Pat Fitzgerald/Northwestern implosion

The military also has barbers that do it, they don't let older soldiers shave newer soldiers.

Jack Nicholson You Cant Handle The Truth GIF

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It's all good, my friend, I'm not mad at ya. I responded to what @JD08 said, and we probably just missed a bit on the timing.

I will tell you this, from past experience in the Greek system...hazing tends to...grow...over the years. It's not usually some multi-decade consistent-level of a thing. One set of freshmen will go through **** one year, and then they try to figure out EVEN WORSE STUFF to do to the next group of freshmen. Until people call an end to the downward spiral, or something truly horrifying happens, the hazing incidents seem to get worse over time.

I was in a fraternity that was very mild in its "hazing". I was NEVER forced to drink (I assure you, it was a personal choice). I was never forced to strip naked or do anything involving heterosexual or homosexual forced sexual assault. I was never hit or paddled, nor did I ever hit or paddle anyone else. Did I find Animal House hilarious? Sure. But that doesn't mean I did all that stuff or allowed all that stuff to happen.

And I quote Animal House incessantly.
Any playful wrestling?

will ferrell lube GIF
Unless I missed something, is this really comparable to Penn St, Ohio St and Michigan St scandals??
Just depends. Personally if I was some weak *** freshman that allowed this I'd rather get beat on for a few minutes that amounts to a simple whooping than having to get butt bookie *** neked at midfield and get OR give a reach around to my teammates. That more equivalent to buddy from Michigan St or wherever it was with his gymnastics **** or maybe a far lesser extent psu which from my homeboy LJ words what got out was apparently a very small sample size of what really went on.
When we go to the B1G it should also be billed as part of the effort to clean up the conference's image. Between this, Pedo State, Iowa, Michigan State, etc. and their sexual abuse/racism scandals, little ol' Miami will be a breath of purity- especially if they also take a rape & murder factory like Notre Dame.
Unless I missed something, is this really comparable to Penn St, Ohio St and Michigan St scandals??
They also had some ex black and Latin player(s) come out on record and anonymously accuse Northwestern football for a allowing a racist was multiple players..idk why they’d all have a reason to lie like Jesse smollet but I think it all has to do with his dismissal
I believe in innocent until proven guilty. I've also walked this earth for enough years to know that there is a motivation to produce a "letter of support" in order to establish "innocence" before the process has even begun. And I've seen enough bull**** to know that most of those letters aren't worth the rice paper they are written on. And I DEFINITELY know that all the sophomores and juniors and seniors who were hazing their teammates are not going to rush out and admit to it.

You don't have to be on "one train" or another. These are complex issues. But, yes, I tend to laugh at "but 50 guys just signed a letter sayin' I din't do nuffin'" bull****.

Here is just an EXAMPLE of when "letters of support" will backfire on you (it involves Jonathan Majors and the article in Rolling Stone):

View attachment 245780

And then...whoops...

View attachment 245781

So, it's like all those Jeff Foxworthy "you might be a redneck if" routines.

If you feel the need to produce testimonial letters this early in a might have a problem...
With all due respect, I ain’t reading all that.
Yoo i remember me and my boy getting stuffed in lockers for not carrying a former famous Michigan QB “QB ball bag” out to practice in 08 by upper classmen Oline..I was a freshman. Said QB told them to stop & did open the lockers…That lesson always stuck..not sure what the lesson was..but it stuck..we made sure we had them balls ready the day..pause if applicable
When we go to the B1G it should also be billed as part of the effort to clean up the conference's image. Between this, Pedo State, Iowa, Michigan State, etc. and their sexual abuse/racism scandals, little ol' Miami will be a breath of purity- especially if they also take a rape & murder factory like Notre Dame.
You can throw Ohio State wrestling in there too.
Yoo i remember me and my boy getting stuffed in lockers for not carrying a former famous Michigan QB “QB ball bag” out to practice in 08 by upper classmen Oline..I was a freshman. Said QB told them to stop & did open the lockers…That lesson always stuck..not sure what the lesson was..but it stuck..we made sure we had them balls ready the day..pause if applicable
Cbs What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden

You carried his “ball bag”?
Just depends. Personally if I was some weak *** freshman that allowed this I'd rather get beat on for a few minutes that amounts to a simple whooping than having to get butt bookie *** neked at midfield and get OR give a reach around to my teammates. That more equivalent to buddy from Michigan St or wherever it was with his gymnastics **** or maybe a far lesser extent psu which from my homeboy LJ words what got out was apparently a very small sample size of what really went on.

Larry Nassar, He just got stabbed at Coleman yesterday.
But yeah, they're not even remotely the same.