A college degree is so staggeringly valuable, yet there isn't a single coach, in any sport, on any level of NCAA competition currently being paid in credit hours. Weird.
Non sequitur.
"I don't want college athletes paid because I'm afraid it would cause the collapse of a system I find infinitely entertaining."
I agree
If you're going to charge rhetorical gymnastics please put forth a competing argument that relies on more than sympathy.
LOL. So asking for a slice of a multi-BILLION dollar pie that exists solely because of their labor is now an attempt to play on someone's sympathies? Jesus. It's pretty evident that these guys will never "deserve" payment in your mind. How about this, how many BILLIONS would the schools and the NCAA have to make before you said, "You know what? F it, peel them off a couple hundos for their trouble"? Or is "amateurism" so important, so noble, that they should
never be paid, no matter how much money is made on their backs? If there isn't an amount, please stop reading, and don't bother replying because obviously I'm dealing with a sociopath.
The competing argument is that they aren't being "paid" via a degree. A college degree can't be transferred in exchange for ya know,
actual money. Go put your diploma on eBay. Let me know what you get for it. Its monetary value is set by the persons conferring it, which is super convenient. "Hey we're raising tuition again, so guess what? You just got a raise! And while we're on the subject, if you're so worried about inequity that would result from players being paid, how do you square that with the vast differences in the value of what they are already "paid" via degree from a school whose tuition is $50k+ and one that is $10k? How has the system survived that?