Freddie was a Central Boys Cub kid?

Didn't know that. Still holding to my thesis he was the GOAT.

Well, Don Bailey, Jr. was a Miami Shores kid, so there you go!

I was younger than they were, but I also remember the Northwest Boys Club kids: Brett Perriman, Melvin Bratton, and others …. I'm dating myself, I know!

Freddie might have played for Northwest Boys Club. He went to Springs so these clubs were spread out. I am a little fuzzy on my Optimist days. Central Boys was the Optimist team during my era. We choked to Miami High 7-6, who won conference.
Like how ******* HARD is this to understand. Well said Chise.
It’s hard for the morally depraved mongoloids who infest this board to understand that a parent using their kid to pay for stuff because they function at a very low level. When you are low-functioning you think taking money for anything is OK.
**** been happening for years. The betting on games kids getting 50-100$ for a good performance. When I was playing for the rattlers in Deerfield my pee wee coach had a whole bounty system for crack backs, hard hits, picks etc. or reward was the McDonald’s menu tho lol..but yes it happens
Correct for many but not all. Some/many don’t “need” that money but pimp anyway. You think Tua’s family was bad off like that? They just took anyways. They jumped in with both feet. It’s not like they were living in a shack in a pineapple plantation.
Over under on how fast they move back to Hawaii after he gets drafted. No way they stay in that ****e hole.
Freddie was a Central Boys Cub kid?

Didn't know that. Still holding to my thesis he was the GOAT.

Well, Don Bailey, Jr. was a Miami Shores kid, so there you go!

I was younger than they were, but I also remember the Northwest Boys Club kids: Brett Perriman, Melvin Bratton, and others …. I'm dating myself, I know!

I'm pretty sure Miles played for Hialeah Optimist 145 back in 1976.
I was on the Hialeah 115s that season.
Miles had some pretty talented teammates on that squad like Joe McCall (Pitt/NFL),
Jim Llinas (HML, UM), Jack Fernandez (Miami Springs,UM), Dale Dorminey (HialeahHS, uf),
Mike McDonald (HML, Mississippi State) and others.
That 145 team came up together for a few years, winning a bunch of games and championships, and
always seemed to have massive games against Richmond-Perrine Optimist.
This team was a major reason why HML, HialeahHS and Springs won often during the late 1970s.
They were a pretty good club.
u have to understand people have different views then u or i

That's true but some here think "the man" is trying to take down their hustle. That's crying like a victim as an excuse to excuse SOME exploiting their children. That's all. I think the majority here understand what goes on
It takes a ton of assumptions to make this topic simple, like assuming how people spend the money or assuming their socioeconomic status prior to accepting it? U see how a person feels about a people when they dismiss context and ignore nuance when evaluating issues that impact them. Liberal minded in their own lives but conservative and hard-nosed with everyone else’s.

Then there’s the ridiculous implication being made that if a mom or dad receives money or a good paying job due to their child’s football talents, that those perks don’t directly impact the kid’s life as well. As if the parent takes the money and disowns the child forever and they don’t also benefit from it. If my mother is taken care of then I’m taken care of. If my dad receives a good job due to my talents then my life is exponentially made better as well. Since when do parents not share money and material gain with their children? They did so prior to the child’s success at playing ball, so why would they stop now with more money and opportunities being made available, especially made possible by and due to the child’s abilities. This would make a parent want to buy their child even more ish.

Write a post about the exploited kid and family when the injured kid doesn't pan out or the 5 star was a 3. When the no show job ends and the rent isn't paid any more. Are the streets paying the rent then?Did the kid get an education for his future or a street hustle education for the rest of his life. Are you there to pick up the pieces? Or is it someone elses fault again. Look up Coogans Law. The America you hate made a moral law about exploiting children 70 years ago. That is what the Crackas are referring to.

When did playing football for money become prostitution?

I’m not a fan of paying kids because I believe it to be a slippery slope.

But parents taking money for their kids to play a sport they would normally have to pay for, themselves, isn’t pimping. It’s good business practice, and demonstrates common sense by the parent.

How they spend the money might be up for debating their character. But taking the money isn’t a character issue, at all.

