Spring PractiSe #3 : Media today: Kevin Steele, Al Blades Jr., James Williams and DJ Ivey


well, that's only because he is..

But he might find a role as a short yardage/goal line type of specialist down the line
If he transfers…

With others healthy, he should be 6th on the depth chart
there have been times Miami has had co-starters at safety, I remember Charles Pharms and Hurlie Brown basically splitting snaps opposite Darryl Williams(who was an All-American) in 91.

With the tempo of many offenses today, there are plenty of snaps to be had by a lot of players
Great example here. I think Herbert James was sprinkled in there too IIRC.
Great example here. I think Herbert James was sprinkled in there too IIRC.

Herbert James!!! There's a name I hadn't thought about in awhile

James was our boundary corner, opposite Ryan McNeil. He was one of the hardest hitting corners Ive seen at UM. He hit like a safety, every time he tackled or hit somebody, you could hear it. Good, solid player, very reliable

I still maintain to this day that the 91 defense of coordinated by Sonny Lubick is our best coached unit Ive seen. they were just sooo sound and solid on all three levels and played well together. They were so tough on 3rd down -- and barely even played nickel defense, 'the Bermuda Triangle' never came off the field..
Herbert James!!! There's a name I hadn't thought about in awhile

James was our boundary corner, opposite Ryan McNeil. He was one of the hardest hitting corners Ive seen at UM. He hit like a safety, every time he tackled or hit somebody, you could hear it. Good, solid player, very reliable

I still maintain to this day that the 91 defense of coordinated by Sonny Lubick is our best coached unit Ive seen. they were just sooo sound and solid on all three levels and played well together. They were so tough on 3rd down -- and barely even played nickel defense, 'the Bermuda Triangle' never came off the field..
'91 held teams to 8.3 PPG... played 4 top-11 teams. Even 2001 allowed 1.5 more points playing 1 team in the top-11 (Neb) while scoring 10 more PPG in '01 vs '91
Herbert James!!! There's a name I hadn't thought about in awhile

James was our boundary corner, opposite Ryan McNeil. He was one of the hardest hitting corners Ive seen at UM. He hit like a safety, every time he tackled or hit somebody, you could hear it. Good, solid player, very reliable

I still maintain to this day that the 91 defense of coordinated by Sonny Lubick is our best coached unit Ive seen. they were just sooo sound and solid on all three levels and played well together. They were so tough on 3rd down -- and barely even played nickel defense, 'the Bermuda Triangle' never came off the field..
That’s probably why I thought he was a safety! **** use to come with bad intentions every tackle! Lol. And I agree..that 1991 defense was one for the ages. They would do just fine in this era of football.
Herbert James!!! There's a name I hadn't thought about in awhile

James was our boundary corner, opposite Ryan McNeil. He was one of the hardest hitting corners Ive seen at UM. He hit like a safety, every time he tackled or hit somebody, you could hear it. Good, solid player, very reliable

I still maintain to this day that the 91 defense of coordinated by Sonny Lubick is our best coached unit Ive seen. they were just sooo sound and solid on all three levels and played well together. They were so tough on 3rd down -- and barely even played nickel defense, 'the Bermuda Triangle' never came off the field..
The 91 Defense was without a doubt UMs best ever....
86 was best um defense ever and maybe best college defense of all time. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I saw all 11 regular season games live and the fiesta bowl. We did not lose that game because our defense. We only allowed one drive at then end of the half to penn state, the rest of the game we held them in check, even thought we gave them great field position we 6 turnovers.
86 was best um defense ever and maybe best college defense of all time. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I saw all 11 regular season games live and the fiesta bowl. We did not lose that game because our defense. We only allowed one drive at then end of the half to penn state, the rest of the game we held them in check, even thought we gave them great field position we 6 turnovers.

it's interesting, I thought at it's best, the 89 unit with Tez and Russell Maryland was our best. Nobody could re-set the line of scrimmage the way they could collectively...
86 was best um defense ever and maybe best college defense of all time. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I saw all 11 regular season games live and the fiesta bowl. We did not lose that game because our defense. We only allowed one drive at then end of the half to penn state, the rest of the game we held them in check, even thought we gave them great field position we 6 turnovers.
Nah....91 Defense is #1....91 had a much better LBing group and is statistically UMs best in it's History...this isn't taking anything away from 86s D.....when you have an OLBer (Smith) who can cover the opposing teams #1 WR step for step...that tells you all you need to know. As good of a DL as well....the 91 & 92 UM vs FSU games had the best 6 LBers I've ever seen on a FB field...Carruthers...Brooks and Shade tree for FSU.....Smith...Barrow and Armstead for UM....Even Keith Jackson said he never saw anything like it....


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Ninjas swore yearby was better than gus too man. I’m interested in what Thad can bring. Would like him at a ideal weight.
Maybe it’s my bad memory, but while Gus and yearby were at the U, Yearby was the better back right? Gus made out better in the long run, but i don’t remember anyone asking for Gus over yearby and a lot of talk about Gus running too upright