Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I know Im always the guy who thinks too deep into things like this. But I have a question for you. Do you think the end of the rams/bucs game played into the bills dc head? If they saw it they literally played it opposite ways
Such a good question, the way it played out makes me think at least one person on the headset did… I think they really just ****es the bed. To your earlier point, you squib it, make someone who’s not used to handling the ball make a decision and maybe the games over right there. I’m trying to do everything I can not to let Mahomes wizardry beat me. That felt like step 1
today is the day success GIF by Denyse

So will it be Dorsey or not? I lean towards not simply because at this point I think he is NFL all the way. If hired I would have mixed thoughts. It would be interesting simply because of the name. It would also go against the grain hiring someone who has never been there before. One of the cis biggest ******* was hiring first timers alias Shannon and Diaz as head coaches. I think he will be good as an OC and would not ***** if he was hired but would be a lot more comfortable with a proven good coordinator. Just my opinions as of this morning
So will it be Dorsey or not? I lean towards not simply because at this point I think he is NFL all the way. If hired I would have mixed thoughts. It would be interesting simply because of the name. It would also go against the grain hiring someone who has never been there before. One of the cis biggest ******* was hiring first timers alias Shannon and Diaz as head coaches. I think he will be good as an OC and would not ***** if he was hired but would be a lot more comfortable with a proven good coordinator. Just my opinions as of this morning
I’d be shocked if it was Dorsey. We’ve never had one report linking Dorsey to the Canes. Nothing suggests he’s a candidate or a target. Fans just been creating smoke that probably doesn’t exist.
Changing my opinion for clicks is beyond retarded even for that dude. I‘ve read so much nonsense like that or I like attention is why I do this. Even though some of the “people” constantly saying that does the same thing lol.

Heres some facts , I make nothing from this board , nada. Nothing for clicks or threads. My one perk is I get no ads for free. I love attention so much that I have no social media , none. Even though I’ve been “ Mr Insider guy” for over four years, I literally post here and nowhere else. If it was all about attention I could’ve gotten a lot more lol.

The thing is I’m in a lose lose. I get it, I’ve put my self in this position so I’m not playing the victim. But I have a plan for this going forward lol. That way I can get “attention“ without all the attention.

The thing is that 99.9% of this board loves and sincerely appreciates what you offer with your insight. The few imbeciles who blather on that you do this for attention are either too stupid to matter or they are purposely trying to start **** just to get a reaction. These ***** do not represent the vast majority of us. You don't ever have to explain yourself man. You've earned your respect 100%.
I simply see no way that it's Dorsey. I just can't see him leaving the NFL where he is a rising star to come coach here, regardless of his relationship with Mario or love for this school. I'm also not sure he would be the best fit. I think he'd be a phenomenal QB coach, but just not sure how he'd fair as an OC. Maybe being a phenomenal QB coach is enough in the college game. I don't know.
I simply see no way that it's Dorsey. I just can't see him leaving the NFL where he is a rising star to come coach here, regardless of his relationship with Mario or love for this school. I'm also not sure he would be the best fit. I think he'd be a phenomenal QB coach, but just not sure how he'd fair as an OC. Maybe being a phenomenal QB coach is enough in the college game. I don't know.

It appears like it will be enough to get an OC job in the NFL
I simply see no way that it's Dorsey. I just can't see him leaving the NFL where he is a rising star to come coach here, regardless of his relationship with Mario or love for this school. I'm also not sure he would be the best fit. I think he'd be a phenomenal QB coach, but just not sure how he'd fair as an OC. Maybe being a phenomenal QB coach is enough in the college game. I don't know.
I forgot why many considered you an awful poster. Now I'm reminded.
As unlikely as it is, I’ve been good with us hiring Ken as OC but I’m old enough to remember when nobody wanted him bc he hadn’t called plays. Well he still hasn’t and now y’all want him? What’s changed in such a short period of time?
What happened? This freaking thread passed 1000 pages, children have been born since this thread was started, people have been married and buried, and we STILL have no coordinators .. that's what has happened!!
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This is from SI’s MMQB article today. Just seems extremely unlikely he comes here.
It's probably what Dorsey is waiting for, but Daboll getting a head coach job isn't guaranteed.
It'd be hard for Dorsey to turn down or not pursue an NFL OC job. But, who knows what he's thinking..maybe he's decided now's the time to go back to the U for 2-3 years, build his resume and return his alma mater to the place it belongs, on top of college football. Then go back to his NFL career. Being a great OC at a high profile program like Miami isn't gonna hurt his NFL career.
Bills fan, deep kick is the right call based on only needing a FG to tie. If you short it or miss kick the ball on a sky kick it benefits KC.

Secondly, on the Kelce catch to setup the field goal, Levi Wallace literally sat on the sideline with no route out there. It was an isolation route and with a cloud style coverage he shouldn't have been able to get that many yards. He should have collapsed down to the route since everything else was going away from him. Brutal awareness.

There's no way Ken or Daboll go into the AFC East, they don't want to deal with Josh twice a year. Daboll will probably end up in NYG since Joe Schoenn is the GM there now
Yeah. Appeared to be cover 9 when kelce just went up the seam to set up the fg. Possession before that it was 2 man all the way. Don’t think they switched coverage. Kelce for the 3rd down conversion and then hill on the dig for 6
It's probably what Dorsey is waiting for, but Daboll getting a head coach job isn't guaranteed.
It'd be hard for Dorsey to turn down or not pursue an NFL OC job. But, who knows what he's thinking..maybe he's decided now's the time to go back to the U for 2-3 years, build his resume and return his alma mater to the place it belongs, on top of college football. Then go back to his NFL career. Being a great OC at a high profile program like Miami isn't gonna hurt his NFL career.
this is my thinking, or perhaps wish. let him develop his play calling skills here and enjoy the added benefit of doing so at Miami and then return to the NFL as an OC. i think there's less than a 10% change of it occurring but there's a chance with Mario and Rad on board.
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