QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

I know Zach Smith isn’t really cared for, but he’s maintained for a couple years that the only reason McCord burned his redshirt was his father continuing to ***** & moan that McCord needed to play and threatened Day with transferring if he did not.

Some believed Saban had a hand in the denial of Tualia’s waiver, it would make sense if Day had a hand in McCord’s.
I thought Saban tried to get Taulia‘s waiver approved? Am I misremembering or didn’t he write a letter to the NCAA or some ****

Things change year by year.

McCord was forced to come in and take a knee to burn his redshirt when he didn’t want to. That’s literally the only thing - one knee. One snap.

He’s got an argument and the NCAA is listening.
Tuas brother did the same thing.
Things change year by year.

McCord was forced to come in and take a knee to burn his redshirt when he didn’t want to. That’s literally the only thing - one knee. One snap.

He’s got an argument and the NCAA is listening.
Tuas brother did the same thing. Either it’s a rule or it’s not a rule, do you know what I mean?
Maybe it was just me but your joke fell flat then. Stick to just wearing clown makeup.
Tyson GIF