Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

Save us NSD!!
Honestly, if we had any recruiting momentum at all heading into SD, I think a lot of people would be far less concerned about the coaching staff. Always hopeful, but it sure doesn't seem like NSD is going to bring us a ton of momentum at this point. Unless Mario has some huge surprises under his hat, seems like this is going to be a pretty quiet day for us.
Face the facts: after much ballyhoo, it is now quite obvious Mario is struggling to land assistants. Whether you call what’s happening “being thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is the enemy of the good”, the net-net of it is things are severely delayed. No finger pointing; things happen.

However, Spring ball is only about 6 weeks away, which puts us in the unenviable position of trying to build the airplane while we fly it. That’s incredibly problematic, because players don’t have systems/playbooks to learn/study, so the 2022-2023 team is already behind the 8-ball in comparison to its competitors. So, how do we mitigate this issue? Bring in the big gun…Alonzo Highsmith

The A.D. (Radakovich) must call an audible and parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as consultant to help Mario land assistants. Give Highsmith a 60-90 day consulting gig to help dig Mario out of this hole.

And it’ll work because Highsmith has a Rolodex a mile long (pro and college level), which puts him in an excellent position to bridge the gap between identifying a good position coach and coordinator and hiring a good position coach and coordinators.
So month two and you want Mario's boss to pull rank? Perfect.
This Alonzo fetish must stop. To my knowledge, he has never hired a coach at any level. He’s in Seattle where Pete needs a DC. Does Zo get any input? Doubt it.

As to player personnel, asst GM’s are widely interviewing and getting hired across the NFL. Zo, not a sniff.
I don't disagree with your last sentence, but two months is not a short amount of time.

Two months is 1/6 of a year, it's 60 days, it's 8 weeks. In two months of time, a team can play 8 football games, or 2/3 of the total games they'll play in an entire season. If you think two months is a short amount of time, I can only surmise that you work for the DMV/government or in academia. I wish my CEO thought two months was a short amount of time to wait for things to happen, I'd have a much slower pace
I don't disagree with your last sentence, but two months is not a short amount of time.

Two months is 1/6 of a year, it's 60 days, it's 8 weeks. In two months of time, a team can play 8 football games, or 2/3 of the total games they'll play in an entire season. If you think two months is a short amount of time, I can only surmise that you work for the DMV/government or in academia. I wish my CEO thought two months was a short amount of time to wait for things to happen, I'd have a much slower pace of life.
2 months on a 10 year contract is absolutely a short period of time. If we’re gonna freak out every 2 months here than this is going to be an extremely long 10 years. Btw - the government couldn’t pay me enough money to work for them. I’ve got a JD and don’t work in academia so take with that what you will.
I think it's a tough time in cycle with all of the coaching changes across college and pro ball and everyone constantly trying to improve their situation. Maybe Mario has been focusing on recruiting while the dust settles. There are great coaches out there that--in the right system/program--will do the job just fine. Most important thing is we have leadership, program, coaching & booster alignment for the first time in the history of our program, and our championship standard will not be supported at all levels.

Let's enjoy the end of the recruiting cycle, which may bring clarity, and watch the coaching staff come together as the NFL & college coaching picture also becomes more clear.
Face the facts: after much ballyhoo, it is now quite obvious Mario is struggling to land assistants. Whether you call what’s happening “being thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is the enemy of the good”, the net-net of it is things are severely delayed. No finger pointing; things happen.

However, Spring ball is only about 6 weeks away, which puts us in the unenviable position of trying to build the airplane while we fly it. That’s incredibly problematic, because players don’t have systems/playbooks to learn/study, so the 2022-2023 team is already behind the 8-ball in comparison to its competitors. So, how do we mitigate this issue? Bring in the big gun…Alonzo Highsmith

The A.D. (Radakovich) must call an audible and parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as consultant to help Mario land assistants. Give Highsmith a 60-90 day consulting gig to help dig Mario out of this hole.

And it’ll work because Highsmith has a Rolodex a mile long (pro and college level), which puts him in an excellent position to bridge the gap between identifying a good position coach and coordinator and hiring a good position coach and coordinators.
So month two and you want Mario's boss to pull rank? Perfect.
Not pull rank, but make the suggestion to Mario to help move the needle.

Parachute-in Highsmith with his boundless coaching rolodex, because he has far more coaching contacts than Mario.

Many times it’s about relationships and Alonzo has decades old relationships spanning all levels of football. He can get smart football guys in the room with Mario.

Parachute him in!

Not pull rank, but make the suggestion to Mario to help move the needle.

Parachute-in Highsmith with his boundless coaching rolodex, because he has far more coaching contacts than Mario.

Many times it’s about relationships and Alonzo has decades old relationships spanning all levels of football. He can get smart football guys in the room with Mario.

Parachute him in!

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A guy who has never a coach or worked in the college game has more college contacts than the guy who's coached in college for over 20 years? This is quite insightful.
Not pull rank, but make the suggestion to Mario to help move the needle.

Parachute-in Highsmith with his boundless coaching rolodex, because he has far more coaching contacts than Mario.

Many times it’s about relationships and Alonzo has decades old relationships spanning all levels of football. He can get smart football guys in the room with Mario.

Parachute him in!

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Seems a little bit like undermining your brand-new head coach.

what’s the life of this one? Won’t this sputter out on its own or do we have so little to discuss right now that we turn every idea into a mega thread?
Beats me. I was just thinking about housekeeping once coordiators are announced and everyone starts complaining about that.
Shouldn't be too hard, no matter who we hire. Once teams see how much we've out-recruited them, they'll give in.
A guy who has never a coach or worked in the college game has more college contacts than the guy who's coached in college for over 20 years? This is quite insightful.
NFL Executives and scouts have contacts all across the college landscape because they’re constant vetting players. When you merge the pile of college coaches highsmith can pull from, with his stockpile of NFL coaches, his Rolodex becomes near limitless.

Plus, highsmith has been at his craft far longer than Mario has been coaching.
Get highsmith here now! Bigger Rolodex and more elite coaches to draw from. Mario is on his Plan C hire list