OT: 2 Taint State players charged with rape and kidnapping

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Hate it for everyone involved, but Ohio State's arrogant *** fans suck, so there's that!
Always need to wait 48 hours while the whole story comes out. There's been a lot of cases like Baylor, where there was an attempted cover up, but also a lot of cases where the girls just felt guilty and ruined kids' lives.

Just going to ask, if it is consensual why video her stating the fact? If you didn't thrust the young lady to begin with, why have *** with her in the 1st place?
Do you or DTP ever read the story? If you dont watch out I'm going to falsely accuse you of rapping my eyes with your bs that you porst. Innocent until proven guilty. If you've never been falsely accused of anything, you wouldn't understand.
Do you or DTP ever read the story? If you dont watch out I'm going to falsely accuse you of rapping my eyes with your bs that you porst. Innocent until proven guilty. If you've never been falsely accused of anything, you wouldn't understand.

Being charged, a warrant issued, and kicked off OSU are significant hurdles. Evidence has already been reviewed.
Essentially same charges K Bryant faced in Colorado.

The "kidnapping" part is an important add-on charge when the alleged victim accuses the alleged perpetrator(s) of also keeping her in the room against her will before/during/after the alleged sexual assualt.

Tragic for all parties.
I'm going to assume all the IDIOTS that wanted Meyer at The U...

Still want Meyer at The U. Because all of you morons care as much about women getting beaten and raped as Meyer does.
Another sad story. I'm not going to prejudge either way, but I will say this case will be difficult to prosecute because the victim admitted having consensual *** with at least one of the men from which she says she asked him to stop.

Without any physical signs of a struggle, this may come down to a he said/she said case and I don't know the burden of proof is for these type of cases.

I just wish young men and women would have better judgment. Sometimes, the choices we make based on our perceived invincibility and naivete, can change our lives forever.

If you don't get that I can't help you.

He creates this culture. Or were you not aware of him trying to turn a blind eye to one of his coaches beating the living **** out of his wife in front of their children? And then all of a sudden having another "health issue."
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