Shalala still pushing for a settlement

I know she officially took over June of 2001, but I am fairly certain she was already on campus in the interim and had very much a say in who was hired. In fact, I remember Shalala was the one who contacted Coker after Dee informed her that he was his choice. So yeah, she did, in fact, try to bring Alvarez in. She hired him at Wisconsin.

Sounds like an awful lot of speculation to me.

"Speculation" might be generous. She was still in her Washington post until January 20th, 2001 and wasn't hired at miami until June.

As everyone on the hoops board pointed about, Gringo has an anti-shalala agenda because she worked under Clinton a decade ago.

Shalala had nothing to do with the Coker hiring. Paul Dee had total control over that hire and the Coker contract extension. Shalala was handed that cluster fock. Then her hands were tied hiring Randy because Coker had his contract extension and was one the highest paid HC's in the nation.

Let's also keep in mind that Golden and Laranaga were hired under Shalala's watch so she can't hate the program as much as the bashers claim. It's nothing but Conservatives who hate her because she's a lib.

Thats funny stuff.

I know she officially took over June of 2001, but I am fairly certain she was already on campus in the interim and had very much a say in who was hired. In fact, I remember Shalala was the one who contacted Coker after Dee informed her that he was his choice. So yeah, she did, in fact, try to bring Alvarez in. She hired him at Wisconsin.

Sounds like an awful lot of speculation to me.

"Speculation" might be generous. She was still in her Washington post until January 20th, 2001 and wasn't hired at miami until June.

As everyone on the hoops board pointed about, Gringo has an anti-shalala agenda because she worked under Clinton a decade ago.

Shalala had nothing to do with the Coker hiring. Paul Dee had total control over that hire and the Coker contract extension. Shalala was handed that cluster fock. Then her hands were tied hiring Randy because Coker had his contract extension and was one the highest paid HC's in the nation.

Let's also keep in mind that Golden and Laranaga were hired under Shalala's watch so she can't hate the program as much as the bashers claim. It's nothing but Conservatives who hate her because she's a lib.

Thats funny stuff.

I have no such agenda with the troll. I couldn't care less she worked for Billy Bob but I am also still fairly certain she was on campus as an interim well before she was "officially" the President of UM. I still remember Alvarez turning down the job publicly and that it was well known Shalala was making a run after him. Coker was like the 5th option or something, mindboggling given the talent on the roster.

Anyone who thinks athletics have shined under Shalala needs their head examined. After Butch's kids left, we've been a 7 win program tops with the 9 win anomoly thrown in for football. Basketball we had Yuckmouth replaced by Haith, one exceptionally bad followed by slightly above average. Women's basketball has made some strides and Amy Deen could coach at Pine Tree Tech and be successful so I contend we are lucky to have her. I think women's tennis made a run one year and finished top 2 or 4 before losing to Stanford, I could be wrong. What's after that? Swimming? Golf? Our golden goose is football and its been a dumpster fire. Basketball was rising under Hamilton but its been pathetic followed by underachievement till Coach L showed up.

People who really know me, know I blame Paul Deelicious for 90% of our athletic ineptness. He was a great lawyer but he was not a fundraiser and he certainly had no vision and sounded no alarm on the football arms race and the crumbling Orange Bowl, which should have been addressed in the mid 90's and he should have gone full ****** when we were on the upswing in 99-01. But no, nothing. He should have fired Yuckmouth after season 2, at which point it is my opinion that several big names floating around would have interest. Randy Shannon was barely qualified to be a coordinator and after one interview I knew he would be a disaster. So yes, blame Dee for all the above but his boss was Shalala, who I do believe wants winning programs here, but for the most part has failed miserably. Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps, so here's to keeping them happy and having an AD who has a vision for the future and is aggressive with fundraising and marketing.
Am I retarded that I thought Randy actually may have helped us out a little bit? I know **** got out of hand and he was no CEO but I thought his "program in a bubble" mentality actually made things a little less painful, though it was probably too late for anyone.

I never understood how Shannon can get any kind of credit for shielding the program. So he apparently explicitly makes it a rule to keep players and his coaches away from this guy. Neither his players nor coaches listen to him apparently because he either doesn't follow up, is bad at keeping track, or didn't make it clear why he thought Shapiro was bad news.

