SIAP B. Baker may be on the move to TN as DC...

This is gonna turn into a Blake Baker truther thread isn’t it?

Well, let me throw the first Molotov ****tail before I run out the room...

If Blake was really a good DC but was hindered by Manny, then that means it’s Manny’s fault our Defense has regressed over the last 2 seasons... Which flies in the face of the numerous threads that have been posted over the last week or so declaring Manny a very good/90th percentile DC.

So, if you think Baker really was a good DC, you then can’t declare Manny a good DC too...

Either Baker was no bueno & what we saw in the 2019 & 2020 seasons was not an illusion, OR, Manny is the real culprit behind the Defense falling off a cliff from 2018, which should raise some eyebrows because guess who’s the DC for this season?...

Can’t have it both ways... Now I’ll sit back & watch chaos ensue lol

I just knew there was some mischief in LCE's heart!
I’m not following the terms but the consequences are a brutal tagline chosen by the winner for the loser for the off-season next year.

Something for @NicKane would be like “I slurp Manny like hot **** on a cold day”

One for Go Canes would be like “I slurped Manny’s Corching **** for years & didn’t even get tipped”

You guys have to agree on the taglines in advance at the time of the bet

No interest in this. Put your time where your regurgitation is @NicKane or don’t ever @ me again.

Yes or no to my bet, as discussed today. Not last week or on another thread. Today.
@NicKane and @Go Canes!! - The loser gets a new avatar for the off-season. We’re gonna go retro 80’s music video on this one. And I can look for more


Boy George/Culture Club


The dude from Dead or Alive
I've seen that same mope squad want to hire Les Miles and winless Butch Davis, fire a diversity pencil pusher like Strawley and hail Danny White, the AD who may now actually hire Baker as their blueprints for success.

This program underachieving and the "solutions" pushed by a band of nitwit cry babies and wannabes hating on it aren't even close to being connected.

Whoa whoa whoa....Danny White has a very good track record as an AD, period. Nothing has even happened at UTK to prove otherwise. Blake has a pretty trashy history as AD here, and it’s been 7-8 yrs now.

If Strawley is who many have said she is (I don’t know, that’s y I’m saying “if”), then yes, she needs to go ASAP, too.

Now, I don’t recall ppl clamoring for Les, but yes, many, including myself clamored for Butch, and despite what he’s doing at FIU (btw, he’s the only coach in FIU’s football history to have a winning record as a HC), I still believe he would’ve been a much better hire for us b/c of our landscape & familiarity w/ our landscape. Oh, and if memory is correct, didn’t he use Manny & Miami as a historic moment in us becoming the first P5 program in NCAA history to lose to FIU?

But anyways, bank on subject; Blake should stay where he’s at in LSU. Build some connects, resources, then take a DC job. He takes a DC job at UTK w/ his rep hit he took here, and it’s going to be career suicide, imo.
For whatever reason, Baker just wasn't a good fit here. That's from a DC, LB coach, and recruiting perspective. He did nothing well in his time here and I don't believe that he just forgot how to coach football. Maybe his success at La Tech was an anomaly or maybe something was off with his partnership with Diaz and the rest of the amateur hour coaching staff we had. Either way, we are better off without him and perhaps he'll be successful in a different environment.
He was way to much of a laid back country boy to coach at Miami. All the DCs that have flourished at UM are mean hothead SOBs that are outspoken. Guys like Schiano, Butch, Shannon, etc. Diaz actually fits that bill pretty well. They don’t have to be the smartest or run a complex scheme. It’s more so firing up the talented guys to run through a brick wall for them.
This is gonna turn into a Blake Baker truther thread isn’t it?

Well, let me throw the first Molotov ****tail before I run out the room...

If Blake was really a good DC but was hindered by Manny, then that means it’s Manny’s fault our Defense has regressed over the last 2 seasons... Which flies in the face of the numerous threads that have been posted over the last week or so declaring Manny a very good/90th percentile DC.

So, if you think Baker really was a good DC, you then can’t declare Manny a good DC too...

Either Baker was no bueno & what we saw in the 2019 & 2020 seasons was not an illusion, OR, Manny is the real culprit behind the Defense falling off a cliff from 2018, which should raise some eyebrows because guess who’s the DC for this season?...

Can’t have it both ways... Now I’ll sit back & watch chaos ensue lol
stress i need a drink GIF
All the gifs in the world won’t change the fact you’re running like a coward from a real bet.

If you’re so confident it should be easy for you right?
I said yesterday I’d take the bet RVA imposed on the now infamous “bet” thread slurpy. You’re Johnny come late to the party sporto. You’re the one who’s chickening out! Put up or shut up because my man @RVACane has it all set up, just waiting on you Scaredy cat!
