Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

The talk overlooked one important issue: What potential damage will NIL do to the sport?

Teams with the support of billionaires will do great. Teams without, say, a Ruiz, will sink. We’ll see greater distance between the haves and have-nots.

So I don’t worry about Smart and Georgia at the present moment. The schools that don’t have $$$ backing have a right to complain. I mean if one team’ supporters can pay out, say, $10 million a year for recruiting, how can a team paying out $2 million compete? That’s a serious disadvantage.

Don’t get me wrong. I think players should get paid. And I‘m enjoying this NIL-rich recruiting year to no end. But I think the above should be at least part of the discussion.

Go Mario!
Are you suggesting limiting someone’s earning potential because not all colleges have the same amount of affluent boosters? Why should their income be reduced because you value “tradition”? What a load of horse sh it.

Things will change. That’s life. Change or adapt. College football and all its traditions will be just fine. There will be new traditions. A large playoff format is 100 times better than a 1970’s #1 Vs #7 Sugar Bowl to determine the AP champion. Things usually change for the better. One of the changes I’m looking forward to is the rise of colleges located in major metropolitan areas. A school located in Idaho, Mississippi, or Alabama shouldn’t have as much power as one located in Florida. They should be at a disadvantage. Some schools will fall and others will rise to take their place. This is life. Change or adapt.
I wonder if you have that same energy for a kid that gets a full academic scholarship but can make money on the side as long as he or she keeps up with his or her grades 🧐
It's when that money on the side was $20k for a no-show law maintenance job that I was bothered.

It's all out in the open now, let the chips fall where they may
They need mandatory financial classes for kids who get the deals. They’re getting better at football in college, why not learn how to manage money as well.
I agree with most of what SS had to say but he’s blurring the lines between the Dodge Charger/under the table bags and the original intent of NIL. The bag schools - and we all now who they are - are being exposed big time and they’re scurrying around trying to cover their collective asses. They weren’t prepared for the ramifications of NIL because they arrogantly believed their “system” was infallible.

It’s also telling that the SEC is almost exclusively mentioned in these conversations with almost no mention of other conferences or schools - specifically Taint, Texas, 8&4, etc.
Here is the full interview. Actually listen to what he said. Kirby needs to shut up tho. That said NIL is broken as currently structured

Parity never existed in CFB. NIL won’t change that. It will just widen the gap. The Idea that Bama and Saban are “threatened by it is foolish akin to ppl who thought the transfer portal would threaten Bama. Both notions go in the same trash bin As idea tv heads feed us that CFP expansion will create parity.

Truth Is both of those were a direct response to the greatest Dynasty in CFB history’s existence..and all dude has and will do is adjust to it..just got to wait Saban out. Parity has never and will never exist in CFB..does anyone remember the landscape of CFB prior to January 7th 2010? How much “parity” existed then?
Are you suggesting limiting someone’s earning potential because not all colleges have the same amount of affluent boosters? Why should their income be reduced because you value “tradition”? What a load of horse sh it.

Things will change. That’s life. Change or adapt. College football and all its traditions will be just fine. There will be new traditions. A large playoff format is 100 times better than a 1970’s #1 Vs #7 Sugar Bowl to determine the AP champion. Things usually change for the better. One of the changes I’m looking forward to is the rise of colleges located in major metropolitan areas. A school located in Idaho, Mississippi, or Alabama shouldn’t have as much power as one located in Florida. They should be at a disadvantage. Some schools will fall and others will rise to take their place. This is life. Change or adapt.
You did not read my post. I said I was in favor of the NIL. I just think comparative resources should be part of the discussion about NIL.

Folks here are touchy when you simply ask about NIL amounts. I wonder why.
Parity never existed in CFB. NIL won’t change that. It will just widen the gap. The Idea that Bama and Saban are “threatened by it is foolish akin to ppl who thought the transfer portal would threaten Bama. Both notions go in the same trash bin As idea tv heads feed us that CFP expansion will create parity.

