Our Son......

I think this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen on any Canes message board ever. I wish you and your family well.

Thanks man. It's been an absolute blast so far.

Hucks...I can't stop smiling the whole way thru your OP. Your kid seems like such a unique and awesome individual...with a very infectious personality. And may God bless him while he goes thru the difficult time. Thanks for giving me something to smile about thru the day today.

Unbeleivable post DHUCKS. Speaks to the quality of the coaches and players as human beings. These are good people and you hope that Golden can turn things around. No reason for personal attacks against the coaches. I wish you son success in his treatment and a long life.
OK, this is why our fans are soooooo passionate about the school and team. Well done Canes and prayers sent for 8*
Awesome, awesome, awesome response to you from UM. Prayers sent my man. I have a 4.5 year old boy and stuff like this really hits home. I sent a thank you email to the link you provided as well. Good luck to Carter in the future.
In a real game, he probably would run through the defense like that, lol...... In all seriousness, this is great stuff. Prayers to Carter.
Please repost in 10 different threads so I can like this 10 more times. Your posts the past two days have brought some enjoyment to my otherwise boring work day.

Thank you for reminding all of us why we're so passionate about this team. Not only that but I'm curious to see how the players (and coaches) respond to this. It's also a reminder for them that they're playing for more than just themselves.

To those boycotting the game, I say just show up. If not for the players, then for Carter. The kid deserves it.
I have a 16 month old little girl and she is my world.....prayers to you and your family and thank you for sharing this.

We argue fight and bicker on here and sometimes lose sight of what's important in life.

God Bless DHucks

Thank you for sharing. I've never me you guys, but watching Carter have a great time has brightened my day.

Kudos to UM and the staff for making this an unforgettable diversion for Carter and your family.