Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

what i do find ironic with Kirby's comments are the comment made after he beat florida last year.
You can't out coach talent....... wonder how good ol Kirby will be as talent evens out across the country
It doesn't matter what you think, they will make what the market says they are worth. I don't think some of these CEOs are worth what they are paid but guess what... it don't matter what I think either.

Imagine someone trying to get a cap put in place to limit your income just because they don't like what you make. Thats basically what you are suggesting for these players.
Most ceos get overpaid while everyone gets **** pay. I mean they earned it just like these kids.
what i do find ironic with Kirby's comments are the comment made after he beat florida last year.
You can't out coach talent....... wonder how good ol Kirby will be as talent evens out across the country
I keep telling people for all these years these guys are recruiters and out talent teams. Sure they know the game but when **** evens out they will be fuqed. It's why they are complaining they are crying cause they know they are screwed on the trail. It's not about the kids they are bullshytting it's about their egos and wanting to dominate. These guys are sore losers and competitive they want every advantage. They are like the kid who complains they want the best kids in a lopsided park basketball game.

Most logical people know why they win cause they win the off season. It's that simple.
The talk overlooked one important issue: What potential damage will NIL do to the sport?

Teams with the support of billionaires will do great. Teams without, say, a Ruiz, will sink. We’ll see greater distance between the haves and have-nots.

So I don’t worry about Smart and Georgia at the present moment. The schools that don’t have $$$ backing have a right to complain. I mean if one team’ supporters can pay out, say, $10 million a year for recruiting, how can a team paying out $2 million compete? That’s a serious disadvantage.

Don’t get me wrong. I think players should get paid. And I‘m enjoying this NIL-rich recruiting year to no end. But I think the above should be at least part of the discussion.

Go Mario!
Finally watched this. Whoo &$@)@!! Shannon Sharpe with the truth we say here ALL THE TIME! Calling out the Dodge Challengers!! Calling out the hypocritical coach statements! Dayum! Keep it coming, Sharpe!!
It’s annoying that these type of guys are just now bringing this up as they’ve watched Bama, UGA, etc. ruin college football. Obviously it’s the worst kept secret in sports that those schools cheat like crazy to steal all the talent possible. Why not say something before?
I keep telling people for all these years these guys are recruiters and out talent teams. Sure they know the game but when **** evens out they will be fuqed. It's why they are complaining they are crying cause they know they are screwed on the trail. It's not about the kids they are bullshytting it's about their egos and wanting to dominate. These guys are sore losers and competitive they want every advantage. They are like the kid who complains they want the best kids in a lopsided park basketball game.

Most logical people know why they win cause they win the off season. It's that simple.
Great point. Alabama and UGA can’t justify their coach pay if they don’t produce like they have for the last decade.
I guess you are part of the "don't pay athletes" crowd. Sounds like you have some kind of bitterness going on here.

But I'll play. Is it nice perks, yeah? But no, it's not game-changing LONG-TERM financial wealth, especially if you get injured enough that you have long-term health issues the rest of your life. Who is covering those bills? Not the school. And what about players that are good enough to bring money to college but not go pro. This is their only opportunity to make good money off of their athletic talent.

Also, your average student is not bringing in the money that student-athletes bring in (particularly football and basketball), so stop comparing one to the other. I worked my tail off in college as well, but I didn't bring millions to the school. If I did, yeah, I'd want a piece of it. As would you.

So no, I won't pocket watch and tell guys what they deserve. The market will determine what they can earn. That's their business, not mine. If you would have actually watched the entire video after the first 30 seconds, you would have heard all of that.
You sound like a capitalist.
The talk overlooked one important issue: What potential damage will NIL do to the sport?

Teams with the support of billionaires will do great. Teams without, say, a Ruiz, will sink. We’ll see greater distance between the haves and have-nots.

So I don’t worry about Smart and Georgia at the present moment. The schools that don’t have $$$ backing have a right to complain. I mean if one team’ supporters can pay out, say, $10 million a year for recruiting, how can a team paying out $2 million compete? That’s a serious disadvantage.

Don’t get me wrong. I think players should get paid. And I‘m enjoying this NIL-rich recruiting year to no end. But I think the above should be at least part of the discussion.

