Practice #11?

**** YES!!! :fistbump:

As much as I am going to root for anything Hedley does, I just want him booming punts to flip field position. I know feagles was bad but from what I recall his punting around the 50- opposing 45 yrd line was much much better. I remember him pinning a few people back. What sucked was getting a touchback on a kickoff, start on the 25, our offense goes 3 and out, then a 30 yard punt with a minimum return, still has the other side starting around the 50.
What we're seeing during the viewing portions of practice isn't the true competition. The rest we don't see (QB room, film work, 7v7/11v11 w/no access, etc) plus the scrimmages are the true competition.

That being said, it's not a great look for Martell that Enos was on him immediately after missing a throw that badly. Yeesh...I know it's one throw, but QB1 doesn't miss that throw that badly.

Just a reminder - we still don't know. I don't think anyone has a true idea of who's ahead or if someone has already been told they're out of the running. Anything based on these clips are casual observations and conjecture.
Let’s just roll with Jarren Williams. He seems to be the person with the best arm, can eye the field better than most, and he can run IF HAS TO. I think he just needs a couple of drives to get him going, and then bam... he’s good!! Besides, Jarren is a Georgia QB, and over the past years, it seems like GA QBs are the way to go.
- Deshaun Watson
- Jake Fromm
- Trevor Lawrence
- Justin Fields
I do, what’s our alternative? Even with some inaccuracies at times I still probably want martell over Perry for some reason. So I’ll just go with Williams. I think Everyone has a preference of martell or Perry but everyone I would assume be okay with starting Williams for sure
Everybody been saying perry or martell because that's been who has been rumored to be the top 2 before fall camp.
For you Tate lovers it's not going to happen. The kid just is not accurate and we have big time potential WR'S who need the ball downfield. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the skill set needed in our offense. My bet is on Jarren Williams to start against UF even with no experience. The kid has the goods to be very special.
I'm beginning to lean this way myself, based on the reports we've gotten. However, there is a LOT that the media and fans haven't gotten to see thus far, so the coaches have a much bigger set of observations to make their choice from. I wouldn't give up on Tate yet, or Perry. Given his track record, I absolutely trust Enos to make the best decision until he gives a reason not to.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Diaz talks after the 2nd scrimmage to possibly say he's narrowed the QB race down and address a few other things, but then closes ranks pretty tightly for the Gator prep week.

I don't think we will know who the starter is until at best a day or two before the game, if then. The team/staff will know, but we won't.
Everybody been saying perry or martell because that's been who has been rumored to be the top 2 before fall camp.
I’m saying a preference out of either those 2 not including Williams. You either want Perry or you want martell.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Diaz talks after the 2nd scrimmage to possibly say he's narrowed the QB race down and address a few other things, but then closes ranks pretty tightly for the Gator prep week.

I don't think we will know who the starter is until at best a day or two before the game, if then. The team/staff will know, but we won't.
When is the 2nd scrimage?
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Diaz talks after the 2nd scrimmage to possibly say he's narrowed the QB race down and address a few other things, but then closes ranks pretty tightly for the Gator prep week.

I don't think we will know who the starter is until at best a day or two before the game, if then. The team/staff will know, but we won't.
I think they pick a qb after the 2nd scrimmage. Diaz said before camp they wanted to have a guy in 2 weeks. The last 2 weeks of camp will be spent getting the starters chemistry. And they don't have to announce the qb at all. They could just wait to gameday.
Both Bolden and PHillips have to go through the NCAA acclimation period. It was mentioned on one of the other sites that those practices don't have to be field practices. They can be "indoor" type practices. Maybe that's what is up. Or they are still getting all the paperwork, etc cleared.

NCAA acclimation period is the same as HS iirc. Must practice 3 days before putting on pads