Serious Question For Yall Applauding Manny's House Cleaning? ...

Are you guys trolling or what?!! Sheesh!!! And yall trust to dog the recruits all the time about FUGGIN LOYALTY? !!!

Hartley before getting let go...
" Hartley's a boss! " He's the goat! One of our best recruiters EVER! Best TE coach ever!

Hartley AFTER being let go...
Meh, he couldn't coach worth a ****!
He was a average recruiter. Brevin and Mallard regressed.
CMR needs to do whatever it takes to keep Dugans! These boys are balling under Dugans! Best wr corps since 2000!
Dugans is an ok recruiter but he can't coach!
WR's can't catch!
He's a great rb coach and recruiter! Look at what he did at UGA! Gurley, Sony, Chubb, blah blah!! He brought us Lingard ! He's just following CMR'S orders!
Afterwards. ..
He suxx! Lingard was coming anyway!

OK geniuses, now who do we replace these guys with before signing day?
Hartley has been here during a time of great development by Njoku, Herendon and now Jordan. Mallory has also shown flashes of what he can be.

That's an awful lot of good players becoming great or showing potential for greatness during his time here.

So he's either really lucky or can coach TEs.

Can't say I agree with this firing.
Hartley did not develop njoku. Njoku was showing flashes at the end of his rs fresh season and hartley wasn't here. The next year he was a starter and obviously his production was going up with more opportunity.
Im not gonna knock hartley because he isnt here anymore. As a TE coach he did his job dam well, Njoku developed, Herndon developed, then the guy went and restocked the position and convinced 2 top TE recruits that they could play together while going up against big boys for them and one was a legacy. As recruiter not only was he dam good for his position but he took us into jacksonville and did ******* work. Took 2 freshman TE and got them to produce when physically they might have been a year off and didnt enroll early.

As Special teams coach, he sucked but he had value as TE coach. But at end of day, this type of stuff happens as when you coach under a offensive staff that produces 100 ranked offense, there will be collateral damage. That is Hartley I am guessing. It sucks but overall, getting rid of richt, baby richt, searels and co was important enough
Hartley did not develop njoku. Njoku was showing flashes at the end of his rs fresh season and hartley wasn't here. The next year he was a starter and obviously his production was going up with more opportunity.
No need to spin a negative light because he is gone, he could have regressed, how many people have in miami last few years, he took a talent and helped him get better, become a 1st rounder. I didnt hear any of this negativity until he was let go, before it was hartley is a savage. Lol.. Its ok to call it straight, he was a good TE coach and did a great job overall. As Specials corch he was terrible
Are you guys trolling or what?!! Sheesh!!! And yall trust to dog the recruits all the time about FUGGIN LOYALTY? !!!

Hartley before getting let go...
" Hartley's a boss! " He's the goat! One of our best recruiters EVER! Best TE coach ever!

Hartley AFTER being let go...
Meh, he couldn't coach worth a ****!
He was a average recruiter. Brevin and Mallard regressed.
CMR needs to do whatever it takes to keep Dugans! These boys are balling under Dugans! Best wr corps since 2000!
Dugans is an ok recruiter but he can't coach!
WR's can't catch!
He's a great rb coach and recruiter! Look at what he did at UGA! Gurley, Sony, Chubb, blah blah!! He brought us Lingard ! He's just following CMR'S orders!
Afterwards. ..
He suxx! Lingard was coming anyway!

OK geniuses, now who do we replace these guys with before signing day?
The **** is you talking about? Brown was at uga for 1 year. He had nothing to do with any of those backs they had. He was at wisconsin 1 year. He has been getting credit for guys that he didn't recruit or develop.
Hartley did not develop njoku. Njoku was showing flashes at the end of his rs fresh season and hartley wasn't here. The next year he was a starter and obviously his production was going up with more opportunity.

It really is incredible the way some of you say things like this with such complete and total certainty.
We are not going to keep guys that don't have experience with our new system.
Coaches get kept all the time and learn the new system, lol. Especially talented coaches who can recruit. But collateral damage is part of the game, he will be picked up quickly for his recruiting prowess and florida ties, so no reason to worry about him but lets not spin some TE coach not being able to learn new system. wtf:ROFLMAO:
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.
The entire offense sucked.

