So how many Duke players got drafted

Miami only had 3 players drafted, one of whom was a P. A P who was only here for 1 season, at that. Not saying that there aren't coaching deficiencies, especially on the defensive side, but let's not act like the draft proved that Miami was oozing talent. It kinda shows the opposite.
The thread is a joke. Duke won 10 games last year. Gave Texas A &M all they could handle in the bowl game. Take a look at the Nfl Draft over the years. Teams that have a lot of highly drafted players and early entrants are the schools that win. Miami has not been one of them. If you want to ignore that fact go right ahead.
Trying to answer the OP's question is like trying to divide by Zero.

With that said, I'm sure Golden has an excuse filed away somewhere for a case like this.
Who cares.

Some of the relevance is that there were heavy arguments here during the season with a host of guys blasting away that Duke would have a bunch of prospects drafted. I'd show some of the PMs and comments I got, but this debate is stale.

PLease show them..

Draft actually shows how equal in talent both teams were which I recall the debate centered around.

Not really. 3 to 1 this year, and that number will widen after next year's Draft. At any rate, our "equally talented team" lost by 18 and was outscored 41-13 after the first quarter.
Who cares.

Some of the relevance is that there were heavy arguments here during the season with a host of guys blasting away that Duke would have a bunch of prospects drafted. I'd show some of the PMs and comments I got, but this debate is stale.

PLease show them..

Draft actually shows how equal in talent both teams were which I recall the debate centered around.

Not really. 3 to 1 this year, and that number will widen after next year's Draft. At any rate, our "equally talented team" lost by 18 and was outscored 41-13 after the first quarter.

We won 9 games with a team with no senior talent or juniors worthy of leaving early for the draft. Coaching could maybe have done better but they most certainly could have done worse.

The quarterback had all the physical talent in the world but a football IQ of zero. Even with all his physical gifts no NFL team thought there was a chance to develop morris in the future.
Or even picked up as Unsigned free agents?

We basically have an OL, a punter and a weedhead drafted. This just tells me that Duke players suck less.

This didn't even make sense. Duke players suck less because we had 3 players drafted to their 1? We also had a bunch of guys picked up as UDFA. If anything it tells me just the opposite. Our talent was supposed to be so much less and Duke had so many seniors compared to us, but somehow we got more seniors drafted and more players currently with a team. Sounds to me like if we both suck, talent wise we suck less.
The thread is a joke. Duke won 10 games last year. Gave Texas A &M all they could handle in the bowl game. Take a look at the Nfl Draft over the years. Teams that have a lot of highly drafted players and early entrants are the schools that win. Miami has not been one of them. If you want to ignore that fact go right ahead.

How many highly drafted players and early entrants did Duke have?
Miami only had 3 players drafted, one of whom was a P. A P who was only here for 1 season, at that. Not saying that there aren't coaching deficiencies, especially on the defensive side, but let's not act like the draft proved that Miami was oozing talent. It kinda shows the opposite.

I think you missed the point completely. We aren't saying that Miami was oozing with talent, but in fact just that Duke was not oozing with talent like many would try and have us believe. Duke was a good team last year and they had seniors, but they did not have more talent than us, even with our crappy seniors.
another one of these post!!! We were out coached, happens to the best. We should have run the ball 50 times on Duke, instead, they run 50 times instead. happens, let's see what this season brings with Shannon's players as alum now. The kids that want it more are now leading the team. I remember Gino would see they would call their own plays overriding what the coach called if they felt the coach called the wrong one. I can see that from this talented group we have coming back. Duke and Dorsett posting on twitter shows we what I need to see.
We have had mediocre talent for a long time. When you have mediocre talent, you can lose to anyone. The talent appears to be getting better. The coaches have to answer the bell and improve along with the talent. This isn't rocket science.
Miami only had 3 players drafted, one of whom was a P. A P who was only here for 1 season, at that. Not saying that there aren't coaching deficiencies, especially on the defensive side, but let's not act like the draft proved that Miami was oozing talent. It kinda shows the opposite.

I think you missed the point completely. We aren't saying that Miami was oozing with talent, but in fact just that Duke was not oozing with talent like many would try and have us believe. Duke was a good team last year and they had seniors, but they did not have more talent than us, even with our crappy seniors.

The point of this thread is that "many" people were saying that Duke had a talent-laden roster? Who the heck was saying that? I saw just the opposite, people said that the talent differential was so tilted in Miami's favor that it proved Golden was a failure as a coach. Either way, using the draft as evidence doesn't prove that either side had an edge in talented upperclassmen. Miami had 2 OL and a 1-year punter drafted, Duke had 1 player. No real difference.
Here's what I don't get: Why make posts like this? What good does *****ing and moaning about Golden do? What does it actually accomplish to constantly whine about how much we suck, and to get off on deriding others who might still hold out some home that maybe we might not suck as much in the future, with or without Golden?

Eh, I guess I shouldn't complain. This place is still measurably more open to optimism that is the WEZ.

so you come in here to bich about our biching? makes sense...

I come in here to read Canes news and hopefully get hyped about UM sports.

You come here to ***** and moan.

Different strokes for diff folks.
We were out coached, happens to the best.

Getting out-coached happens to Golden and Co. far too often, particularly against any team that has a pulse.

LULZ at this "happens to the best" as some sort of excuse. This porst screams #Deservemediocrity.
Best thread since the pathetic shellacking from Louisville and that ****poor excuse of a flirtation with his alma mater. Cultists gonna cult, but have nothing to say when the truth declares itself.
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