Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

I can't get behind anyone who suggests there should be some type of arbitrary "cap" on the amount of money a college athlete can make.

Any other student at a University can get paid for their NIL without a cap, why should football players be capped? What if you have some science nerd at MIT thought of as the next Elon Musk and Tesla wants to pay the guy $10M to use him in commercials? Should that be capped too? GTFOH man.

If you want to get paid more -- get better at your sport, or a pick a different sport that people GAF about. If you play lacrosse or wrestle, that's fine, but no one cares--you provide no marketing value and therefore are worth nothing to advertisers. Facts.
I just don't think high school and college kids should be getting millions of dollars while having everything handed for them will attending their respected universities. People always forget how much money athletic departments have to spend every single season. Oh and they also have to throw $300,000 for each member of their football team.
I'm not jumping on you but my question, for you and everyone who has worked to deny college athlete compensation in one form or another is,
Why should college athletes playing only certain sports be excluded from making as much money as their labor will provide when literally no other person in our capitalist economy is so limited? Beyond tradition, what is the economic underpinning that justifies this argument?

All our decisions should be dictated by logic. And logic in capitalism means the free market determines worth. So what is the logic behind a cap? If you argue that it provides some equity for the universities playing the games, then that is not capitalism but rather socialism. You may argue that the pro leagues have caps. Yes but they also have collective bargaining so that the players have agreed to the cap. There is no union/collective bargaining in college sports so who gets to arbitrarily decide someone else's value in the free market? Again, that is not logic, it is tradition/oppression, and someone always benefits at the expense of the oppressed.
If you want a salary cap or limit on nil then you want the same few teams to dominate Cfb. Continuing to pay under the table. You also hate capitalism.

The ncaa recklessly opened this can of worms now let them and everyone else deal with it.

The same Miami fans that want a cap will Bytch about us not being good. And the reason would be that salary cap bs that would keep us with cuffs on.
This is something we discussed w/ my old head @OriginalCanesCanesCanes:

Sometimes a msg can be true, but who’s delivering the msg can sully the point.

I’m going to be in the minority here, & that’s OK, but I agree w/ Kirby to a point. Again, I’m going to go back to the intent of NIL & why it became an issue: It was b/c “student-athlete’s” name, image, & likeness was being used to make the schools, advertisers, endorsers, gaming, **** near everybody involved $$, EXCEPT the student, themselves. Everyone was hiding behind the cloak of amateurism and free education to deprive these kids $10,s of thousands, if not $100’s of thousands in earned revenue.

Notice the term “student-athlete”, meaning established, enrolled college students. NIL was not to be used as a recruiting tool either for incoming freshmen or transfer players. That violates the clause of “pay for play.” However, the second part of this is if a HS student is using their NIL to garnish a following on social media, which leads to other opportunities outside of sports, they could not be held as being “ineligible as a student athlete.” So that’s the nature of NIL & Kirby is right, that it’s the current students that should be benefiting from this b/c that’s what & who it was designed for.

W/ no parameters, the lines have been completely blurred, & it’s turned into something else, which is legal bags to recruit. Also, Sharpe’s comparison of Kirby coming in making more $$ than Richt is not apropos; Smart is a UGA alum, coming to the program as a 4x Nat’l Champion DC, from an arch rival school they’ve been little brother to. Unfortunately, Richt was & had been deemed as an underachiever. Despite all the good he did at UGA, that black cloud of choking hovered over him, so yeah, they were going to up to the price to lure Saban’s right hand man, killing two birds w/ one stone.

HOWEVER, w/ that being said, Kirby, Saban, nor Dabo should EVER talk about this subject. The fact is, they’ve been playing dirty, blurring the lines for a decade+. Their msg is self-willed. They don’t care about kids getting bags, they care about other schools (SC & Miami) playing on the same playing field. THAT’s the only reason y this is a sore spot. Their collectives don’t have their chit together, & that under the table ish ain’t the only game in town right now. They’ve cherry picked the WC & So Fla at will, & now there’s a barrier called NIL. But, let’s be clear, even Neon Deion & our very own Ruiz have called for some parameters & guidelines. U need them in anything. However, this msg falls on deaf ears when it’s muffled speech from one of the biggest cheaters out there. Like, let’s stop the wholesome pretense.
I can't get behind anyone who suggests there should be some type of arbitrary "cap" on the amount of money a college athlete can make.

Any other student at a University can get paid for their NIL without a cap, why should football players be capped? What if you have some science nerd at MIT thought of as the next Elon Musk and Tesla wants to pay the guy $10M to use him in commercials? Should that be capped too? GTFOH man.

If you want to get paid more -- get better at your sport, or a pick a different sport that people GAF about. If you play lacrosse or wrestle, that's fine, but no one cares--you provide no marketing value and therefore are worth nothing to advertisers. Facts.
Facts people want to watch the highest level no matter gender race or anything. The highest level in their respective fields get paid the most point blank period. U can't hate on someone who has natural gifts at what they do. They should get paid period
What the **** ever.. Those dudes aren't saying anything we didn't ALL already know. They should have been screaming this **** starting in like 2015. If they hadn't waited till the cheating was pretty much over and done with I might be proud of them for telling it like it is. I'm glad they are louding the bagmen out but at this point meh, the damage has been done.
Someone please explain why people keep comparing NIL money to a professional player's salary. I understand that there is a gray area but wouldn't capping NIL contracts be similar to the NFL telling Aaron Rogers that he's only allowed to make so much money from his State Farm commercials?
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It's becoming increasingly clear who had the recruiting advantages with these back-alley deals. The Sabans and Smarts of the world realize their big recruiting inducements are now gone. The bar has been raised and they are fearful more of the teams they will now face will have equal talent. Reminds me as a kid when we marched to have roads paved with money from Feds that we contributed to via taxes. Same Southern Confederate Krackers. This thing is more about who getting paid.
I just don't think high school and college kids should be getting millions of dollars while having everything handed for them will attending their respected universities. People always forget how much money athletic departments have to spend every single season. Oh and they also have to throw $300,000 for each member of their football team.
It doesn't matter what you think, they will make what the market says they are worth. I don't think some of these CEOs are worth what they are paid but guess what... it don't matter what I think either.

Imagine someone trying to get a cap put in place to limit your income just because they don't like what you make. Thats basically what you are suggesting for these players.
Saban just bragged that his team led the entire NCAA in NIL money at $3 million.

That means 85 players COMBINED only make about 30% of his salary, before his endorsements kick in.

I agree there needs to be some semblance of structure, but he and Korchy need to stfu about money distribution.
Finally watched this. Whoo &$@)@!! Shannon Sharpe with the truth we say here ALL THE TIME! Calling out the Dodge Challengers!! Calling out the hypocritical coach statements! Dayum! Keep it coming, Sharpe!!
Truth right here and they all know it. SS was a recruit he knows the dirt he has mentioned it before on air