S & C

Alaskan Cane

Oct 6, 2012
I'm curious to hear what insight any insider might be able tell us about what's happening with S & C? Any news on Felds programs or feedback from players?

I'd love to hear about something new in addition to coaching hire updates and guesses.

I'm curious to hear what insight any insider might be able tell us about what's happening with S & C? Any news on Felds programs or feedback from players?

I'd love to hear about something new in addition to coaching hire updates and guesses.


My guess is you will hear

"it's nothing like the old program"
"the players haver really taken to it and are selling out"
"we won't be pushed around anymore"
Gee, you guys sound like you're a bit pessimistic about our new high energy super motivating S & C coach. Kinda like you you've heard this song before.

I'm the eternal optimist after 50+ years as a Cane fan.
I'm not pessimistic, but I have to be honest: you look at pretty much any school from now until August. Every one of them will show social media posts about how the team is working hard in the weightroom and with Mat drills and those type of things. Everyone will talk about how the energy is different on the field and in the weightroom. I'm not saying that genuinely won't be the case with Mario and Feld, but if you've been through 1-2 or more coaching changes, the stuff tends to sound the same...
I heard he makes it fun for the guys. I also heard he’s a little unorthodox. For example sometimes He buys things at Home Depot and makes his own stuff. Apparently Andy staples worked out with him and discussed with Navarro on an athletic podcast. I have to check it out.
Interested to hear more about the 4th quarter drills. At the signing day presser coach mentioned it and its importance. Also how guys currently on rehab will have to complete them as well
Interested to hear more about the 4th quarter drills. At the signing day presser coach mentioned it and its importance. Also how guys currently on rehab will have to complete them as well
Every program has a version of this tbh..a good S&C program is essential. But I think sometimes we get a little carried away on the impact it can have…it’s simple, recruit and sign better prospects with the elite natural traits annually and you’ll see the results
Just like the last 3 strength coaches one thing is for certain..this is the best one yet until the next one
That's why I want to see us produce some behind the scenes type content they can post on YouTube. Better to see these coaches actually training them so we can all judge for ourselves.
4th quarter program starts next week.

Mario stole it from Saban.
combined gifs steroids GIF