Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

Lol Miami is not a “have not” Miami was just not invested in its football up until now.. this funny..Bro he’s been talking about playing a 9 game conference schedule since like 2010..2020 they played a 10 game sec schedule and won the chip lol..all this stuff you saying he’s literally never said ..he used a NFL model as a example of what cfb hasn’t been but the direction big tv executives want to take since the nfl model is the most lucrative.

he’s not operating at a different set of rules..every school has the same opportunity to invest in its football operations..Alabama hired Saban and decided too do so at a level nobody else was willing too. And they’ve reaped the benefits on the field with titles and in profits by doing how is that a waste?..look at Miami now..we’ve had this ability to do so but wanted to be cheap just getting by instead of being willing to invest so we could compete say he single handily ruined the sport? How? You want to know the ppl ruining what we love about the sport? Go look at the tv executives and the admin types doing everything for a profit..the fact is this NIL is a problem as currently constructed and all these head coaches feel that a Yankees fan I get those evil empire vibes when it comes to how ppl look at Alabama lol..that’s cool. But he’s 💯 percent right on NIL..was right about the transfer portal as well. It’s on Miami to just beat the goat
This is the most clueless, bull**** post I've probably ever read on this site which is frankly incredible. I nominate this for worst post of the year, we'll let the voters decide end of year.

The Saban slurping on this site is disgusting.
This is the most clueless, bull**** post I've probably ever read on this site which is frankly incredible. I nominate this for worst post of the year, we'll let the voters decide end of year.

The Saban slurping on this site is disgusting.
Lol Sure man you hate Bama..hate Other than do you have anything factual to dispute what I said and my conclusion of him being the greatest coach ever?..other than me being “naive” or being a “Saban slurper” etc etc..this isn’t a Bama tears thread so I can discuss this freely lmao
Um, it was his third year at bama. Let's not pretend bama wasn't already a have when saban got there. They were already getting top 15 recruiting classes and getting sanctioned for impermissible student athlete benifits. They won 10 games two seasons before saban got to bama. He gets there, goes like 7-6 and it's top 5 classes. Number one recruiting class for like 7 straight years? Overwhelming talent advantage.
Oh my bad..a whole extra year I was off on..saying they won 10 games 2 seasons pior to Saban to try to diminish the run is quite crazy..the next after that they went 6-7 lol pior to 2009 Bama hadn’t won a title since 92..that’s almost 2 decades. That drought includes two 4 win szn..and a 3 year szn. Bama was nowhere thought of as elite..Mario wins a natty in year 3 we will all be head over heels and extremely impressed about the turnaround from where we were when he took over.,.as for the bolded..talent acquisition is how you win cfb, always has been. How’s he’s getting that talent is all based on baseless allegations by fans..but let’s not pretend other invested schools aren’t doing the same ****
Oh my bad..a whole extra year I was off on..saying they won 10 games 2 seasons pior to Saban to try to diminish the run is quite crazy..the next after that they went 6-7 lol pior to 2009 Bama hadn’t won a title since 92..that’s almost 2 decades. That drought includes two 4 win szn..and a 3 year szn. Bama was nowhere thought of as elite..Mario wins a natty in year 3 we will all be head over heels and extremely impressed about the turnaround from where we were when he took over.,.as for the bolded..talent acquisition is how you win cfb, always has been. How’s he’s getting that talent is all based on baseless allegations by fans..but let’s not pretend other invested schools aren’t doing the same ****
I'm not trying to say saban is a sucky coach, I'm saying he's had a major talent advantage for most of his career. He's done very well at the schools willing to do what it takes to get talent. Seriously tho, how can you say the allegations are baseless and in the same breath say other schools are doing it also?? You can call the allegations baseless all you want. KISS I'll believe the first hand accounts I've read on here. Even SI has written articles about the bagman. It's not a myth. Once again, I'm not saying bama is the only team cheating, I keep saying they were doing it on a level few teams where willing to follow. When I'm playing a video game, I'm not impressed by the scores of dudes who hack.
I'm not trying to say saban is a sucky coach, I'm saying he's had a major talent advantage for most of his career. He's done very well at the schools willing to do what it takes to get talent. Seriously tho, how can you say the allegations are baseless and in the same breath say other schools are doing it also?? You can call the allegations baseless all you want. KISS I'll believe the first hand accounts I've read on here. Even SI has written articles about the bagman. It's not a myth. Once again, I'm not saying bama is the only team cheating, I keep saying they were doing it on a level few teams where willing to follow. When I'm playing a video game, I'm not impressed by the scores of dudes who hack.
The allegations that’s he’s benefiting from a different set of rules is what i mean. Especially with teams in the SEC. All these programs do it. But only one program has the sustained success. So if you admit to the fact Bama isn’t the only one cheating then throw that in the trash. We’ve seen dude beat teams with more talent. That 2008/09 UF team had more talent. Throughout the history of the sport the shady **** has always been apart of acquiring talent. It’s nothing new. **** my only point originally was his take on the current structure of NIL and his past take against the transfer portal set up..he’s the only coach with the resume to tell the truth about how Most these coaches feel about both..and I tend to agree. If ppl think NIL and TP are a avenue towards more competitive balance that’s gonna be proven wrong. And if y’all think him speaking out is from a defensive standpoint..nah
I guess you are part of the "don't pay athletes" crowd. Sounds like you have some kind of bitterness going on here.