Go Mario!
I don’t like this talk. Who are the have nots? How have they done in the pre NIL era? The fact that they now have a light shining on a system that kept them down all this time is not a bad thing. In fact, programs that have been under the most scrutiny (SMU, USC and Miami) will now benefit from being in an urban environment.
I am fine with Athletes getting paid. I have come to terms with it. There should be a should be a salary cap. Also if college athletes are getting paid, they shouldn't be given full ride scholarships. They can put their money toward paying their tuition like every other college student. And all of this is coming for a person who plays a sport in college. High schoolers like Jaden Rashada (9 million) and Nico (10 million) shouldnt be getting paid more than a lot of proffesional players. The reason they are in the pro's is because they worked their *** off in college.
I wonder if you have that same energy for a kid that gets a full academic scholarship but can make money on the side as long as he or she keeps up with his or her grades 🧐
In regards to “haves and have nots”, when has the sport ever NOT been this way? Yeah, some teams will have more NIL finances but some schools have ALWAYS had more money to spend on sports than others. Why do some schools have multi million dollar facilities, huge coaching support staffs and ridiculous athlete perks like special meal plans, luxury dorms and locker rooms nicer than million dollar homes? Not everyone has those things. It’s been uneven forever. Did Saban ever complain when his school gave him an enormous budget for his program that 95% of the schools couldn’t afford? Where was the talk about salary caps then? It was OK when coaches were making 8 figure salaries but now that players can get money, we need to cap it? GTFO
Oh so providing students with free room and board, tuition, uniforms, equipment, food, bus rides, planes, cars, ect is taking away from their financial well-being? What about every other students at the university that actually have to grind their *** off while being hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt.
They should get paid too, pursuant to the revenue they generate for the university.
I am fine with Athletes getting paid. I have come to terms with it. There should be a should be a salary cap. Also if college athletes are getting paid, they shouldn't be given full ride scholarships. They can put their money toward paying their tuition like every other college student. And all of this is coming for a person who plays a sport in college. High schoolers like Jaden Rashada (9 million) and Nico (10 million) shouldnt be getting paid more than a lot of proffesional players. The reason they are in the pro's is because they worked their *** off in college.
Quit while you’re behind
You sound like a capitalist.
what GIF
Great point. Alabama and UGA can’t justify their coach pay if they don’t produce like they have for the last decade.
UGA & Kirby will have $$$ to play NIL game. Bama & Saban not so much after Paul Bryant JR. how much money does Bama alumni really have ? recruiting is all about backstabbing, cork ******** and double dealing but old way certain schools were allowed to play by a different set of rules.... now being above the table rather than under the table has made a huge difference
In regards to “haves and have nots”, when has the sport ever NOT been this way? Yeah, some teams will have more NIL finances but some schools have ALWAYS had more money to spend on sports than others. Why do some schools have multi million dollar facilities, huge coaching support staffs and ridiculous athlete perks like special meal plans, luxury dorms and locker rooms nicer than million dollar homes? Not everyone has those things. It’s been uneven forever. Did Saban ever complain when his school gave him an enormous budget for his program that 95% of the schools couldn’t afford? Where was the talk about salary caps then? It was OK when coaches were making 8 figure salaries but now that players can get money, we need to cap it? GTFO
Players can get money from the SEC only when it's under the table. Other schools had salary caps called NCAA police that those cops ain't there and there is no cap they scared cause the big cities talk. They should go back to the stone age where they belong. They complaining cause it's not fair for them anymore but when it wasn't fair for us no one said a word. now the shoes on the other foot and they mad. We basically Denzel in American gangster fuqin with the Italian mobs with our blue magic. They tight
I just don't think high school and college kids should be getting millions of dollars while having everything handed for them will attending their respected universities. People always forget how much money athletic departments have to spend every single season. Oh and they also have to throw $300,000 for each member of their football team.
I don’t think 10 year old Ryan Kaji should be making 22 mil a year for opening toys on YouTube….but i digress.
The talk overlooked one important issue: What potential damage will NIL do to the sport?

Teams with the support of billionaires will do great. Teams without, say, a Ruiz, will sink. We’ll see greater distance between the haves and have-nots.

So I don’t worry about Smart and Georgia at the present moment. The schools that don’t have $$$ backing have a right to complain. I mean if one team’ supporters can pay out, say, $10 million a year for recruiting, how can a team paying out $2 million compete? That’s a serious disadvantage.

Don’t get me wrong. I think players should get paid. And I‘m enjoying this NIL-rich recruiting year to no end. But I think the above should be at least part of the discussion.

Go Mario!
The have nots were already have nots so they're used to doing things without money. I don't think every player is going to command a high dollar NIL. Some guys are gonna be happy to take that scholly and enjoy school. Have not game toughness will even out because the high end players will be spread out between more teams. Some teams will have more high end talent and other teams will have less high end talent because they aren't stacking top 3 classes year in year out like they're used to. If I'm Vandy or Kentucky I'm really happy that bama, uga, atm, and lsu aren't stacking all the talent in the conference. We say it all the time here, I don't care where player X goes just so long as he doesn't go to clemson or fsu. We want our enemies weakened, and NIL is making it happen. The bag schools recruiting just got a lot harder and we're hearing the coaches complain about it in public. NIL is a good thing, it's negating the bag man and the $ec coaches aint happy. As Canes fans we should just be looking at whose complaining with a **** eating grin on our faces.