Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

office space nothing to see here motherfucker GIF
While u at it rave that magic wand and make it 2000 again. Smfh boys think Canes can solve any issue. We need coaches bring in a former cane to help. We need better oline coaching LB coaching QB coaching let’s just bring In former canes that will solve the issue.
No way this search has taken so long because this guy dipped on us a few days ago

Thats not what I saying you don’t want to hire guys and they leave quickly like b mac. Mario has several things to work out before he hires coordinators. I totally understand what those things are. Just be patient.
Face the facts: after much ballyhoo, it is now quite obvious Mario is struggling to land assistants. Whether you call what’s happening “being thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is the enemy of the good”, the net-net of it is things are severely delayed. No finger pointing; things happen.

However, Spring ball is only about 6 weeks away, which puts us in the unenviable position of trying to build the airplane while we fly it. That’s incredibly problematic, because players don’t have systems/playbooks to learn/study, so the 2022-2023 team is already behind the 8-ball in comparison to its competitors. So, how do we mitigate this issue? Bring in the big gun…Alonzo Highsmith

The A.D. (Radakovich) must call an audible and parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as consultant to help Mario land assistants. Give Highsmith a 60-90 day consulting gig to help dig Mario out of this hole.

And it’ll work because Highsmith has a Rolodex a mile long (pro and college level), which puts him in an excellent position to bridge the gap between identifying a good position coach and coordinator and hiring a good position coach and coordinators.

@Andrew where's that facepalm emoji?

We need it!
Face the facts: after much ballyhoo, it is now quite obvious Mario is struggling to land assistants. Whether you call what’s happening “being thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is the enemy of the good”, the net-net of it is things are severely delayed. No finger pointing; things happen.

However, Spring ball is only about 6 weeks away, which puts us in the unenviable position of trying to build the airplane while we fly it. That’s incredibly problematic, because players don’t have systems/playbooks to learn/study, so the 2022-2023 team is already behind the 8-ball in comparison to its competitors. So, how do we mitigate this issue? Bring in the big gun…Alonzo Highsmith

The A.D. (Radakovich) must call an audible and parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as consultant to help Mario land assistants. Give Highsmith a 60-90 day consulting gig to help dig Mario out of this hole.

And it’ll work because Highsmith has a Rolodex a mile long (pro and college level), which puts him in an excellent position to bridge the gap between identifying a good position coach and coordinator and hiring a good position coach and coordinators.
So…you are saying you know more about how to do this than the former AD of Clemson and Head Coach of Oregon, correct?
Face the facts: 📜 after 🍆 much 💵 ballyhoo, it is now quite 🅰 obvious Mario is struggling 😫 to 💦 land 🛬 assistants. Whether 📊 you 💄👏 call 📞😎 what’s 😅 happening 👀 “being ❌ thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is 💦 the 👏💰 enemy of 🗜👨 the 💞⏰ good”, the 🙏👏 net-net 📲🏀 of 💦💦 it ✔💦 is 🍵🙀 things ⏮💰 are 🏿 severely delayed. No 🏾😞 finger 🏻💅 pointing; things 🕑👀 happen. ♂♂ However, Spring 🌹🌾 ball is 👏 only about 💦 6 💪💪 weeks 🌗🌓 away, ⛔🏃 which ♀ puts 😍😍 us in 📥 the unenviable position of 💦 trying 😔😔 to 🔣 build ♀ the 🅱 airplane while we fly 🐦✈ it. ✋✔ That’s incredibly problematic, because ❌♂ players 💰 don’t 🙅 have ✅ systems/playbooks to learn/study, so the 👏🍆 2022-2023 team 🏃 is 😘🤔 already 😞🙏 behind 🍑 the 8-ball in comparison to 💦🍆 its 😡📞 competitors. So, how do 🌨🏆 we mitigate this 😂 issue? 🙅 Bring in the 👩📙 big 💯🍌 gun…Alonzo 🔫 Highsmith The 🔚👨 A.D. (Radakovich) must 🔒 call 😒 an 😣😒 audible and ➕ parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as consultant to help 😫😫 Mario land assistants. Give Highsmith a 60-90 day consulting gig to help 💁 dig ⛏ Mario 👺👺 out of 🐣👊 this 🍆 hole. 🤗 And 💦 it’ll 🙀😼 work 🔨 because 🏽♋ Highsmith has a 🚬 Rolodex a 👌 mile long (pro 🅱 and college level), 🔻 which 🤤👏 puts 😍😍 him ⛑ in 😤⬅ an 🌑🏻 excellent 😈😈 position 🏿🏿 to 💦♀ bridge the 👏 gap between identifying a 👌 good position 🙏 coach and 💆💰 coordinator and hiring a good position coach 👏 and 👏👏 coordinators.
Get a job
The fact that so many porsters are disagreeing with OP makes me want to agree with the idea that Mario needs help.

When the CIS collective is all in agreement on a topic, it is a proven historical fact that the opposite is correct.
AtlAttty , now that is really funny. But you do know we are talking here about 1000 plus pages again…