Truth Is both of those were a direct response to the greatest Dynasty in CFB history’s existence..and all dude has and will do is adjust to it..just got to wait Saban out. Parity has never and will never exist in CFB..does anyone remember the landscape of CFB prior to January 7th 2010? How much “parity” existed then?
What? saban is absolutely threatened otherwise he wouldn't be crying in the media. And as far as parity goes you're kidding yourself, take a look at the list of national champions prior to 2010 and then look at it after 2010 and tell me how you don't see that the nc pool is much smaller now. there is far less parity now compared to before 2010. Only one team won the nc twice between 2000-10, one team has one it 5 times since then.
The one he did after Saban went after Deion was priceless as well.

You really think Bryce young came all the way to California because he loved Alabama THAT much?
What? saban is absolutely threatened otherwise he wouldn't be crying in the media. And as far as parity goes you're kidding yourself, take a look at the list of national champions prior to 2010 and then look at it after 2010 and tell me how you don't see that the nc pool is much smaller now. there is far less parity now compared to before 2010. Only one team won the nc twice between 2000-10, one team has one it 5 times since then.
How exactly is HE threatened tho? The same thing was said about the playoffs being made..then it became the Bama invitational..then playoff expansion..that’s ridiculous. And who could forget transfer portal..Bama just Gets the best tho Bama doesn’t and won’t have a top 3 class again and didn’t have the number 2 class last I ask again did you actually listen to the interview and what points he made…and lastly there was soooo much parity pior to 2010 when it came to naming a champion that even back then ppl were crying for a Playoff system fact from 2000-2010 8 different programs won a title..from 11-present that number is 6..parity never existed in cfb. The sport isn’t designed for there to be parity. Never was
Transfer portal been here since 2018 I believe..Nil been here for what 3 szns now..Bama won in 2020..played in the Title game 2 times and is favored again..but yeaa it’s a threat lol ok..unless cfb adds a draft system there will never be parity in the sport
Paying kids in high school. My guess lots of them will be busts. This will probably end up going to those that perform in college. The TVD’s etc.
I agree. There’s a lot of empty deals going on rn. Hs kids aren’t supposed to be recruited by nil deal (another thing Saban said that the national media misinterpreted)..but it’s clear **clears throat** ATM Aggie’s did just that and really didn’t even hide it lol..but yea it’s a problem. I’m just waiting on the first player to try and take a collective to court for not getting what they were promised..NIL is a mess right now. Word is Addison hasn’t seen a dime yet at USC..he might kick start that by sitting out
If you want a salary cap or limit on nil then you want the same few teams to dominate Cfb. Continuing to pay under the table. You also hate capitalism.

The ncaa recklessly opened this can of worms now let them and everyone else deal with it.
NIL can’t be controlled because there has never been cap on endorsement deals.

The reality is players are still getting ****ed by CFB. The TV Money is the real money at play. NIL is giving players just enough to keep them quiet.

Schools are set to make $100M a year with these new TV deals and the players won’t sniff a dollar. Multi-billion dollar deals being signed where the workers driving the revenue take extreme physical risks for free. It should be a crime lol for your free Labor we got something for you get a degree and something else…

You get CTE, You get CTE, You get CTE (Oprah voice)

I love CFB and I played D1 sports so I’ll always cheer on players and be for players. But when you take a step back these dudes are modern day Gladiators.
How exactly is HE threatened tho? The same thing was said about the playoffs being made..then it became the Bama invitational..then playoff expansion..that’s ridiculous. And who could forget transfer portal..Bama just Gets the best tho Bama doesn’t and won’t have a top 3 class again and didn’t have the number 2 class last I ask again did you actually listen to the interview and what points he made…and lastly there was soooo much parity pior to 2010 when it came to naming a champion that even back then ppl were crying for a Playoff system fact from 2000-2010 8 different programs won a title..from 11-present that number is 6..parity never existed in cfb. The sport isn’t designed for there to be parity. Never was
Why would I listen to a disingenuous pos? We'll see if he continues to get top 3 recruiting classes and the best players out of the portal. NIL is just getting started and ALL the best players aren't gonna congregate at three or so schools now. If things were status quo for him he wouldn't be in the media talking about Ruiz or aTm.
It's 9 different teams between 2000-2010, and 6 different teams from 2010-2020 with one of them winning it 5 times. That is a decrease in parity. People weren't crying for playoffs because it was the same teams year in year out, people were crying for the playoff because the ratings were obviously arbitrary and there wasn't a consensus on what two teams should play for the NC. You missed with the sport wasn't designed for parity.. whatever to that.