Sam Bruce

I don’t know what you would be salty about...maybe he one night stand a girl you loved, I don’t know but I do know the analysis you gave of his ability doesn’t begin to add up with his time on the actual field.

Bruce may be a lot of things but you’re a hater.
Have you seen what he's done on the field since high school? He's been juco fodder buddy.
He can’t ball at a low tier bible college. It’s over. He can’t play anymore. Why don’t people understand this?
Calling the kid a f*cking idiot is a bit too far. He stuck will Miami after witnessing our 58-0 loss to Clemson and the firing of Al Golden immediately after. Stayed committed to a program not a coach. I'm saying if there is any way to get him back involved with the football program, we should. Everyone makes bad decision when theyre young. Give the kid another chance.

he sucks as a football player.
Calling the kid a f*cking idiot is a bit too far. He stuck will Miami after witnessing our 58-0 loss to Clemson and the firing of Al Golden immediately after. Stayed committed to a program not a coach. I'm saying if there is any way to get him back involved with the football program, we should. Everyone makes bad decision when theyre young. Give the kid another chance.

Yes kids make bad decision.....unfortunately Bruce made bad decision again and again and again and again...... If he was that talented he would be playing somewhere. Schools would be offering him scholarships....but they arent.
Yes kids make bad decision.....unfortunately Bruce made bad decision again and again and again and again...... If he was that talented he would be playing somewhere. Schools would be offering him scholarships....but they arent.

I said bring him in the program in anyway possible not just necessarily to play. Dude clearly needs some positive influences in his life and there is a lot of that in our football program right now.
Maybe his desert time has helped him , like a blade being beaten with fire on an anvil hammered till sharp everyone needs or needed there desert time.

Read " A purpose driven life " awesome book.

I read an article in which doctors said he broke his leg so bad at Miami they after it “healed” like 2 years later doctors said they weren’t sure if he should even be playing football again. Give this one a rest. The guy would be like a senior anyways.
Tf is your problem? You're actually arguing with the only guy here who's spent practice time with Bruce. Not that he's perfect, but dude was actually on the team with Bruce, actually watched him at actual practice.

But you know better don't you? Of course you do.

Bc he’s the only guy you know then I’m supposed to accept that?

You’re a ridiculous but this is theme of this board is. It’s tragic
Nobody puts him on that level and he doesnt claim to be anything he's not. Again, even for those "handful of practices" he knows more than you do about this situation and is actually qualified to speak about it.

He doesn’t know more than anyone. Gtfooh.

You guys are so thirsty to be in the know & to know anyone Hurricane related that you slurp on any & everything closer to the program than you have ever been.

It’s the same ol rhetoric.
So many post for an NAIA talent. Get that degree and go make a living coaching. /end story