Serious Question For Yall Applauding Manny's House Cleaning? ...

Yet all everyone was asking for PRIOR to Mork stepping down was a OC???
That is 100% false. That was a quick fix and the only logical solution we had with Richt. He doesn’t fire coaches unless he’s forced to. Everyone knew Searles had to go. Thomas Brown was a loser and a yes man brown nose that got worked on the recruiting trail. The only two coaches worth a **** were Hartley and Dugans. So that is 100% false. Go back to your room now.
This is why they all had to go.

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Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.
Brown and Dugans made to much money for how their units performed and the way they recruited this year. Searles and Lil Jon both stunk out loud. I would listen to keeping Hartley but their are lots of guys out there who can recruit.

Manny has been around the program for 3 years. I think he understands just how dysfunctional the culture of this offense is. He decided to can them all and have a fresh start.
This ls a really myopic viewpoint. Njoku’s hands, route running and blocking really blew up his junior year. He wasn’t just relying on raw natural ability.

Herendon also left here NFL ready and Jordan came in and played lights out from day one.

That’s not just luck.

Saying Hartley couldn’t recruit and develop TEs is spiting just to spite.
I said he was a good recruiter. As a coach he can be replaced. Lets see if he goes somewhere else and has a Tes drafted.
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.

If a design isn't working - you always start with a clean sheet of paper.
No need to spin a negative light because he is gone, he could have regressed, how many people have in miami last few years, he took a talent and helped him get better, become a 1st rounder. I didnt hear any of this negativity until he was let go, before it was hartley is a savage. Lol.. Its ok to call it straight, he was a good TE coach and did a great job overall. As Specials corch he was terrible
This guy gets it!
This is a ridiculous statement. There is thread after thread here where posters bemoan the fact that Richt was never forced to hire an OC. Only a minority of these posts went on to suggest that other offensive coaches needed to be replaced as well. Perhaps this was implied in many cases, but for the most part everyone here has just been clamoring for someone else to be OC and run playcalling duties.
Thank you! This blob is full of FOLLOW THE LEADER *** PANZIES!
That is 100% false. That was a quick fix and the only logical solution we had with Richt. He doesn’t fire coaches unless he’s forced to. Everyone knew Searles had to go. Thomas Brown was a loser and a yes man brown nose that got worked on the recruiting trail. The only two coaches worth a **** were Hartley and Dugans. So that is 100% false. Go back to your room now.
So all of a sudden a guy that's never been a head coach before knows EVERYTHING there's to know about being the head coach of a top 5 program? If yall LIKE IT, I LOVE IT??...
We can blame mark for everything but the facts are that every aspect of our offense was aweful. Receivers couldn’t catch, running backs couldn’t break 20 yards in the bowl game, quarterbacks couldn’t complete a pass to the right team, offensive line couldn’t block, tight ends couldn’t stay on the field and special teams was at a program worst.

The fact is we have to let our new OC pick his staff and guys that run his scheme. We don’t know the inner workings of that locker room they may have whole heartedly believed in Richts system which I’m guessing they did because they were all Richt guys. Manny may have informed some of them that they would be under review for position coaches and they wanted to keep their titles as OC and running game coordinator and so the whole staff just did not agree with the changes. Point is we just don’t know but what we do know is every aspect of the offense sucked And it cannot all be blamed on a bad line and a bad quarterback sometimes it goes deeper than that.

So hats off to Manny Diaz for being a savage coach that is willing to do what it takes to win
All of this.
Dugans was the only decent coach.

And his recruiting and people skills sucked.

Dugans recruited well but his WRs sucked. Unless the kid was elite (AR or JT) there was much to be desired in the overall play. Let’s not forget AR’s dropsies along with JT4 as well.
Hartley did a good job with the TE and recruited his *** off. His ST coaching was worse I’ve ever seen.
Searles didn’t recruit well and our pass blocking was awful.
TB is too woke. Retweets social stuff and always seemed angry.
Jon was in over his head. I won’t bash him bc his dad gave him a job he wasn’t ready for.