Spring PractiSe #5 - Thursday March 20

Not directed at you really. We are all looking for stuff to discuss. Nickels performance in shorts after a few days of “practice” shouldn’t really be one of them

I don’t see why the coaches would want to redshirt him if he’s as good as advertised so I would imagine this summer he will have every opportunity to win the backup job
Its bc we all know how Mario rolls.

He doesn't do things the right way.

If Nickel is clearly better and for some reason Beck isn't ready, you know 100% that Emory will start for the first 3-4 games before they put Beck in.

We see these decisions every year.

I don't get the sexual innuendo of 2 a day practice that resulted in a 'big pause' or is it that the idea gives you an erection?

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