Hindsight is 20/20 but I wish we offered Collier. When I saw Southridge in the playoffs, I thought he was the better athlete and prospect.
It's a good thing Derrick Smith qualified. Now we have two thumpers with ball skills in the class.
Never was high on Billy Gibson. He was soooo good in the secondary..that he played INSIDE LINEBACKER the last 2 Years at southridge. He doesnt even have much film in coverage..and Shawn Davias manned the centerfield. Im still mad Collier aint get the offer..i liked him more than even Gibson....No sour grapes here either...i seldom spoke of Gibson...and he once played for LEADER OF MEN at Champagnat.
Shawn Davis was really the get in that secondary. And, as I've agreed with you both, I was curious about Collier as a Safety. LIke I told someone off the board, if I don't say a word about a Safety, throw up a red flag. I'm fascinated with Safeties, as it's the position I got to play and learned the nuances of defense. I'll repeat, my guy is Gilbert Frierson as a Safety. Been looking for an Eric Berry type for a good long while. Not sure why we struggle finding them in South Florida. Wright and Davis were the types this year.