Pat Fitzgerald/Northwestern implosion

"Pat Fitzgerald/Northwestern implosion"

This is the /Northwestern part of my thread title lol. Football focused prez grossly underestimates the threat this situation posed to the institution, thought it could be hand waived away with a friday news dump of a scandal that had been kept hidden for nearly a year and a love tap non-punishment response. Making it not just a football team/coach scandal, but a crisis of university leadership scandal. Mutually assured destruction for all involved is how this goes.
naked ******* snaps and prayers prez

If firing a guy who most likely knew and allowed seniors to force freshman to do the elephant walk is wrong, I don't wanna be right lol.
How easy is it to just not tweet. Think it all you want, but don’t tweet.

Never tweet.
The best part is, there are already fans jumping on his side going "Just because some former player said something doesn't make it true."

1. The story was confirmed by multiple former players and a current player on the team.

2. Evidence out of the locker room has surfaced since then, with names on the board underneath the headline "Shrek walk".

3. Northwestern has conducted their own investigation with an independent law firm and that investigation has already concluded there is strong evidence present.

4. Of course some players will deny the allegations. What the **** do you want them to say "Yes, I dry-humped freshmen because I felt like doing it for the sake of the team"?!
The best part is, there are already fans jumping on his side going "Just because some former player said something doesn't make it true."

1. The story was confirmed by multiple former players and a current player on the team.

2. Evidence out of the locker room has surfaced since then, with names on the board underneath the headline "Shrek walk".

3. Northwestern has conducted their own investigation with an independent law firm and that investigation has already concluded there is strong evidence present.

4. Of course some players will deny the allegations. What the **** do you want them to say "Yes, I dry-humped freshmen because I felt like doing it for the sake of the team"?!
The last part is really the crazy thing about this form of hazing.... like what the ****, why would I want to do that? You're telling me not only do I have to go through that as a freshman, but then I gotta be the weirdo grinding on some freshman 2 years from now too? That's honestly an aspect that makes this so much worse to me. Like a normal person would think yeah we're going to haze them by making them do it to each other. Only truly weirdos are like nah I wanna grind on them...
Little mention of the letter supplied by a large group of NU players denying the allegations and supporting Fitz. Not juicy enough to create clicks/news.

The ALLEGED activities from ONE player is headline news. I certainly don’t condone the ALLEGED activities by ONE player but in today’s 24/7 incessant news cycle, this type of story generates clicks/viewers and circumvents the order of law - innocent until proven guilty.

There’s more than one person.
Student newspaper at northwestern blew open wild hazing practices in the football team that happen with encouragement from Pat Fitzgerald. Standard practice on the team that Freshman who mess up in practices get restrained bent over and then "dry humped" by 8-10 upperclassmen wearing halloween masks in front of the teammates. Fitz would often signal what freshman needed to be hazed. He's been suspended. His career is ovah and the solid program he'd built is going to get wiped out for years. Bad bad.

has Mike Greenberg explained how his beloved Northwestern that "always does things right" is just misunderstood?
The last part is really the crazy thing about this form of hazing.... like what the ****, why would I want to do that? You're telling me not only do I have to go through that as a freshman, but then I gotta be the weirdo grinding on some freshman 2 years from now too? That's honestly an aspect that makes this so much worse to me. Like a normal person would think yeah we're going to haze them by making them do it to each other. Only truly weirdos are like nah I wanna grind on them...
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This might be viewed poorly but I’ll say two things.

As someone that’s been on a collegiate sports team and undergone acts of hazing…it’s really supposed to be more about team camaraderie and bonding than it is punishment. I’ve undergone various drinking challenges, group activities, whatever you want to call it…and yet 95% of it was honestly pretty fun. Some kids didn’t drink on my team and the people in charge of said hazing event would either have them do other activities or drink O’douls (non-alcoholic beer). It was almost like an initiation of sorts, and then afterwards we’d all get hammered and you felt part of something bigger than yourself. Had maybe 3-4 events throughout our freshman year specifically targeted at us, then you’re “one of the guys”.

Now there’s times where it gets a bit over the top (you’re in college, I mean c’mon), but it was usually nipped in the butt immediately. I’m not going to speak on behalf of what happened at NW or any other universities, but the term hazing has a very negative connotation today (and rightfully so for the most part considering issues that have occurred at various Greek Life houses/orders).

Personally, the article really didn’t seem that bad. It’s worded much stronger than the actual allegations entail (consider the source as well, it’s Northwestern). I’ve heard of things 10x worse at fraternities or sororities across the country. The headline is incredibly misleading, but I do agree if someone refuses to take part in an event, that’s their right. No need to force it.

Curious to see what happens. Also I don’t think Fitzgerald is involved - I know he’s ultimately responsible for his players and their actions, but (for example) our coach had no idea what was being done outside of practice/games other than a couple parties here and there if we won.

no wonder their team was so awful the last few years-
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This might be viewed poorly but I’ll say two things.

As someone that’s been on a collegiate sports team and undergone acts of hazing…it’s really supposed to be more about team camaraderie and bonding than it is punishment. I’ve undergone various drinking challenges, group activities, whatever you want to call it…and yet 95% of it was honestly pretty fun. Some kids didn’t drink on my team and the people in charge of said hazing event would either have them do other activities or drink O’douls (non-alcoholic beer). It was almost like an initiation of sorts, and then afterwards we’d all get hammered and you felt part of something bigger than yourself. Had maybe 3-4 events throughout our freshman year specifically targeted at us, then you’re “one of the guys”.

Now there’s times where it gets a bit over the top (you’re in college, I mean c’mon), but it was usually nipped in the butt immediately. I’m not going to speak on behalf of what happened at NW or any other universities, but the term hazing has a very negative connotation today (and rightfully so for the most part considering issues that have occurred at various Greek Life houses/orders).

Personally, the article really didn’t seem that bad. It’s worded much stronger than the actual allegations entail (consider the source as well, it’s Northwestern). I’ve heard of things 10x worse at fraternities or sororities across the country. The headline is incredibly misleading, but I do agree if someone refuses to take part in an event, that’s their right. No need to force it.

Curious to see what happens. Also I don’t think Fitzgerald is involved - I know he’s ultimately responsible for his players and their actions, but (for example) our coach had no idea what was being done outside of practice/games other than a couple parties here and there if we won.

grown men forced to be naked and brushing up against each other, grown men forced to be naked and get humped by other men- is just your normal time at college? where did you go? San Francisco State?
I talked with Romberg for a while about his time at Miami and yes he’s a hard ***, take no **** type of personality, he talked about a desire to build trust between his teammates and a sense of in it together. There was fear instilled for messing up, but it was answering to your teammates, not this stuff.

Paying dues is a way to make players show their commitment level. What was happening at NU was about power and control.

humping naked players is not about power and control- it's because some of them are very ghey

no normal hetero guy is going to want to do that like the upperclassmen were doing