Ryan Mayes to Miami Bat Signal Confirm

It is a possibility this is a situation like Nate Taylor's last year. Unfortunately the kid does not have a phone right now so I am not able to confirm anything through him. We are going to have to trust his coach for right now.

I like his film. It has ALOT of plays on it...for a DB/WR it's ALOT of plays. He looks like a very smooth athlete with good size and ball skills. Don't forget these are his junior year highlights.......this phenomenon of getting commits before a player has started his senior year is skewing some people's opinions on a player's potential. This dude will ball out and blow up his senior year despite what any artificial rankings say.

Welcome to the U Ryan.
Gotta trust the coaches on this one. They saw the kid live and in person.

My theory on the star/ranking thing is this...

When it comes to South Florida, there's so much **** talent down here that it would be impossible to issue all of them a high amount of stars. I think the star system is more accurate when it comes to ranking kids from other areas but in South Florida it can't be skewed. I believe there's alot of kids down here that would be 4 stars if they played somewhere else. If the star/ranking system was a true measure of talent then there would be an over-whelming amount of 4/5 stars from South Florida. The "top 100" rankings would be so **** lopsided in favor of South Florida.

Just my opinion.

I can see how a kid from South Florida can go under the radar alot easier than a kid from another area of the country.
This is really interesting. Yesterday at camp, I noticed a kid in a wife beater that hadn't participated all day and had just hopped in for one-on-ones. He looked bigger than any DB and was locking people up. So I go over to Miami Northwestern OC Tyrell Comyers and asked him who the kid was since he was wearing MNW shorts, and he told me the kid's name was Ryan Mayes. I forgot to put him in the write-up because it was right at the end of camp and I didn't post about him in the camp updates thread. From the limited time I saw him, he stood out as much as anyone which says a lot because I wasn't particularly focusing in on him before I knew who he was. It will be great to see him this season at the West.

Safety or cb?

Honestly can't give you an answer to that because I haven't seen enough of him. Between Smith, JoJo, and Mayes I'll definitely be at a bunch of Northwestern games this season.

just remember Pete, your probation limits you to 50 ft of under age kids and no Just Bieber concerts!
Al Golden to College Football:

Brennan Carroll ‏@brennanpcarroll 1m
Was supposed to be tomorrow but, oh well.
Im not saying this kid isn't good but why wouldn't you slow play him a bit?

Kids like this will always commit on the spot.
lol at Carroll being irritated at the coach outing it before him. He almost seemed like a kid unwrapping a present he already knew what it was, and sorta liked it.
Im not saying this kid isn't good but why wouldn't you slow play him a bit?

Kids like this will always commit on the spot.

my thinking as well. but when we slow play a kid that blows up his senior year and then we lose out, everybody is saying what in the god **** **** are you doing being last to the party? sometimes you can't win. And with the little bit of diva in these south Florida recruits I'd rather be on em early if I see solid value.