And IF he fired Hurtt for violating said rule, why didn't he inform Hocutt that a violation took place? Why didn't they self-report to the NCAA then? I have images in my head of Shannon throughout major historical events doing nothing. Like standing on a Japanese aircraft carrier on the morning of December 7, 1941 (arms folded with a blank stare) and mumbling to himself, "bad idea". Then, 4 and 1/2 years later wanting credit when Hiroshima and Nagasaki get vaporized.
Am I retarded that I thought Randy actually may have helped us out a little bit? I know **** got out of hand and he was no CEO but I thought his "program in a bubble" mentality actually made things a little less painful, though it was probably too late for anyone.

I never understood how Shannon can get any kind of credit for shielding the program. So he apparently explicitly makes it a rule to keep players and his coaches away from this guy. Neither his players nor coaches listen to him apparently because he either doesn't follow up, is bad at keeping track, or didn't make it clear why he thought Shapiro was bad news.

And IF he fired Hurtt for violating said rule, why didn't he inform Hocutt that a violation took place? Why didn't they self-report to the NCAA then? I have images in my head of Shannon throughout major historical events doing nothing. Like standing on a Japanese aircraft carrier on the morning of December 7, 1941 (arms folded with a blank stare) and mumbling to himself, "bad idea". Then, 4 and 1/2 years later wanting credit when Hiroshima and Nagasaki get vaporized.

I guess he gets some credit for intent...his execution sucked.
I guess he gets some credit for intent...his execution sucked.

That's the whole point. You can't claim you had an atmosphere of compliance when you fail on a massive level like that. The day Hurtt was fired, Shannon should have marched right to Hocutt's office and said, "I had to let Hurtt go, he did this, this, and this. We need to inform compliance and the NCAA". If Hocutt told him to hush, then fine. Otherwise, Shannon doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I have no such agenda with the troll. I couldn't care less she worked for Billy Bob but I am also still fairly certain she was on campus as an interim well before she was "officially" the President of UM. I still remember Alvarez turning down the job publicly and that it was well known Shalala was making a run after him. Coker was like the 5th option or something, mindboggling given the talent on the roster.

Anyone who thinks athletics have shined under Shalala needs their head examined. After Butch's kids left, we've been a 7 win program tops with the 9 win anomoly thrown in for football. Basketball we had Yuckmouth replaced by Haith, one exceptionally bad followed by slightly above average. Women's basketball has made some strides and Amy Deen could coach at Pine Tree Tech and be successful so I contend we are lucky to have her. I think women's tennis made a run one year and finished top 2 or 4 before losing to Stanford, I could be wrong. What's after that? Swimming? Golf? Our golden goose is football and its been a dumpster fire. Basketball was rising under Hamilton but its been pathetic followed by underachievement till Coach L showed up.

People who really know me, know I blame Paul Deelicious for 90% of our athletic ineptness. He was a great lawyer but he was not a fundraiser and he certainly had no vision and sounded no alarm on the football arms race and the crumbling Orange Bowl, which should have been addressed in the mid 90's and he should have gone full ****** when we were on the upswing in 99-01. But no, nothing. He should have fired Yuckmouth after season 2, at which point it is my opinion that several big names floating around would have interest. Randy Shannon was barely qualified to be a coordinator and after one interview I knew he would be a disaster. So yes, blame Dee for all the above but his boss was Shalala, who I do believe wants winning programs here, but for the most part has failed miserably. Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps, so here's to keeping them happy and having an AD who has a vision for the future and is aggressive with fundraising and marketing.[/QUOTE]

I like the way you talk

BTW, I didn't mean to imply YOU had the political ahgenda, I meant the "Non agenda", "unbiased" defender of Cash for Clunkers. :)
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...I have images in my head of Shannon throughout major historical events doing nothing. Like standing on a Japanese aircraft carrier on the morning of December 7, 1941 (arms folded with a blank stare) and mumbling to himself, "bad idea". Then, 4 and 1/2 years later wanting credit when Hiroshima and Nagasaki get vaporized.

