Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

I’ve said it before and I’ll bore you with it again:
That game was THEE most statistically lopsided loss in the history of championships. All sports.
Maybe the 1960 Yankees/Pittsburgh World Series comes close where NY outscored the Pirates by 28 runs and still lost the series.

Every time I manage to get that **** out of my head, one of you bastids bring it back.

The spot is from the line of scrimmage, not from where he was tackled. Facemask or not, I don't know. It's grainy, it's 1986. The fact that you spent so much time to type all that out and add screen shots tells me you have a lot of time on your hands. Have a great day, man.

It's a spot foul, you idiot. The penalty is marked from the SPOT OF THE FOUL, not the line of scrimmage. It's like holding. The fact that you don't know that tells me everything I need to know about your ignorant porsts.
Scooters on Campus were big back in the day. In fact many students had scoots or could borrow them. Natural for Vinny to scoot.

It was common for the players to ride scooters from their apartments (across from Eaton) to Hecht/Greentree. We only recently built the bridge over the canal that links the (former) apartment area to Hecht/Greentree. In the old days, the players had to take the long way around (by vehicle) or cut through the IM Fields (if walking).
It was common for the players to ride scooters from their apartments (across from Eaton) to Hecht/Greentree. We only recently built the bridge over the canal that links the (former) apartment area to Hecht/Greentree. In the old days, the players had to take the long way around (by vehicle) or cut through the IM Fields (if walking).
Maannnn....I remember that like yesterday...I was on campus a ton in 1986....
Maannnn....I remember that like yesterday...I was on campus a ton in 1986....

Exactly. You know what I'm talking about. That was when ****inson Drive went all the way from Ponce de Leon Boulevard over to Merrick Street by Eaton. The football players had to drive down ****inson, get onto Ponce, and then find parking on San Amaro. Vinny wrecked his scooter near the Hecht parking lot off of San Amaro.
Exactly. You know what I'm talking about. That was when ****inson Drive went all the way from Ponce de Leon Boulevard over to Merrick Street by Eaton. The football players had to drive down ****inson, get onto Ponce, and then find parking on San Amaro. Vinny wrecked his scooter near the Hecht parking lot off of San Amaro.
I know the exact spot you're talking about
Absolutely! And Jimmy is a great ambassador for The U, he has to know that he was primarily responsible for not winning the Natty that year.
I saw JJ on the new U Goat show and he said something along the lines of Vinny hadn’t practiced and he shouldn’t have played him.
I've never read anywhere that suggested he threw the game.

The thing is, he lost the game that would have given us the national title in the 86' Sugar bowl against TN, where he totally choked game against an inferior Vol team. Because of that Sugar bowl game, it never crossed my mind that he threw the Fiesta Bowl.

Additionally, there aren't many QB's that could match his physical assets, but still, he didn't have a legendary career, because he would choke when it counted. All of this = I never thought he threw the game and still don't. He just didn't have "it".

The very next year, the opposite of Vinny came along in Steve Walsh (my fave CFB QB of alltime). Steve didn't have Vinny's size, frame, footspeed, and certainly not his arm strength, but he did have ice in his veins, and that ice was the difference needed for a natty.
We won in 88' too. No one will tell me differently!
Revel Washington Dc GIF by WAMU
would have had one more championship if Vinny was healthy. In fact not practicing hurt us too, but even if VT was at 40% we would have won going away. He was about 25% and still healing. They stole one from us......********