But I'll play. Is it nice perks, yeah? But no, it's not game-changing LONG-TERM financial wealth, especially if you get injured enough that you have long-term health issues the rest of your life. Who is covering those bills? Not the school. And what about players that are good enough to bring money to college but not go pro. This is their only opportunity to make good money off of their athletic talent.

Also, your average student is not bringing in the money that student-athletes bring in (particularly football and basketball), so stop comparing one to the other. I worked my tail off in college as well, but I didn't bring millions to the school. If I did, yeah, I'd want a piece of it. As would you.

So no, I won't pocket watch and tell guys what they deserve. The market will determine what they can earn. That's their business, not mine. If you would have actually watched the entire video after the first 30 seconds, you would have heard all of that.

They not even getting a piece.

This has nothing to do with the perks of a scholarship. That argument only has merit if the SCHOOL has to pay and they have been dodging that bullet from jump.

No college student is restricted from working. No college student is restricted from selling their NIL rights to interested parties. So what good reason is there to bar athletes from this?

Plantation mentality is difficult to purge in this country.
The allegations that’s he’s benefiting from a different set of rules is what i mean. Especially with teams in the SEC. All these programs do it. But only one program has the sustained success. So if you admit to the fact Bama isn’t the only one cheating then throw that in the trash. We’ve seen dude beat teams with more talent. That 2008/09 UF team had more talent. Throughout the history of the sport the shady **** has always been apart of acquiring talent. It’s nothing new. **** my only point originally was his take on the current structure of NIL and his past take against the transfer portal set up..he’s the only coach with the resume to tell the truth about how Most these coaches feel about both..and I tend to agree. If ppl think NIL and TP are a avenue towards more competitive balance that’s gonna be proven wrong. And if y’all think him speaking out is from a defensive standpoint..nah
imo the bolded part tells the story. Only one team has been able to get away with it but Georgia post Ritch has been doing it pretty well also. We've all seen the posts with cars and cash by bama players but nothing ever comes of it. Sometimes the obvious answer is the correct one.
Saban has beaten teams with more talent for sure, he's also lost to teams with less talent. Those uf wins were his last wins against teams with more talent. Every loss since then has been to a team with less talent. Spend enough money to get the number 1 recruiting class 7 years in a row and you become a rolling stone.
As far as his NIL and portal comments, it's too soon to call that. Some of the kids that would have taken bama money will go other places now. Georgia is the example of what happens when other teams take talent that normally would have gone to bama. We're just gonna have to wait and see how it all works out.
Once the portal drops super studs Kirby and Saban believe in they will get those type of kids. They not just going to fill the roster with roster fillers they gather talent. That's all they do, talent they believe to be talent.
imo the bolded part tells the story. Only one team has been able to get away with it but Georgia post Ritch has been doing it pretty well also. We've all seen the posts with cars and cash by bama players but nothing ever comes of it. Sometimes the obvious answer is the correct one.
Saban has beaten teams with more talent for sure, he's also lost to teams with less talent. Those uf wins were his last wins against teams with more talent. Every loss since then has been to a team with less talent. Spend enough money to get the number 1 recruiting class 7 years in a row and you become a rolling stone.
