Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

I don think this Ruiz guy is thinking big enough.

Instead of trying relocate Coral Gables high to build a new stadium, he should consider relocating the University of Miami closer to Hard Rock stadium.

If he fills in a few lakes, UM can relocate to Ives Estates. :monkey-serious:
If this guy gets us a real AD, Coach, plays the player bag game and builds an Orange Bowl replica just name the team the Miami Ruizicanes

pinch me

There is going to be a lot of ****ed off rednecks
Gables it ain't happening. City commissioner would get lynched on his front lawn if he put that kind of traffic around that old money with nowhere for it to go. If a stadium were to happen(which eventually it will) most likely it's tamiami or tropical with only other possibility near the airport.
Eventually it will….

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There are still huge obstacles. One of them being, as has already been mentioned, the city of Coral Gables.

How do they ever approve this? I’m not familiar with Coral Gables politics although I lived there obviously for a but only as a renter. I wasn’t into local politics and I've never owned property in CG. But I am aware that quality of life for residents is one of their guiding principles.

The more you think this out, with all the “high school relocation“ talk, all the money that would conceivably have to be paid to governmental entities, all the eminent domain issues, and on and on I just don’t see how this is anywhere under 1.5 billion may be much more. I mean relocating an entire high school?

Look, I’m much more in tune with lets spend this money on the program and the coaching staff for the administrative staff, on team infrastructure those kinds of things, and then we can see about this.

But like I said in my first post of this thread, this only works if somebody wants to do it on their dime. Trying to secure funding for something like this through investors is going to be very difficult because a return is going to be near impossible to prove.

It can only work through donations, and fully funded that way. Whether it’s one person or a handful of people, or many people. Fully paid for and funded.
I haven’t looked at it in detail. There’s a lot to overcome. In an ordinary world I’d say no way. If traffic is of less concern there then the challenge shifts a good deal to the community. We’ll see.
Baylors stadium is nice! Rice stadium isn’t as nice but in an affluent residential area in Houston. No issues with the community. Stadium idea should be real in Coral Gables. Only enhances the school and potentially drive value up in area.
If anyone is gonna get it done it’s gonna be someone also offering to build a new school as part of the deal.
I haven’t looked at it in detail. There’s a lot to overcome. In an ordinary world I’d say no way. If traffic is of less concern there then the challenge shifts a good deal to the community. We’ll see.

Again there’s going to be traffic cost associated with this, maybe in the millions or hundreds of millions.

The other thing, and we need to be realistic, it’s for someone to have this kind of crazy monopoly money to take on funding a stadium without any public support, i.e. public money, you have to have a shlt load of money and most of it is apparently dependent on this SPAC deal which is not necessarily a guaranteed thing.
This is Miami we're talking about though. There aren't many high schools older than Gables. There are like 2 or 3.
i can see it now. The ventilation and electrical system isn’t up to code and the place has asbestos. Not hurricane ready. It’s gotta go. These things can be done.
The parcel West Lab sits on isn't nearly large enough to build anything resembling a decent stadium. I would know because I lived in a house right off Granada throughout Undergrad, Grad and Law School. We used to run routes in that giant field across from West Lab. Never mind the fact that you have environmental features that would also make it unlikely. That waterway cannot be diverted or touched, due to the manatees that utilize it as a habitat. You would need to buy out all those houses over there and try to build on the other side of Granada. Those houses are easily 1 million plus on the market right now. Once you get those parcels, then you'd have to pay for building, you'd have to pay the City of CG for the infrastructure improvements, and that's why you are talking about a billion dollar investment. I don't know if a guy worth 20 billion is going to give up that much for one project, especially one that may require more than that billion, especially if you have to buy politicians and media sources.

There is a large parking lot on the other side of the Waterway. Build garages there, pedestrian walkway across the waterway. stadium on West Lab lot + the open field adjacent to Grenada. Tailgates can be throughout school lots on campus and walk to stadium like every other school. Also an easy walk from metro stop and people can park at dadeland or South Miami metro garages. Makes more sense than CGHS.