I'm quoting myself to give a clue to guys like Spooner, Splace, Unuff, and Augie to make me some photoshops goddamit. I want to see Onion, arms folded and wearing a UM windbreaker, as our government gives arms to the Mujahideen. Or in Eastern Europe as Napoleon marches on Russia.
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Remember Shalala putting out word that Randy interviewed so well for the HC job? That is crimin al, not negligent, behavior.

Guy couldn't spell or pronounce "Cat" if you spotted him the C, A and T'
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.
Am I retarded that I thought Randy actually may have helped us out a little bit? I know **** got out of hand and he was no CEO but I thought his "program in a bubble" mentality actually made things a little less painful, though it was probably too late for anyone.

I never understood how Shannon can get any kind of credit for shielding the program. So he apparently explicitly makes it a rule to keep players and his coaches away from this guy. Neither his players nor coaches listen to him apparently because he either doesn't follow up, is bad at keeping track, or didn't make it clear why he thought Shapiro was bad news.

And IF he fired Hurtt for violating said rule, why didn't he inform Hocutt that a violation took place? Why didn't they self-report to the NCAA then? I have images in my head of Shannon throughout major historical events doing nothing. Like standing on a Japanese aircraft carrier on the morning of December 7, 1941 (arms folded with a blank stare) and mumbling to himself, "bad idea". Then, 4 and 1/2 years later wanting credit when Hiroshima and Nagasaki get vaporized.

Dycane - you don't think being led by two grossly incompetent head coaches coaches over a ten year period didn't contribute to the NCAA firestorm which took place? You don't think some of this could have been prevented with competant leadership in the Athletic Department? Is having competent leadership under her not a responsibility of the president? What happened to the U Football is not a one time event - it's a string of judgement errors which took place over a ten year period. Judgement errors at all levels of the organization.

Any President/CEO is ultimately in charge of the performance of the entire entity they run. Right or wrong, directly or indirectly, Senior Leadership of any organization is going to be scrutinized when **** hits the fan. Is she a doing a great job cleaning up the mess - yes. Is she successful as president in other more important aspects of her job - yes. However, I don't think she gets a free pass on NCAA debacle. Too much crap went down for too long to be getting a free pass for that.

No. One has nothing to do with the other. This mess was caused by Nevin Shapiro, a sociopathic confidence man with an insatiable desire to feel cool by surrounding himself with impressionable, poor student athletes and a cadre of super-***** whores. In fact, Shannon, in part, will be one of our saving graces. He's not under investigation for a reason -- by all accounts he despised Shapiro and made it abundantly clear that the players were to stay away from him. This is the primary reason Shapiro hated him.

Additionally, Donna was responsible for assimilating one of the best compliance departments in the country. It may sound ironical, but it's true. The real reason we're in this mess is because we're Miami. The Yahoo report was a sensationalized piece of garbage, but it fed the bigots and haters. It reignited the lingering perception that we are Thug U and that the City of Miami is nothing but a menagerie of animals. It put the NCAA in a position where it had to go after Miami, and it gave those inside the NCAA the license to hang Miami out to dry.

You act as if we had two coaches enabling boosters to drop bags of cash across Overtown. Our previous two coaches failed on the field. No doubt. But they didn't bring in a bunch of illiterate, low character players. They didn't ask boosters to pay for kids. They didn't support breaking rules. And they certainly didn't allow Shapiro to run a scam on a bunch of impressionable kids, just like he did with many sophisticated parties to the tune of a billion dollars.

Your generalizations and broad strokes fail at the gate.

Exactly. If you're going to blame our president and our athletics department for having one con man run some covert games after hours at night clubs, then who do you blame for him scamming people out of a billion dollars? Was that Shalala's fault too, or was it the fault of this one con man?
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.

But we weren't forced to hire either one. Both hires received criticism. A 60 year old man? A guy from Temple? Yet here you are praising both guys, and you still can't give Shalala any credit for either one. Quit acting as though she got lucky with Saban and Pitino. She made two risky hires and you now love both of them.
Sounds like an awful lot of speculation to me.

"Speculation" might be generous. She was still in her Washington post until January 20th, 2001 and wasn't hired at miami until June.

As everyone on the hoops board pointed about, Gringo has an anti-shalala agenda because she worked under Clinton a decade ago.