And this is lady’s and gentleman is how a pimp feels/thinks when one of his ladies is working.
That's true but some here think "the man" is trying to take down their hustle. That's crying like a victim as an excuse to excuse SOME exploiting their children. That's all. I think the majority here understand what goes on

Write a post about the exploited kid and family when the injured kid doesn't pan out or the 5 star was a 3. When the no show job ends and the rent isn't paid any more. Are the streets paying the rent then?Did the kid get an education for his future or a street hustle education for the rest of his life. Are you there to pick up the pieces? Or is it someone elses fault again. Look up Coogans Law. The America you hate made a moral law about exploiting children 70 years ago. That is what the Crackas are referring to.
And who did the America you stole make that law to protect? Not black children. It was made to stop the exploitation of white children immigrants of Eastern Europe (Italians, Irish, and ****** descent). Ellis Island lawless period of New York where murder was rampant, truancy, rape, theft, and gangs ran things. Also the time period where words like adolescent and juvenile were born in order to draw a separation between adult and children in the legal system (establishing Juvenile courts). Before Ellis Island NY (which was the birthplace of “organized crime, prohibition, trap/drug houses, “ghettos” and brothels), black children were tried and convicted for crimes as adults for 300+ years in America. It took this phenomena of white immigrants lawlessness due to socioeconomic disillusionment and disenfranchisement to make the law you brought up. This is also the time where Psychology, therapy and roles and majors like Social Worker were more introduced in the form of aid to these criminagenic communities. Thanks for bringing this up because it pushes home the point even more and shows that the government stepped in to save that community but a segment of black community has been an Ellis Island ever since then. Try again.
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Write a post about the exploited kid and family when the injured kid doesn't pan out or the 5 star was a 3. When the no show job ends and the rent isn't paid any more. Are the streets paying the rent then?Did the kid get an education for his future or a street hustle education for the rest of his life. Are you there to pick up the pieces? Or is it someone elses fault again. Look up Coogans Law. The America you hate made a moral law about exploiting children 70 years ago. That is what the Crackas are referring to.

LOL...most of the kids that I heard of that were offered all of these perks panned out.

And it's funny you don't have a problem with the funny accounting that goes on in College athletics. You know, where they use profits from sports that are dominated by black athletes, to pay for sports that are dominated by trust fund babies that don't bring in $h!t to the University.

Question, if you shared an apartment with 3 other guys, would you feel exploited if you had to pay all of the bills because you made the most money?
And this is lady’s and gentleman is how a pimp feels/thinks when one of his ladies is working.
And this ladies and gentlemen is a self proclaimed pimp and definite beneficiary of pimping who despite this has miraculously managed to acquire the healthiest misdirected and selective outrage moral compass there is. Astonishing

LOL...most of the kids that I heard of that were offered all of these perks panned out.

And it's funny you don't have a problem with the funny accounting that goes on in College athletics. You know, where they use profits from sports that are dominated by black athletes, to pay for sports that are dominated by trust fund babies that don't bring in $h!t to the University.

Question, if you shared an apartment with 3 other guys, would you feel exploited if you had to pay all of the bills because you made the most money?

That all made perfect sense to you. Thank You. I feel exploited every April 15th.

LOL...most of the kids that I heard of that were offered all of these perks panned out.

And it's funny you don't have a problem with the funny accounting that goes on in College athletics. You know, where they use profits from sports that are dominated by black athletes, to pay for sports that are dominated by trust fund babies that don't bring in $h!t to the University.

Question, if you shared an apartment with 3 other guys, would you feel exploited if you had to pay all of the bills because you made the most money?

He was basically talking about a conversation he was having with a parent about a kid potentially joining his youth football team. And at the end of the conversation the parent ask him how much is he willing to pay because coaches at other parks are offering 3500 to 5k for his kid. He told the father he don't pay for kids and that was the end of it but he came to Facebook to get ppl opinion on the subject.

$5000 for a youth football player? No wonder kids are bolting S. Fl. Hurricanes have been under a spotlight for over 7 years now!
And this ladies and gentlemen is a self proclaimed pimp and definite beneficiary of pimping who despite this has miraculously managed to acquire the healthiest misdirected and selective outrage moral compass there is. Astonishing

Are you trying to be funny? because you failed.
I played a team back in the mid 60’s called the Miami Grey Ghosts.They were supposed to be some unbeatable all-star team that played all over the S.Fla area.

We came up from a Key West and beat the bajeezus out of them.What I saw that day with their parents screaming and yelling at them because they lost never made sense to a 12-13 year old kid until years later when I learned about all the betting and stuff that went on in the stands.

Not sure that this is is what happened that day but parents calling their kids losers and sHT because they lost a pop warner game makes a lot more sense now than it did back then.