SIAP B. Baker may be on the move to TN as DC...

Mope has also become synonymous with people who say anything critical at all too. There are few all out mopes on here imo.
Yep. Mongoloid weasels like Go Manny!! and his crew of Manny Storm Troopers come squealing in on their Segway scooters emitting their high pitch dolphin sonar every time someone criticizes their coach crush.
We were right about Clappy, radio, fatso and now manure and his two record breaking worst defensive performances in the history of two once proud National championship programs in Texas and Miami! So what exactly have we not been right on? And what exactly have the slurpers been right on? Lmao
All they do is eat coach *** with syrup until the coach gets fired. Then they come on and tell us they knew he sucked all along but they’re better fans than us because they cared more about propping up failing coaches than they do about trying to preserve the standard here.
Manny's defense in 2017 and 18 tells a different story too. It might be it was just a mismatch with Baker and Manny, the overseer. Maybe Baker on his own gives him more leeway to do what he wants w/o Manny breathing over his shoulder.
Or maybe Manure ran out of Folden recruits when he allegedly turned the defense over to his son, Blank.
Or maybe Manure ran out of Folden recruits when he allegedly turned the defense over to his son, Blank.

Watching you of all people suck off Golden while shïtting on the current staff/roster is the definition of irony. Serious question, will you actually root for Miami to win games this fall or really hope they lose so you can brag on a message board? That question is rhetorical considering you’re literally just running from thread to thread repeating yourself, trying to take a dump on any positive momentum this program is trying generate.

If Manny fails and gets fired then you will come on here and do the same song and dance about the next coach bc it’s all that you’ve done since I’ve been on this board. You literally root for every coach to fail so you and every other “fan” of your ilk can jerk each other off virtually. All while trying to play like you are the super fan, and are better than the fans that actually hope we succeed. Shït is tired.
Mope has also become synonymous with people who say anything critical at all too. There are few all out mopes on here imo.
I remember when I didn't pleasure myself to that kid from Pitt improving his draft stock against us. Addison I think it was? That was the day I realized they considered me a mope.
Watching you of all people suck off Golden while shïtting on the current staff/roster is the definition of irony. Serious question, will you actually root for Miami to win games this fall or really hope they lose so you can brag on a message board? That question is rhetorical considering you’re literally just running from thread to thread repeating yourself, trying to take a dump on any positive momentum this program is trying generate.

If Manny fails and gets fired then you will come on here and do the same song and dance about the next coach bc it’s all that you’ve done since I’ve been on this board. You literally root for every coach to fail so you and every other “fan” of your ilk can jerk each other off virtually. All while trying to play like you are the super fan, and are better than the fans that actually hope we succeed. Shït is tired.
I led the charge to fire Folden. What you don’t get is that it’s ok to be objective. Folden was a **** HC, but his recruits on D were better than Manure’s so far.

It’s ok, dude. You can do it. You can let go of your Manny beads and be objective.
Watching you of all people suck off Golden while shïtting on the current staff/roster is the definition of irony. Serious question, will you actually root for Miami to win games this fall or really hope they lose so you can brag on a message board? That question is rhetorical considering you’re literally just running from thread to thread repeating yourself, trying to take a dump on any positive momentum this program is trying generate.

If Manny fails and gets fired then you will come on here and do the same song and dance about the next coach bc it’s all that you’ve done since I’ve been on this board. You literally root for every coach to fail so you and every other “fan” of your ilk can jerk each other off virtually. All while trying to play like you are the super fan, and are better than the fans that actually hope we succeed. Shït is tired.
Chise doesnt sing the same song he supports the staff until he thinks they are ****. I have seen it with him since Randy, me for this staff I quit when he got hired cause IMO I didnt think he could win here. Hes made some good move and I can be wrong but so far I look right which I am not proud of.
So he either has to bet with you or not post? When did your bytch fck *** start making the rules? That dude isn’t compelled to be dictated to by the likes of your coach dyck sucking face, Go Manny!!

The amount of closeted anger you regularly spew here has to be completely unsatisfying at this point.

Just embrace what really has you so upset and stop living a lie fakechise, life will be so much better for you.
The amount of closeted anger you regularly spew here has to be completely unsatisfying at this point.

Just embrace what really has you so upset and stop living a lie fakechise, life will be so much better for you.
I'm merely an anthropologist observing you and reporting verifiable facts.. Calling me homophobic for observing facts regarding your twisted desire to stuff every ******* of yours with Manny's genitalia is like calling Jane Goodall chimp-phobic for observing and reporting facts on chimps.

In actuality, it is you who is homophobic for not being more open about your obvious amorous feelings for Manure, Go Manny!! Being a closet queen is the most insidious form of homophobia.
You jump into threads at times with this type of wounded Manny Warrior comment like I do making fun of the partisan one-track minded hacks on both sides here.

People can legitimately discuss things and even draw conclusions that don’t necessarily shower all sunshine on Manny and it’s not “anti” anything, it’s called honest thought and discussion supported by differing rationales.

I think most people on here - many of whom aren’t as vocal - are actually more anti-All Slurper and anti-All Mope than anti-Manny.
You have to realize (as I know you do) that the slurpers have been fantastically wrong and equally ignorant and arrogant for 20 years. They've not only defended but celebrated every disastrous moran who we've had as HC since Coker. The arguments are all the same, just change the names. so after all this time, people who have had the same debates forever do probably lose some patience for the smug idiocy of blind devotion. No problem with the discussion but when the defenders fall into the typical 'trust the coaches you guys are just haters' routine, well, we've been down this road before.
You have to realize (as I know you do) that the slurpers have been fantastically wrong and equally ignorant and arrogant for 20 years. They've not only defended but celebrated every disastrous moran who we've had as HC since Coker. The arguments are all the same, just change the names. so after all this time, people who have had the same debates forever do probably lose some patience for the smug idiocy of blind devotion. No problem with the discussion but when the defenders fall into the typical 'trust the coaches you guys are just haters' routine, well, we've been down this road before.
Every HC they have done this they are the type of fans who are just happy the team is playing on Saturday. We are the type of fan that has seen excellence and anything lower is unacceptable. They don't care they just defend anything they think is anti miami....they are basically a female fan. Like when Brady won the Superbowl u saw women with patriot jerseys happy. He's not even a patriot player anymore I would say fuq him we just missed the playoffs. That's basically them...we have standards they just defend and deflect cause to them we are attacking the team.
I believe only 2-3 other games between power 5 foes were comparable and we were the worst. The other 2, I'd have to check, but prob involved Vandy or KU

This **** is like a scene from very bad things...Hard to believe this actually happened. Kind of like the last game in the OB. If I didn't actually witness it, I would have a really hard time believing these kind of events actually happened to the Miami Hurricanes football program. To me, both events are surreal and
mind blowing. Kind of like a really bad dream that continues to haunt you. I mean we're talking about ultimate WTF moments here. The only thing that can or will make the pain of these recent events go away has got to be a National Title. Otherwise we're just going to wallow around in college football purgatory and I definitely don't need that **** in my life.

Go Canes!!!
I'm merely an anthropologist observing you and reporting verifiable facts.. Calling me homophobic for observing facts regarding your twisted desire to stuff every ******* of yours with Manny's genitalia is like calling Jane Goodall chimp-phobic for observing and reporting facts on chimps.

In actuality, it is you who is homophobic for not being more open about your obvious amorous feelings for Manure, Go Manny!! Being a closet queen is the most insidious form of homophobia.
It is preposterous explanation for why you are incapable of writing a post without a detailed description of a man with another man, then more power to you.

But you’re so obviously *** Fakelife, and you’ll be ok.