Shalala had nothing to do with the Coker hiring. Paul Dee had total control over that hire and the Coker contract extension. Shalala was handed that cluster fock. Then her hands were tied hiring Randy because Coker had his contract extension and was one the highest paid HC's in the nation.

Let's also keep in mind that Golden and Laranaga were hired under Shalala's watch so she can't hate the program as much as the bashers claim. It's nothing but Conservatives who hate her because she's a lib.

Thats funny stuff.

I have no such agenda with the troll. I couldn't care less she worked for Billy Bob but I am also still fairly certain she was on campus as an interim well before she was "officially" the President of UM. I still remember Alvarez turning down the job publicly and that it was well known Shalala was making a run after him. Coker was like the 5th option or something, mindboggling given the talent on the roster.

Anyone who thinks athletics have shined under Shalala needs their head examined. After Butch's kids left, we've been a 7 win program tops with the 9 win anomoly thrown in for football. Basketball we had Yuckmouth replaced by Haith, one exceptionally bad followed by slightly above average. Women's basketball has made some strides and Amy Deen could coach at Pine Tree Tech and be successful so I contend we are lucky to have her. I think women's tennis made a run one year and finished top 2 or 4 before losing to Stanford, I could be wrong. What's after that? Swimming? Golf? Our golden goose is football and its been a dumpster fire. Basketball was rising under Hamilton but its been pathetic followed by underachievement till Coach L showed up.

People who really know me, know I blame Paul Deelicious for 90% of our athletic ineptness. He was a great lawyer but he was not a fundraiser and he certainly had no vision and sounded no alarm on the football arms race and the crumbling Orange Bowl, which should have been addressed in the mid 90's and he should have gone full ****** when we were on the upswing in 99-01. But no, nothing. He should have fired Yuckmouth after season 2, at which point it is my opinion that several big names floating around would have interest. Randy Shannon was barely qualified to be a coordinator and after one interview I knew he would be a disaster. So yes, blame Dee for all the above but his boss was Shalala, who I do believe wants winning programs here, but for the most part has failed miserably. Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps, so here's to keeping them happy and having an AD who has a vision for the future and is aggressive with fundraising and marketing.

So she's responsible for the bad hires, including one before she was even president, but she gets no credit for the good hires on her watch? Got it. Laughable.

You sir, are embarrassing yourself, and your agenda is transparent.
Dycane - you don't think being led by two grossly incompetent head coaches coaches over a ten year period didn't contribute to the NCAA firestorm which took place? You don't think some of this could have been prevented with competant leadership in the Athletic Department? Is having competent leadership under her not a responsibility of the president? What happened to the U Football is not a one time event - it's a string of judgement errors which took place over a ten year period. Judgement errors at all levels of the organization.

Any President/CEO is ultimately in charge of the performance of the entire entity they run. Right or wrong, directly or indirectly, Senior Leadership of any organization is going to be scrutinized when **** hits the fan. Is she a doing a great job cleaning up the mess - yes. Is she successful as president in other more important aspects of her job - yes. However, I don't think she gets a free pass on NCAA debacle. Too much crap went down for too long to be getting a free pass for that.

No. One has nothing to do with the other. This mess was caused by Nevin Shapiro, a sociopathic confidence man with an insatiable desire to feel cool by surrounding himself with impressionable, poor student athletes and a cadre of super-***** whores. In fact, Shannon, in part, will be one of our saving graces. He's not under investigation for a reason -- by all accounts he despised Shapiro and made it abundantly clear that the players were to stay away from him. This is the primary reason Shapiro hated him.

Additionally, Donna was responsible for assimilating one of the best compliance departments in the country. It may sound ironical, but it's true. The real reason we're in this mess is because we're Miami. The Yahoo report was a sensationalized piece of garbage, but it fed the bigots and haters. It reignited the lingering perception that we are Thug U and that the City of Miami is nothing but a menagerie of animals. It put the NCAA in a position where it had to go after Miami, and it gave those inside the NCAA the license to hang Miami out to dry.

