I’ll add this observation of this global message board phenomenon:
- some posters can get ****y or bent out of shape when questioned
- this has existed since the beginning of message board insiders/info providers
- it can annoy posters - specifically when people only want to take the good, and when the bad comes - they like it less and/or capn save a hoes come running in to defend - intensifying the situation…
I’m not saying this is happening here or on this fine board, but I have seen it in my day re: recruiting - let’s say an insider and a handler do a podcast related to a recruit - filling the fans with hope of committing to the home team only to have him sell himself to an SEC plantation….. there could be a bit of backlash in that scenario, if the insider is a ****y ******** there could be more backlash, if capns come a running, even more backlash…
So let’s all just not be ****twats and ****heads and enjoy the discussions of the team we all allege to be fans of…