I know - obviously the teams playing can have players enter and those have all been discussed - this thread is on one of those players
beck (least likely - already declared), ewers (still not likely, probably going pro), milroe - most likely by a long shot to enter the portal
leavitt could - but doubtful with dillingham - and also, do we take a freshmen with nickel? or was the plan to get a 1 year rental and hand the keys to nickel in '26?
madsen? don't think he's better than any of the above, but maybe?
There are 52 teams that could have players join the portal still. Almost 50% of FBS. Add in Beck who IMO won’t go to the draft unless he gets really bad advice. Add any Grad Transfer who doesn’t need a window.
Leavitt is a red shirt freshman so he could be a one year rental. Michigan st, asu, Miami sounds good.
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