mans did a lot with less. Had a new coordinator every year and still balled out. Only if Richt would’ve changed that offense earlier.
Richt failed Brad. Brad was a pure air raid passing type QB, and he had this guy trying to run RPO game. I appreciate everything Coach Richt did, but that was something that always bothered me. I always wondered what Brad's career would have been like had he had an OC like Fisch, that wanted to spread the ball around.

That said, Kaaya screwed himself by leaving early, had he come back and Richt kept the offense he used the last 4 games of the season, Miami would have been even better, a lot of those close games wouldn't have been close. Keep in mind, the 2017 'Canes won DESPITE Rosier at QB most of the time, not because of him. Imagine having a high end passer, instead of a guy that consistently completed less than 50% of his passes.
Richt failed Brad. Brad was a pure air raid passing type QB, and he had this guy trying to run RPO game. I appreciate everything Coach Richt did, but that was something that always bothered me. I always wondered what Brad's career would have been like had he had an OC like Fisch, that wanted to spread the ball around.
That said, Kaaya screwed himself by leaving early, had he come back and Richt kept the offense he used the last 4 games of the season, Miami would have been even better, a lot of those close games wouldn't have been close. Keep in mind, the 2017 'Canes won DESPITE Rosier at QB most of the time, not because of him. Imagine having a high end passer, instead of a guy that consistently completed less than 50% of his pass
Richt failed Brad. Brad was a pure air raid passing type QB, and he had this guy trying to run RPO game. I appreciate everything Coach Richt did, but that was something that always bothered me. I always wondered what Brad's career would have been like had he had an OC like Fisch, that wanted to spread the ball around.

That said, Kaaya screwed himself by leaving early, had he come back and Richt kept the offense he used the last 4 games of the season, Miami would have been even better, a lot of those close games wouldn't have been close. Keep in mind, the 2017 'Canes won DESPITE Rosier at QB most of the time, not because of him. Imagine having a high end passer, instead of a guy that consistently completed less than 50% of his passes.
don’t have to explain that to me. I’ve had to argue with fools saying Rosier gave us a better chance 😂😂😂
That’s pretty funny, but I can’t believe he didn’t get flagged for this.

He was always getting flag for taunting after the play, which was my problem with him. He had great ability and would flash that at times, but he didn’t produce nearly enough to be taunting as much as he did. Every big catch he ever made was followed by getting in the defenders face which often got him a flag. F*cking Miami players don’t seem to get that Randal Hill could dance around like an a-hole because we were stomping the life out of teams. If you aren’t going to dominate, you’re celebration just hurts your team.

But yeah, he was a stud when he tried.
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