As far as his NIL and portal comments, it's too soon to call that. Some of the kids that would have taken bama money will go other places now. Georgia is the example of what happens when other teams take talent that normally would have gone to bama. We're just gonna have to wait and see how it all works out.
NIL being used to get kids to sign with a school is the problem. That’s included transfers. Me like most others have always been in favor for a kid being use their own image and brand and monetize it if they can. But what’s going on right now is ridiculous. And it’s gunna cause a problem because the NCAA has ZERO power to try and reel it in. What happens when these kids are on campus, sign a nil agreement but want to transfer if it doesn’t work fit wise on the field? We haven’t had a example of this yet but it’s gunna happen for sure. But as far as it impacting Bama winning..I don’t see it
Once the portal drops super studs Kirby and Saban believe in they will get those type of kids. They not just going to fill the roster with roster fillers they gather talent. That's all they do, talent they believe to be talent.
Facts. They are already hella good in identifying/ they are looking at talent with proven college tape..I wonder how many players ask if there’s room at Bama and get turned away
In a free market, parity is not going to exist. Parity is overrated. It is the cry of losers who don't want to compete.
Look at how much more exciting the NFL has become with all the rules to increase parity. Games are dull compared to the past.
NIL being used to get kids to sign with a school is the problem. That’s included transfers. Me like most others have always been in favor for a kid being use their own image and brand and monetize it if they can. But what’s going on right now is ridiculous. And it’s gunna cause a problem because the NCAA has ZERO power to try and reel it in. What happens when these kids are on campus, sign a nil agreement but want to transfer if it doesn’t work fit wise on the field? We haven’t had a example of this yet but it’s gunna happen for sure. But as far as it impacting Bama winning..I don’t see it
NIL being used to get kids to sign with a school is a problem? Do you not realize that the majority of top football progams were paying kids under the table to sign with them? What youre saying makes no sense.

As for nil agreements and kids transferring if it doesn't work out....Well, each kid has a contract. We don't know what the contract is. Just like any contract in America, it has language and clauses. Could be renewable, might not be......Guess what, scholarships are 1 year deals that can be non-renewable as well......Not a **** thing has changed. It's simply all out in the open now.
Once the portal drops super studs Kirby and Saban believe in they will get those type of kids. They not just going to fill the roster with roster fillers they gather talent. That's all they do, talent they believe to be talent.

Bama had three guys they just got through the portal named preseason all SEC first team.

I’m all for NIL but I can’t believe people can’t see without some kind of structure it’s only going to get worse.

If there was ever going to be a sacrificial lamb, it would be Tennessee right now. They are a mediocre program that just had 18 MAJOR violations and they will skate because they freely admitted to cheating and showed their receipts. I think the SEC protects its brand. If UM is in the SEC, the conference isn't going to deliberately give itself a black eye.
Bama had three guys they just got through the portal named preseason all SEC first team.

I’m all for NIL but I can’t believe people can’t see without some kind of structure it’s only going to get worse.

First there was the collapse of transfer restrictions: the portal, free agents, unlimited transfers. Then when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, we got the NIL. The Living Death, quickly closing its fist over the entire planet. Then we heard the rumors: that the last compliance officers were working on a cure that would end the NIL and restore the NCAA. Restore it? Why? I like the death! I like the misery! I like this world
