Sam Bruce

Ask yourselves:

Why can’t he stay in one place? Why can’t he break through in the NAIA? I’m not even talking about dominating. I mean just making even a modest impact.

Now ask yourselves, can I find a better player for the roster spot he would occupy. One without the severe risk of defaulting, like he easily could.

Finally ask yourselves, what is his upside? Have you ever seen video of his upside? Has he even proven he has an upside?

There’s your answer.
No way. The new offensive staff needs to recruit one more WR. Hightower, Pope, And Peyton are solid with one more plus Ezzard. Wiggins should transfer with Cager now IMO. You can’t teach hands and that kid drops more balls than a stripper at Scarlet’s.
I wish him the very best but I don’t think he’s a power 5 level talent scholarship talent, that’s on top of the off field stuff

Hey AP always appreciate your insight. Was he simply overrated ? I was a huge fan and had high hopes for him. What were your impressions of him while he was here?
Let me see if I've got this. Some of you guys want to take this kid back after all the times he's fcked up. And you don't care that he thinks he didn't do anything wrong, Richt just didn't like him so now that Richt is gone he can come back. That about right? I mean, he's clearly learned his lesson right? Fck around all you want, just don't play for Richt. Perfect.
Let's not forget all the posters who lamented how Richt had run off a superstar. How he was suspended for stupid ****.

Oh the glory of the printed word.
Hey AP always appreciate your insight. Was he simply overrated ? I was a huge fan and had high hopes for him. What were your impressions of him while he was here?
Very good athlete but not a great football player in my opinion
JT4 has to be second guessing his decision. He got some bad advice. He should have sucked it up until after December to see what shake up happened. Now he is off to Illinois of all places.