WR can’t catch and ran poor routes even if they ran the right one at all.

Our Co OC RB coach produced more entertaining crustacean conspiracy theories than plays for 3rd down.

S&C stood for stomachs and chubby under Gus.

All the Hartley talk and what did your 19 commits look like?

New blood can’t hurt.
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense?...

One needs to default to Diaz's insider status as to why he made that decision. Really comes down to this:

1) Manny has day-to-day knowledge of all those staff and concluded they aren't a fit for his philosophy. Seems reasonable as it would appear Diaz/Richt are fire/ice. Combined with an observation Diaz will go with whatever works to a point vs Richts style of "my system works and I want guys who are like me". Neither is wrong or right, but Diaz can't have that on staff, especially Jon Richt (who was drowning anyways... Hartley too).

2) BoT/James.. I think more BoT said this, "Look Manny, x, y, and z are good guys, but the offense is a disaster, OUR BRAND is a disaster. To bad so sad, but x, y, and z must go. We'll make calls to help them get placed."

Will be curious if Miami's bloodhounds can sniff out the real story.

As an aside, what will be very interesting is how fast and where the offensive assistants land their next jobs. How will the market value them? That will be a good discussion point as to how truly valuable they were to UM.

EVERYONE is replaceable. EVERYONE.
No need to spin a negative light because he is gone, he could have regressed, how many people have in miami last few years, he took a talent and helped him get better, become a 1st rounder. I didnt hear any of this negativity until he was let go, before it was hartley is a savage. Lol.. Its ok to call it straight, he was a good TE coach and did a great job overall. As Specials corch he was terrible
People liked his recruiting. You never heard anybody talk about how great of a coach he was. Njoku was going to be a 1st round pick no matter who the te coach was.
It really is incredible the way some of you say things like this with such complete and total certainty.
Its facts. Before hartley got here njoku freshmen year he had 21 catces for 362. His sophmore year as a starter he had 43 catches for 698. So what did hartley do? If he would have got the same number of catches his freshmen year he would have put up basically similar type numbers as he did year 2.
Honestly you should purge a staff for going 7-6 we just need a new mentality I liked Hartley but hated his twitter persona
Its facts. Before hartley got here njoku freshmen year he had 21 catces for 362. His sophmore year as a starter he had 43 catches for 698. So what did hartley do? If he would have got the same number of catches his freshmen year he would have put up basically similar type numbers as he did year 2.

This ls a really myopic viewpoint. Njoku’s hands, route running and blocking really blew up his junior year. He wasn’t just relying on raw natural ability.

Herendon also left here NFL ready and Jordan came in and played lights out from day one.

That’s not just luck.

Saying Hartley couldn’t recruit and develop TEs is spiting just to spite.
Hartley has been here during a time of great development by Njoku, Herendon and now Jordan. Mallory has also shown flashes of what he can be.

That's an awful lot of good players becoming great or showing potential for greatness during his time here.

So he's either really lucky or can coach TEs.

Can't say I agree with this firing.
Agreed, and his recruiting was top notch. Manny needs to make sure his offensive staff has some great recruiters that are plugged into SoFL already. I don't made the changes as long as he can replace the recruiting efforts of Hartley, Dugans, and to a lesser extent Brown.
My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach!

Shouldn’t our default be to support the new coach until we can’t any longer? Are we supposed to be miserable before he’s even coached a game?
I think the Diaz hire was lazy and completely wrongheaded. I think we're in for another three years of "rebuilding" as he tries to learn on the job. That said, the head coach is entitled to his choice of assistant coaches. Period.
Wrong. No one was saying we only need a OC.
This is a ridiculous statement. There is thread after thread here where posters bemoan the fact that Richt was never forced to hire an OC. Only a minority of these posts went on to suggest that other offensive coaches needed to be replaced as well. Perhaps this was implied in many cases, but for the most part everyone here has just been clamoring for someone else to be OC and run playcalling duties.