You act as if we had two coaches enabling boosters to drop bags of cash across Overtown. Our previous two coaches failed on the field. No doubt. But they didn't bring in a bunch of illiterate, low character players. They didn't ask boosters to pay for kids. They didn't support breaking rules. And they certainly didn't allow Shapiro to run a scam on a bunch of impressionable kids, just like he did with many sophisticated parties to the tune of a billion dollars.

Your generalizations and broad strokes fail at the gate.

Dead on.
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.

But we weren't forced to hire either one. Both hires received criticism. A 60 year old man? A guy from Temple? Yet here you are praising both guys, and you still can't give Shalala any credit for either one. Quit acting as though she got lucky with Saban and Pitino. She made two risky hires and you now love both of them.

Correct. I give her no credit whatsoever. Larranaga was not a "risky" hire so GTFOH. Golden was risky but at least had a track record at Temple of reviving a dead program. Again, we got lucky. You must be bomb's more ***goty leftist brother to be such a great cheerleader of the troll, LMFAO.
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.

But we weren't forced to hire either one. Both hires received criticism. A 60 year old man? A guy from Temple? Yet here you are praising both guys, and you still can't give Shalala any credit for either one. Quit acting as though she got lucky with Saban and Pitino. She made two risky hires and you now love both of them.

Correct. I give her no credit whatsoever. Larranaga was not a "risky" hire so GTFOH. Golden was risky but at least had a track record at Temple of reviving a dead program. Again, we got lucky. You must be bomb's more ***goty leftist brother to be such a great cheerleader of the troll, LMFAO.

Nice. One disagreement and this guy goes off with a personal rant. Strong work. I accept your surrender.

I am about as conservative as it gets, so let's keep a list of your woeful, 100% incorrect assumptions. I do happen to support the president of my alma mater who has our school at unprecedented heights. (You can feel free to look up the phrase "alma mater" before getting back to me.) If supporting one of the best college leaders in the country makes me some kind of ***-leftist-troll-lover to some whack job on a message board, so be it. Not losing any sleep over you, Ace.
Golden and Larranaga have fallen into our laps........

This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.

But we weren't forced to hire either one. Both hires received criticism. A 60 year old man? A guy from Temple? Yet here you are praising both guys, and you still can't give Shalala any credit for either one. Quit acting as though she got lucky with Saban and Pitino. She made two risky hires and you now love both of them.

Correct. I give her no credit whatsoever. Larranaga was not a "risky" hire so GTFOH. Golden was risky but at least had a track record at Temple of reviving a dead program. Again, we got lucky. You must be bomb's more ***goty leftist brother to be such a great cheerleader of the troll, LMFAO.

You're not only a small person, but you're not too bright either. You're really embarrassing yourself here, bro. You're about as transparent as oxygen, and everyone sees it.
This is where I just have to laugh at even the most respected message board posters. This is a typical line. If you don't like the hire, blame the president. If you love the hire, it must have been a lucky accident.

Larranaga sought us out. Golden was, by all accounts, our 4th or 5th choice. Fact. The two were hired by fly by night AD's who stuck around, what, a total of 3 years? Those circumstances are textbook "falling into your lap." That's the stars lining up and UM being lucky, anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves.

But we weren't forced to hire either one. Both hires received criticism. A 60 year old man? A guy from Temple? Yet here you are praising both guys, and you still can't give Shalala any credit for either one. Quit acting as though she got lucky with Saban and Pitino. She made two risky hires and you now love both of them.

Correct. I give her no credit whatsoever. Larranaga was not a "risky" hire so GTFOH. Golden was risky but at least had a track record at Temple of reviving a dead program. Again, we got lucky. You must be bomb's more ***goty leftist brother to be such a great cheerleader of the troll, LMFAO.

Nice. One disagreement and this guy goes off with a personal rant. Strong work. I accept your surrender.

I am about as conservative as it gets, so let's keep a list of your woeful, 100% incorrect assumptions. I do happen to support the president of my alma mater who has our school at unprecedented heights. (You can feel free to look up the phrase "alma mater" before getting back to me.) If supporting one of the best college leaders in the country makes me some kind of ***-leftist-troll-lover to some whack job on a message board, so be it. Not losing any sleep over you, Ace.

This is what you're dealing with here. Small, thoughtless, biased, hateful people with agendas.

I swear, with some of our fans, who needs Gators?